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Devil and Demons1 John 3 :8 "He who practicessin originates with the Devil, becausethe Devil has been sinningfrom when he began ."Instituted Rebellion AgainstJehovahIsa . 14 :13, 14 "Thou saidst inthy heart, I will ascend intoheaven, I will exalt my throneabove the stars of God ; and Iwill sit upon the mount of congregation,in the uttermost partsof the north ; I will ascend abovethe heights of the clouds ; I willmake myself like the Most High ."1 Tim . 3 :6 "Not a newly convertedman, for fear that hemight get puffed up with prideand fall into the judgment passedupon the Devil ."Eph . 2 :2 "You at one timewalked according to the systemof things of this world, accordingto the ruler of the authority ofthe air, the spirit that nowoperates in the sons of disobedience."Ezek . 28 :17, 18 "Thy heart waslifted up because of thy beauty ;thou hast corrupted thy wisdomby reason of thy brightness : . . .By the multitude of thine iniquities,in the unrighteousness ofthy traffic, thou hast profanedthy sanctuaries."Brought Challenge Against God'sSupremacy, Truthfulness,JusticeGen . 3:4, 5 "The serpent saidunto the woman, Ye shall notsurely die : for God doth knowthat in the day ye eat thereof,then your eyes shall be opened,and ye shall be as God, knowinggood and evil ."See: Job, chapters 1, 2, below ;Isa . 14 :13, 14, above .Raised Question of Man's IntegrityToward God and ChallengedGod's Way of Ruling Universeby LoveJob 1 :9-11 ; 2 :3-5 "Then Satananswered Jehovah, and said, DothJob fear God for nought? Hast9 8thou not made a hedge abouthim, and about his house, andabout all that he hath, on everyside? thou hast blessed the workof his hands, and his substanceis increased in the land . But putforth thy hand now, and touchall that he hath, and he willrenounce thee to thy face .""And Jehovah said unto Satan,Hast thou considered my servantJob? for there is none like himin the earth, a perfect and anupright man, one that fearethGod, and turneth away from evil :and he still holdeth fast his integrity,although thou movedstme against him, to destroy himwithout cause . And Satan answeredJehovah, and said, Skinfor skin, yea, all that a manhath will he give for his life .But put forth thy hand now, andtouch his bone and his flesh, andhe will renounce thee to thyface ."Rev . 12:10 "The accuser of ourbrothers has been hurled down,who accuses them day and nightbefore our God ."Names Given to Him After HisRebellionRev. 12 :9 "So down the greatdragon was hurled, the originalserpent, the one called Devil andSatan, who is misleading the entireinhabited earth ."Rev. 20:2 "He seized the dragon,the original serpent, who isthe Devil and Satan ."Introduced False Religion,Creature WorshipRom. 1 :22 "Although assertingthey were wise, they became foolishand turned the glory of theincorruptible God into somethinglike the image of corruptible manand of birds and four-footed creaturesand creeping things ."Jude 9 "Michael the archangelhad a difference with the Deviland was disputing about Moses'body."See: Gen . 3 :4, 5, above .

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