Untitled - KiteLife

Untitled - KiteLife Untitled - KiteLife


The large version of the Speedwingis an exercise in simplicity . In fact,when we opened the bag, wethought that some parts had beenleft out . Only three spars comprisethe working skeleton of the kite . . .twoleading edge rods and a lowerspreader . There is no spine . There isno upper spreader .Bridling is, as might be imagined,unusual . Basically, it is a three-pointcrossover system that ties into thelower spreader vinyls and a metalring which is line-suspended from thenose . The effect is that which weused to get when we played "catscradle' as children .OK . So would it fly? That was thequestion we asked ourselves whenwe positioned the bridle on the marks,lifted the kite by the clips andwatched as the nose assumed adownward attitude of nearly 35 degrees. The answer was a qualifiedperhaps'In light winds of 3-4 MPH, we hadto adjust the Speedwing significantlybefore it would take to the air eitherwith or without assistance from a fieldcrew. At that point, the kite flewmarginally. Perhaps we had pickedthe wrong day . Certainly, we hadpicked the wrong wind .Another afternoon rolled aroundwhich saw the breezes at 12-15 MPHand, again, we unsheathed the largeSpeedwing . This time, we had gottenit right! Bridle adjustment on the kiteis critical . Positioning the settings onthe marks, we found that the kitewould only hop around, just off theground . Following the instructionmanual, we set the clips 114" closerto the nose and the kite shot into theair .Lacking the structure to confinethe billow of the sail, the Speedwingis an unusual flyer . When gusts hit thesail, it billows, flexing the spreaderrod, and narrowing the profile that ispresented to the wind . This can makethe Speedwing somewhat jerky inflight but not overly so .MODEL : SPEEDWINGFABRIC WEIGHT : .75 oz . ripstop nylonFRAMING MATERIALS : filament-wound (fiberglass)WIND RANGE : 5-30 MPHCONFIGURATION : delta-type, no spine (69 inch wingspan)SKILL LEVEL: intermediateMFGR'S SUGGESTED RETAIL : $130.00MANUFACTURER : VLIEGER-OPWide turns which utilized theSpeedwing's bowing lower spreade r proved good with one very interestingpoint . We could only force theSpeedwing so far. In the case of adecreasing radius turn, there is apoint at which the kite will turn notighter. No amount of additionalpressure on the lines would force theSpeedwing to go deeper into theturn . It simply stayed at its maximum .This could be a real asset in the precisiondepartment . Square and angularturns were handled by the kitewithout problem .The large degree of billow in thesail had yet another positive attribute .We found that we were able to pullthe Speedwing out of the wind quiteeasily, particularly overhead, let itfall, and then save it before it crashedby pulling on the lines to "re-inflate"the sail . It's a nifty looking, and quitesafe maneuver with this kite!Lacking standoffs (we're not sureexactly how they might be attachedon a kite of this configuration), thekite's landing-relaunch abilities aresomewhat impaired . When we didcoax it to the ground, it was generallya good solid landing, though wehad to be careful to not let the kitefall too far backwards lest it collapse .Not that this presented much problem. . . the Speedwing is launchablefrom nearly any position . The flyer justmanipulates the rear edge of the sailto a facing position, jerks the linesand the kite will take to the air .It will also take a dead-on, pullingon the lines, ground bash at speed,better than any filament- wound fiberglass-sparred kite that we haveever flown . There is not much thatcan be broken .As there is little tension on the trailingedge of the sail save that presentedby the lower spreader andinduced by the wind, the noise levelof the Speedwing fluctuates a gooddeal . It can be pleasantly quiet onemoment and quite resonant the next .As a precision flyer, the Speedwingcan stand on its European record .We see it, however, as a kite withgreat design capability as a highwindmachine . At that, it may beone of the best in the business!CB/SB

