AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

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<strong>AGRONOMIJAS</strong> VĒSTIS (Latvian Journal of Agronomy), No.10, LLU, 2008Of the tested anions, only the sulphate content in lysimetric water was affected by all thesoil agrochemical indicators tested. The contents of nitrates and chlorides in lysimetric water didnot correlate strongly with soil agrochemical indicators, except the humus content in the soil.ConclusionsLong-term research of the effects of different soil genesis under changed environmentalconditions (soil monoliths were delivered to the Lithuania) on the concentration of biogenicelements in lysimetric water led to the following conclusions:-the concentration of biogenic elements in lysimetric water depended on soil genesis andtexture. Soil podzolization processes are more intensive in West and East Lithuania’s soilscompared with Central Lithuania’s soils. More rapid leaching of biogenic elements occurred inlighter-textured soils compared with heavier-textured soils prevailing in Central Lithuania.- the concentration of biogenic elements in lysimetric water was influenced by differentsoil genesis. While comparing soils differing in texture according to the concentration of testedions in the lysimetric water no great differences were found the soil formation site had a greatereffect than texture. The total ion concentration in lysimetric water taken from Rumokai Luvisolswas 339.9 mg kg -1 , and that of the same Luvisols present in V÷žaičiai 599.0 mg kg -1 .- the concentration of calcium (Ca ++ ) ions in lysimetric water was determined to be thehighest of all cations tested 109.9 mg kg - 1 or 86 %, of magnesium (Mg ++ ) made up about 11 %, ofpotassium 3 % from the total amount of cations tested. The concentration of sulphate (SO 4- - ) ionsin lysimetric water was identified to be the highest 128.2 mg kg - 1 or 54 %, of nitrates (NO 3 - ) madeup 32 %, of chlorides (Cl - ) 14 % from the total content of anions tested.- out of the tested agrochemical indicators, the humus content in the soil had the greatesteffect on the concentration of biogenic elements in lysimetric water.References1. Adomaitis T. ir kt. (2002) Maisto medžiagų išplovimas karsto zonos dirvožemiuose // Žemdirbyst÷:mokslo darbai / LŽI, LŽŪU. - Akademija, , t.79, 198-205. (In Lithuanian)2. Čiuberkien÷ D., Ežerinskas V. (2000) Agrocheminių rodiklių ir maisto medžiagų migracijos kitimaiįvairiai kalkintame ir tręštame dirvožemyje // Žemdirbyst÷: mokslo darbai. – Akademija, 71, 32-48. (InLithuanian)3. Ežerinskas V. (1995) Kalkinimo ir tręšimo įtaka augalų maisto medžiagų išplovimui // Žemdirbyst÷:mokslo darbai. – Dotnuva -Akademija, 50, 32-39. (In Lithuanian)4. Gaigalis., Račkauskait÷ A. (2001) Azoto ir fosforo išplovimo ekosistemose ypatumai // Vandens ūkioinžinerija: mokslo darbai, 16/38. Kaunas-Akademija. Vilainiai, 39-46. (In Lithuanian)5. Herbst F., Stumpe H. (1984) Stickstoffnerbest und Sticktoffurrkung bei Dungerausbringung im Herst //Archiv Acker – und Bodenkunde, Bd. 28, 10, 603-6096. Tarakanovas P. (1999) Statistinių duomenų apdorojimo programų paketas „Selekcija“. – Vilnius, 57 (InLithuanian)7. Tarakanovas P., Raudonius S. (2003) Agronominių tyrimų duomenų statistin÷ analiz÷ taikantkompiuterines programas ANOVA, STAT, SPLIT-PLOT iš paketo SELEKCIJA ir IRRISTAT. -Akademija, 57 (In Lithuanian)8. Балзарявичене Я. (1998) Выщелачивание K 2 O и P 2 O 5 дренажным стоком орошаемыхдождеванием // Вопросы орошения сельскохозяйственных культур на орошаемых землях. –Вильнюс, 42-48.9. Умарова А.Б. и др. (1996) Закономерности формирования лизиметрического стока и балансанекоторых элементов в модельной дерново-подзолистой почве // Тезисы докладов II съездаобщества почвоведов. -Москва, -Книга I., 120-121.10. Ушакова Г.И. (1987) Влияние удобрении на миграцию химических элементов в профилеиллювиально-гумусново подзола // Почвоведение. –№ 7, 46-53.41

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