AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

AGRONOMIJAS VĒSTIS - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte

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<strong>AGRONOMIJAS</strong> VĒSTIS (Latvian Journal of Agronomy), No.10, LLU, 2008ConclusionsSome yield structure elements were different among the triticale cultivars: cultivar ‘Tewo’has more grain per ear and the cultivar with the highest weight of 1000 grain was ‘Alzo’ – by 1.1times compared with other cultivars.The winter triticale cultivar ‘Alzo’ was more resistant to septoria and rust than the othercultivars, whereas cultivar ‘Tewo’ was the least resistant.The preceding legume crop – red and white clover, as a green manure, had a positive effecton the formation of productivity elements of winter triticale ‘Tewo’, compared with their identicalcultivation after timothy.In winter triticale ‘Tewo’ preceded by white clover we identified a more intensiveoccurrence of diseases, such as scald, leaf rust and septoria, compared with the other precedingcrops.References1. Alaru, M., Laur, Ő., Jaama, E. (2003) Influence of nitrogen and weather comditions on the grain qualityof winter triticale. Agronomy Research, Vol. 1. Tartu, 3–10.2. Alaru, M., Møller, B., Hansen, Ă. (2004) Triticale yield formation and guality influenced by different Nfertilisation regimes. Agronomy Research. Vol. 2, N 1, Tartu, 3–12.3. Arlauskien÷, A. (2000) Ankštinių žolių, kaip priešs÷lių, bei jų žaliosios mas÷s užarimo trąšai įtakadirvožemio savyb÷ms ir javų grandies produktyvumo formavimuisi. Žemdirbyst÷. Vol.70, 48–65.4. Arlauskien÷ A., Maikšt÷nien÷ S. (2001) Ankštinių augalų biologin÷ vert÷ agrocenoz÷se. Žem÷s ūkiomokslai. Vol. 1, 22–30.5. Cichy, H., Cicha, A., Mackowiak, W. (1994) Wplyw przedplonu na porazenie pszenzyta ozimego przezpatogeny podstawy zdzbla. Zeszyty Naukowe Rolnicznych, 58, 23–28.6. Conway, K., E. (1996) An overview of the influence of sustainable agricultural systems on plantdiseases. Crop Protection. Vol. 15, 223–228.7. Darwinkel, A. (1978) Patterns of tillering and grain production of winter wheat at a wide range of plantdensities. Neth. J. Agricultural Science, 26, 383–398,.8. Šurkus, J., Gaurilčikien÷, I., (sudarytojai) (2002) Žem÷s ūkio augalų kenk÷jai, ligos ir jų apskaita.Akademija, 11–16.9. Tottman, D., R. (1987) The decimal code for the growth stages of cereal. Annual Application ofBiology, 110, 441–454.10. Varughese, G., Pfeiffer, W., H., Pena, R. J. (1996) Triticale: a successful alternative crop 2. Cereal FoodWorld, 41, 635–545.FLORISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL AND SOWED SWARDSKlimas E., Baležentien÷ L.Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Studentų 11, Akademija, Kaunas distr. Lithuania, LT-53361phone: +3708 37 752202, e-mail: ligita.balezentiene@lzuu.ltAbstractInvestigations were carried out during 2003-2005 at Research Station of LithuanianUniversity of Agriculture. The impact of monomial N, P, K fertilizers, their combinations and rateson feeding well-composed sowed sward as well on a natural sward, not improved for more than 10yrs, of poor nutrient value was examined.Accordingly to the investigation data, the decreasing of legumes share was determined andincreasing of grasses in the 3rd yr after sowing irrespective of fertilizing background. The legumesflood in was not determined by any treatment. The grasses part increased from 4 to 14 %. Theshare of legumes ranged 4-12 % higher in P and K background to compare with other treatments.In the 3rd yr after sowing the percentage of legumes decreased sequentially with increasing N rates.The biggest share of legumes remained in treatments with P medium rates, K backgroundsupported legumes persistence to lesser extent. Impact of fertilizer background on floristiccomposition had the same tendencies in natural swards as in sowed one.127

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