AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

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<strong>AGRONOMIJAS</strong> VĒSTIS (Latvian Journal of Agronomy), No.10, LLU, 2008Table 1. The effect of soils of different genesis on the chemical composition of the soil solution,mg kg -1 (V÷žaičiai, average 1992-2003)SoilSiteCa ++ CationsMg ++ K + Σ- -SO 4Anions-NO 3 Cl - ΣTotalΣArenosolsPerloja [pH 5.1] 117.3 13.1 3.8 134.2 139.1 41.2 22.2 202.5 336.7Trakų Vok÷ [pH 5.9] 112.1 24.0 5.2 141.3 176.3 38.0 25.2 239.5 380.8AlbeliuvisolsSamališk÷ [pH 5.2] 103.4 10.5 2.7 116.6 176.3 38.1 24.9 239.3 355.9V÷žaičiai [pH 5.2] 92.3 8.40 2.3 103.0 143.4 38.3 31.2 212.9 315.9Podzols Juknaičiai [pH 5.6] 117.3 12.3 2.7 132.3 61.2 48.4 36.3 145.9 278.2LuvisolsV÷žaičiai [pH 6.0] 95.7 11.7 3.3 110.7 134.3 31.9 32.1 488.3 599.0Rumokai [pH 6.4] 90.1 15.6 2.6 108.3 111.4 66.2 54.0 231.6 339.9Planosols Dubingiai [pH 6.2] 160.2 15.9 3.6 179.7 70.7 52.2 19.2 142.1 321.8CambisolsDotnuva [pH 7.1] 112.4 11.4 2.5 126.3 118.6 45.3 49.6 213.5 339.8Upyt÷ [pH 7.4] 98.4 16.5 2.7 117.6 150.9 49.5 38.8 239.2 356.8LSD 05 9.36 1.17 0.16 3.14 4.86 9.26 1.55 3.52 2.36The concentration of chlorine (Cl - ) in lysimetric water was markedly lower than that ofsulphates or nitrates. Their concentration depended on soil pH. In the lysimetric water of DubingiaiPlanosols the content of chlorides was the lowest 19.2 mg kg -1 , and in that of Rumokai Luvisolsthe highest 54.0 mg kg -1 .The total sum (concentration)of ions studied. The effect of soil genesis on the total sum ofions tested was considerable. Although the total concentration of ions tested in the lysimetric waterwas affected by soil genesis, the soil formation site had a greater effect. The total ion concentrationin lysimetric water taken from Rumokai Luvisols was 339.9 mg kg -1 , and that of the same Luvisolspresent in V÷žaičiai 599.0 mg kg -1 . While comparing soils differing in texture according to theconcentration of tested ions in the lysimetric water no great differences were found, the soilformation site had a greater effect than texture.The effect of soil genesis on the content of biogenic matter in lysimetric water. Calculationswere done to determine the effects of soil genesis on the chemical composition of lysimetric waterand the relationships revealed are presented in Table 2. We tried to express soil genesis by theagrochemical indicators of the soil. These calculations suggest that various soil agrochemicalindicators had a diverse effect on the contents of the investigated ions in lysimetric water. As wecan see from the data in Table 2, in general all the ions tested were more affected by the humuscontent in the soil and some of the tested ions by other soil indicators.Table 2. Correlation coefficients between soil agrochemical indicators and the content of biogenicmatters in the lysimetric waterResearched factorsCa ++ Mg ++ K + Ions-NO 3- -SO 4 Cl -In soil: humus 0.742 0.715 -0.363 0.518 -0.639 0.868pH 0.396 0.153 -0.085 0.278 -0.519 -0.115P 2 O 5 0.125 -0.427 -0.025 0.100 -0.443 0.225K 2 O 0.125 0.128 -0.243 0.103 -0.277 0.075Ca 0.245 0.324 -0.089 -0.076 -0.284 0.039Mg 0.083 0.517 0.117 0.172 -0.268 0.168Note. Number of pairs n = 48. Statistically significant limit of the correlation coefficients r >0.2640.In the table significant correlation coefficients are present in bold type.Apart from the afore mentioned humus content in the soil, the calcium content in lysimetricwater was also affected by soil pH. And this is right, since calcium content in the soil determinessoil pH. The magnesium content in lysimetric water was affected by the content of phosphates,calcium, and magnesium in the soil. The content of calcium and magnesium in the soil and thecontent of magnesium in lysimetric water made a positive correlation, and with soil phosphates anegative correlation. Potassium content in lysimetric water did not correlate strongly with any ofthe soil agrochemical indicators, except humus content.40

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