SOUTHEASTCHAMPIONSHIPSFEBRUARY 23-24,1991.INDIVIDUAL PRECISION - NOVICE(Final)1 Mike O'Boyle 76 .902 . Jeremy Moore 75 .203 . Wayne Liebe 72 .634 . Duane Horton 72 .365 . Martin Hathaway 72 .336. Jane Hawkins 68 .267 . Mike Giannini 66 .268 . Tim Welch 65 .939 . Bill Garrett 62 .9010 . Alex Curbelo 62 .1311 . Dave Eaton 58 .76INDIVIDUAL PRECISION - INTERMEDIATE(Final)1 . Henry Dimmick 79 .962 . Warren Saunders 79 .663 . Mike Moore 77 .434 . Spot Ramirez 75 .505 . Cheri Jenkins 75 .406 . Chris Belli 73 .537 . Paul Phillips 71 .768. Terry Nergaard 69 .909 . Aldo Ramirez 69 .8310 . Chris Cooper 67 .8311 . Robert Sterling 67 .3012 . Lucia Phillips 66 .6013 . Mike Lowack 65 .0014 . Julie Straehle 60 .1315 . Joey Herring 56 .16INDIVIDUAL BALLET - EXPERIENCED(Final)1 . Quinn Rickman 84 .302 . Ted Dougherty 81 .803 . Robert Bono 80 .804 . Dave Arnold 80 .105 . Benji Brazell 77 .166 . John Grodzinski 76 .907 . Ben Futreli 73 .868 . Bill Lee 73 .009 . Jim Younce 70 .0010 . Ray Melikian 67 .06KAOS KITEFEST '91RESULTSMARCH 2-3,1991....INDIVIDUAL BALLET - INTERMEDIATE(Final)I . Michael Moore 84 .762. Ben Gomez 81 .703 Chris Belli 81 .564 . Aldo Ramirez 79 .135 Paul Phillips 76 .806 Lucia Phillips 74 .367 . Spot Ramirez 73 .668 . Henry Dimmick 70 .009 Cheri Jenkins 68 .8010 . Chris Cooper 62 .2311 . Terry Nergaard 60 .43..INDIVIDUAL PRECISION - EXPERIENCED(Final)1 . Quinn Rickman2 Ray Melikian81 .7678 .703 . Ted Dougherty 76 .404 . Jim Younce 76 .165 Benji Brazell 74 .766 . Robert Bono 73 .607 . Dave Arnold 73 .438 . John Grodzinski 72 .50INDIVIDUAL BALLET - MASTERS(Final)1 . Susan Batdorff Big Brother 87 .602 . Cris Batdorff Big Brother 86 .903 . Billy Jones Phantom 86 .304 . Ruth Bradley Squadron Dart 84 .005. Bob Hanson Thunder Hawq 83 .136. Roger Chewning Flexifoil (3) 82 .937 . Frank Loudenslager Aroara 82 .168 . Jim Bunce Squadron Dart 82 .109 . Mike Lathrop NBK 81 .3310 . Susie Edison Flexifoil 81 .0011 . John MacLauchlan NBK 80 .8312 . Bill Edison Flexifoil 79 .4613 . Arlene Anderson Aroara 79 .0614 . Pete Dolphin Team High Fly 78 .8015 . Fran Gramkowski Team High Fly 78 .4616 . Steve Santos Team High Fly 77 .93INDIVIDUAL PRECISION - MASTERS(Final)1 . Bob Hanson Thunder Hawq 91 .002 . Susan Batdorff Big Brother 88 .403. Bill Edison Peter Powell 86 .164. Ruth Bradley Squadron Dart 86 .065. Cris Batdorff Big Brother 85 .966 . John MacLauchlan NBK 84 .337 . Mike Lathrop NBK 83 .638 . T .C . Powers Phantom 74 .439 . Pete Dolphin Team High Fly 71 .2610 . Jim Bunce Squadron Dart 68 .1611 . Billy Jones Phantom 67 .33TEAM PRECISION -EXPERIENCED(Final)1 . Liberty Flyers Trilogys 74 .202. Jordan Air Force Jordan Airs 71 .20TEAM BALLET - EXPERIENCED(Final)1 . Windswept Fire Darts 77 .232 . Liberty Flyers Trilogys 77 .203 . Looking Skyward NBKs 71 .364 . Kapitol Air Korps Jordan Airs 70 .735. Screeming Klig-ons Fire Darts 65 .83TEAM BALLET - MASTERS(Final)1 . Skyward Edge Hawk Its 93 .502. Hurricane Squad Squadron Darts 88 .833. Deja Vu Big Brothers 88 .334 . Edison Flight & Power Phantoms 88 .305 . Team High Fly Team High Flys 86 .366 . Flying Circus Aroaras 86 .237 . Highflyers Team High Flys 86 .06INDIVIDUAL INNOVATIVE - OPEN (Unclassed)(Final)1 . Dave Simpson Spin-Offs 84 .132. Billy Jones Peter Powell Wing 78 .663 . John MacLauchlan NBK 72 .934 . Bill Baker Peter Powells 71 .935 . Randy Halton TOL, Tsunami, 20 .00INDIVIDUAL QUADLINE (Unclassed)(Final)1 . T .C . Powers Revolution 84 .762 . Dennis Kucmerowski Omni 81 .133 . Bob Hanson Revolution 2 81 .104 . Bill Edison Revolution 70 .305 . Billy Jones Phantom 50 .43INDIVIDUAL PRECISION - NOVICE(Final)1 . Leon Cusson2 . Joe ClarkPhantomSpin-Off77 .8377 .303 . Doyle Dunn North Shore 68 .464 . Carlos Looper (Home made) 67 .00INDIVIDUAL PRECISION - EXPERIENCED(Final)1 . Benji Brazell Spin-Off 78 .332 . Robert Bono NBK 70,873 . Ben Gomez NBK 68 .174 . Bill Lee NBK 65 .005 . Drew Commins Hawaiian 58 .906 . Aldo Ramirez NBK 48 .90INDIVIDUAL BALLET - EXPERIENCED(Final)I . Robert Bono NBK 83 .602 . Aldo Ramirez NBK 77 .233 . Bill Lee Razors Edge 76 .374 . Ben Futrell NBK 75 .335 . Ben Gomez6 . Gary ShallbetterNBKWASP74 .4366 .777 . Benji Brazell Spin Off 64 .03TEAM BALLET - EXPERIENCED(Final)I . Windswept Firedarts 73 .80(Tom & Susan Mason)2 . Looking Skyward NBKs 63 .73(Robert Bono/Ben Gomez)

