AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

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<strong>AGRONOMIJAS</strong> VĒSTIS (Latvian Journal of Agronomy), No.10, LLU, 2008The dry matter content was inspected in two intervals (September 7 and November 3). Allthe species after the first interval (September 7) showed a significant influence from the inoculationwith lupine bacterial strains, with the exception of the species L. luteus variety ‘Juno’(Fig. 3). Theaverage increase of dry matter by 27 % was observed as the effect of inoculation. This regularityremained during all the periods of vegetation. At the end of the flowering period it was found thatthe species L. luteus had increased its dry matter content in the variants inoculated with thebacterial strains, the lowest was found in the control variant. Species L. angustifolius showedincreased dry matter content in the variant inoculated with nitragin, the control variant had thelowest values. For the species L. albus the increased dry matter content was found in the variantinoculated with the collection strains, the lowest values were in the control variant. For the speciesL. luteus and L. albus increasing dry matter content was obtained in the variants inoculated with thecollection strains. Processing the acquired data shows a significant correlation between lupinespecies and bacterial strains on plant dry matter.dry matter, %20181614121086420J0 J1 J2 W0 W1 W2 S0 S1 S2treatments and species7. sept.3. nov.RS 0.05 =1.45variety, strainFigure 3. The plant weight depending on the species and the treatment of the nitrogen fixingbacteria strain (J- ‘Juno’, W-‘Wat’, S-‘Sonet’ – varieties, 0- untreated variant, 1- treated withnitragin and 2- treated with Institute collection strain)The experiments showed the effect of inoculation on the protein content of lupine. Till theflowering phase there was no significant effect of the inoculation on the protein content, but furtherprotein accumulation was influenced by the nitrogen supply. The formed symbiotic system did notassure a sufficient nitrogen supply to the plants.The total protein amounts in dry matter were higher in the control variants (10 times highernitrogen dosages). Comparing the total amounts of protein in the lupines inoculated with nitrogenand the collection strains gave the following results: For for species L. luteus variety ‘Juno’ the bestsymbiotic system was formed with the collection strains. The total nitrogen content increased in thedry matter by 6% in comparison with the nitrigin treatment. For the species L. angustifolius variety‘Wat’ the best symbiotic system was formed with the collection strains, giving a increase of totalnitrogen in the dry matter by 5 %. For the species L. albus variety ‘Sonet’ the best symbioticsystem was formed with nitragin increasing the total nitogen in the dry matter by 10 % compared tothe collection strain.ConclusionsThe plant length depends on plant species. The smallest length was observed in the speciesL. angustifolius variety ‘Sonet’, the largest are the plants of the species L. luteus variety ‘Juno’.The inoculation of plant seeds promotes an increase in the plant length untill the phase ofbud formation. There are no significant differences between Rhizobium lupini strains.196

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