AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

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<strong>AGRONOMIJAS</strong> VĒSTIS (Latvian Journal of Agronomy), No.10, LLU, 2008treatments. Sustainable farming system provided a better nutrient supply to winter wheat, whichhad a positive effect on grain yield, which amounted to 6.72 t ha -1 .References1. Abdallahi M. M., Dayegamiye A. N. (2000) Effect of green manures on soil physical and biologicalproperties and on wheat yields and N uptake. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 80 (1), 81-89.2. Arlauskiene A., Maiksteniene S. (2001) Biological value of leguminous plants as preceding crops in theagrocenosis. Agricultural Sciences. The Lithuanian academy of sciences, 1, 23-29 (In Lithuanian).3. Bate M. T., Forster D. I. (1993) Organic agriculture in Ohaio: An economic perspective. ProductionAgriculture, 6 (4), 536-542.4. Burke I. C., Lauenroth W. K., Vinton M. A. et al. (1998) Plant – soil interactions in temperategrasslands. Biochemistry, 49 (3), 121-143.5. Jankauskas B., Jankauskiene G., Svedas A. (2000) Comparison of the methods for the calculation offood energy value. Agriculture. Scientific Articles, 72, 239-251 (In Lithuanian).6. Johnston A. E. (1986) Soil organic matter effects on soils and crops. Soil Use and Management, 3, 596-624.7. Larsen W. E., Eynard A., Hadas A. et al. (1994) Control and avoidance of soil compaction in practice.Soil compaction in crop production. Amsterdam, the Netherlands Elsevier Science B.V. 597-625.8. Tamulis T. (1986) Chemical composition of forage and sustenance. Mokslas Vilnius, Lithuanian -278.9. Tarakanovas P., Raudonius S. (2003) Statistical analysis of the data of agronomical investigations inusing computer programs ANOVA, STAT, SPLIT-PLOT from package SELEKCIJA and IRRISTAT.Akademija, 57 (In Lithuanian).10. Tate R. L. (1987) Soil organic Matter-Biological and Ecological Effects. Wiley, New York. 218-237.11. Robles M. D., Burke I. C. (1997) Legume, grass and conservation reserve program effects on soilorganic matter recovery. Ecological Application, 7 (2), 345-357.12. Romanovskaja D. (2001) The effect of organic fertilizers on accumulation of organic matter and ondynamics of mineral nitrogen in soddy-podzolic sandy loam soil. Agricultural Sciences. The Lithuanianacademy of sciences, 1, 3-10 (In Lithuanian).13. Wivstad M. (1999) Nitrogen mineralization and crop uptake of N from decomposing N-15 labelled redclover and yellow sweet clover plant fractions of different age. Plant and Soil. 208 (1), 21-31.SEED PRODUCTION OF FODDER GALEGA (GALEGA ORIENTALIS LAM.) ANDSEED STORAGESlepetys J.Department of Plant Nutrition and Agroecology, Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Akademija 58344,Kedainiai distr., Lithuania, e-mail:jonas.slepetys@lzi.ltAbstractThe objectives of this work were as follows: 1) to identify fodder galega optimal seedharvesting time and method; 2) to study changes in seed germination during storage. Experimentswere carried out during 1996-2006. Seed harvesting was studied for four years in the seedproduction crop of the first-fourth year of use. Fodder galega seed was harvested using twomethods after 60 %, 80 %, and 90 % of pods had matured and 14 days after the last term. In 1999the harvested seed was placed for storage. Seed quality changes were studied for seven years,storing the seed in a heated and unheated storage in paper bags. The highest seed yield wasobtained when fodder galega was harvested using direct combine harvesting with prior defoliation,when 90 % of pods had matured. In drier weather the seed can be harvested using the swathharvesting method. Due to the low seed shattering it is not expedient to hasten fodder galegaharvesting, and is better to adjust to more favourable weather conditions. In the dry year of 1999seed germination was not dependent on the harvesting time and method and was 92-98%. Afterfive years’ storage in a heated storage seed germination (82-89 %) changed little, in an unheatedstorage seed germination declined to 19-40 %. In an unheated storage the seed preserved best whenwas completely mature. A conclusion can be made that in an unheated storage in paper bags theseed can be securely stored for only two years and in a heated storage – for five -six years.170

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