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Dedication(ALSO CONSECRATION, SANCTIFICATION)DEFINITIONDEDICATION . An act by which a person or thing is initiatedinto some way, course or use . Christian dedication is the act of aperson in setting himself apart by solemn agreement, unreservedlyand unconditionally, to do the will of Jehovah God through ChristJesus, as that will is set forth in the Bible, being made plain byGod's holy spirit . It means one must live a holy life, separate fromthis world, and serve God henceforth to eternity.CONSECRATION . As used in the Hebrew Scriptures, literally, to"fill the hand", to put full power into the hand of those who areto serve in a priestly office . Installation into the priesthood . To Christiansit is God's act of installing them as priests of God under thegreat consecrated High Priest, Christ, and empowering them to actas such. It applies only to Christ and the anointed, spirit-begottenmembers of his body .SANCTIFICATION . A setting apart for God's holy purpose or use .God sanctifies his spirit-begotten ones by means of his holy spiritand word of truth . They become God's "holy nation", a people forGod's name . The ones sanctified co-operate in maintaining sanctificationby their action in study and following God's will .DEDICATIONthe life. No one comes to theRequired of All Who Will Serve Father except through me .'"God, Receive Everlasting Life John 6 :44 "No man can comeLuke 14:27 "Whoever is notto me unless the Father, whocarrying his torture stake andsent me, draws him, and I willcoming after me cannot be myresurrect him in the last day ."disciple ."Heb . 11 :6 "Moreover, withoutGen . 47:19, 20, 25 "Buy us and faith it is impossible to win hisour land for bread, and we and good pleasure, for he that approachesGod must believe thatour land will be servants untoPharaoh : and give us seed, that he is and that he becomes thewe may live, and not die, and rewarder of those earnestly seekinghim ."that the land be not desolate . SoJoseph bought all the land of Repentance Must PrecedeEgypt for Pharaoh ; . . . And theyDedicationsaid, Thou hast saved our lives :let us find favor in the sight of Acts 2 :37, 41 "Now when theymy lord, and we will be Pharaoh's heard this they were stabbed toservants."the heart, and they said to Peterand the rest of the apostles :One Must Be Drawn to God by `Brothers, what shall we do?'Faith Based on Knowledge Therefore those who embracedof His Wordhis word heartily were baptized,John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him : and on that day about three`I am the way and the truth and thousand souls were added ."91

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