The large version of the Speedwingis an exercise in simplicity . In fact,when we opened the bag, wethought that some parts had beenleft out . Only three spars comprisethe working skeleton of the kite . . .twoleading edge rods and a lowerspreader . There is no spine . There isno upper spreader .Bridling is, as might be imagined,unusual . Basically, it is a three-pointcrossover system that ties into thelower spreader vinyls and a metalring which is line-suspended from thenose . The effect is that which weused to get when we played "catscradle' as children .OK . So would it fly? That was thequestion we asked ourselves whenwe positioned the bridle on the marks,lifted the kite by the clips andwatched as the nose assumed adownward attitude of nearly 35 degrees. The answer was a qualifiedperhaps'In light winds of 3-4 MPH, we hadto adjust the Speedwing significantlybefore it would take to the air eitherwith or without assistance from a fieldcrew. At that point, the kite flewmarginally. Perhaps we had pickedthe wrong day . Certainly, we hadpicked the wrong wind .Another afternoon rolled aroundwhich saw the breezes at 12-15 MPHand, again, we unsheathed the largeSpeedwing . This time, we had gottenit right! Bridle adjustment on the kiteis critical . Positioning the settings onthe marks, we found that the kitewould only hop around, just off theground . Following the instructionmanual, we set the clips 114" closerto the nose and the kite shot into theair .Lacking the structure to confinethe billow of the sail, the Speedwingis an unusual flyer . When gusts hit thesail, it billows, flexing the spreaderrod, and narrowing the profile that ispresented to the wind . This can makethe Speedwing somewhat jerky inflight but not overly so .MODEL : SPEEDWINGFABRIC WEIGHT : .75 oz . ripstop nylonFRAMING MATERIALS : filament-wound (fiberglass)WIND RANGE : 5-30 MPHCONFIGURATION : delta-type, no spine (69 inch wingspan)SKILL LEVEL: intermediateMFGR'S SUGGESTED RETAIL : $130.00MANUFACTURER : VLIEGER-OPWide turns which utilized theSpeedwing's bowing lower spreade r proved good with one very interestingpoint . We could only force theSpeedwing so far. In the case of adecreasing radius turn, there is apoint at which the kite will turn notighter. No amount of additionalpressure on the lines would force theSpeedwing to go deeper into theturn . It simply stayed at its maximum .This could be a real asset in the precisiondepartment . Square and angularturns were handled by the kitewithout problem .The large degree of billow in thesail had yet another positive attribute .We found that we were able to pullthe Speedwing out of the wind quiteeasily, particularly overhead, let itfall, and then save it before it crashedby pulling on the lines to "re-inflate"the sail . It's a nifty looking, and quitesafe maneuver with this kite!Lacking standoffs (we're not sureexactly how they might be attachedon a kite of this configuration), thekite's landing-relaunch abilities aresomewhat impaired . When we didcoax it to the ground, it was generallya good solid landing, though wehad to be careful to not let the kitefall too far backwards lest it collapse .Not that this presented much problem. . . the Speedwing is launchablefrom nearly any position . The flyer justmanipulates the rear edge of the sailto a facing position, jerks the linesand the kite will take to the air .It will also take a dead-on, pullingon the lines, ground bash at speed,better than any filament- wound fiberglass-sparred kite that we haveever flown . There is not much thatcan be broken .As there is little tension on the trailingedge of the sail save that presentedby the lower spreader andinduced by the wind, the noise levelof the Speedwing fluctuates a gooddeal . It can be pleasantly quiet onemoment and quite resonant the next .As a precision flyer, the Speedwingcan stand on its European record .We see it, however, as a kite withgreat design capability as a highwindmachine . At that, it may beone of the best in the business!CB/SB

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