Untitled - A2Z.org

Untitled - A2Z.org Untitled - A2Z.org


8 FOREWORDrounded-out coverage by answering the outstandingquestions and objections on each of these themes justby using scriptures from the Bible . This publicationis not a commentary on the Bible, but it brings togetherthe many scriptures having to do with the themeunder discussion. It will prove to be a convenient Bibleaid to you .This book does not take the place of the Bible nordoes it try to limit the application of the texts citedto the various themes under which they appear . Butthe purpose of the book is to put pure Bible truth intothe mind of the teacher and to let the Bible speak foritself. It should help the user to be more effective inhis use of the Bible in every feature of his preachingactivity.Door-to-Door Witnessing : The apostles preached "publiclyand from house to house" . (Acts 20 :20) As you do that,carry this handy book with you . It will not take you long toget acquainted with the seventy themes . Hundreds of differentquestions can very easily be answered by you as yougo about preaching the good news of the Kingdom just bybeing acquainted with these themes . You always want togive a Scriptural answer . With the aid of this small handbookyour presentation of the truth from house to housewill always be fresh, versatile and adaptable . If an argumentarises on any Bible question, you can always turn to "Subjectsfor Study" on page 406 and you will be able to find justthe scriptures you need . You will find "Make Sure of AllThings" a ready aid in "announcing Jehovah's kingdom" .Back-Calls : When you meet an interested person at hishome, make another visit soon . Call back, because your logical,coherent conversation is needed to arouse interest inthe truth and to lead the interested person into a deeperconsideration of the Bible truths with the help of WatchTower publications based on these truths . On these revisitswhen presenting the publications of the Watch Tower Societyto the people and showing the need of reading them,it is necessary for you first to clear out objections that existin the mind of the person before it is possible to start a Biblestudy . Do not push such questions aside, but answer them(Continued on page 404)

8 FOREWORDrounded-out coverage by answering the outstandingquestions and objections on each of these themes justby using scriptures from the Bible . This publicationis not a commentary on the Bible, but it brings togetherthe many scriptures having to do with the themeunder discussion. It will prove to be a convenient Bibleaid to you .This book does not take the place of the Bible nordoes it try to limit the application of the texts citedto the various themes under which they appear . Butthe purpose of the book is to put pure Bible truth intothe mind of the teacher and to let the Bible speak foritself. It should help the user to be more effective inhis use of the Bible in every feature of his preachingactivity.Door-to-Door Witnessing : The apostles preached "publiclyand from house to house" . (Acts 20 :20) As you do that,carry this handy book with you . It will not take you long toget acquainted with the seventy themes . Hundreds of differentquestions can very easily be answered by you as yougo about preaching the good news of the Kingdom just bybeing acquainted with these themes . You always want togive a Scriptural answer . With the aid of this small handbookyour presentation of the truth from house to housewill always be fresh, versatile and adaptable . If an argumentarises on any Bible question, you can always turn to "Subjectsfor Study" on page 406 and you will be able to find justthe scriptures you need . You will find "Make Sure of AllThings" a ready aid in "announcing Jehovah's kingdom" .Back-Calls : When you meet an interested person at hishome, make another visit soon . Call back, because your logical,coherent conversation is needed to arouse interest inthe truth and to lead the interested person into a deeperconsideration of the Bible truths with the help of WatchTower publications based on these truths . On these revisitswhen presenting the publications of the Watch Tower Societyto the people and showing the need of reading them,it is necessary for you first to clear out objections that existin the mind of the person before it is possible to start a Biblestudy . Do not push such questions aside, but answer them(Continued on page 404)

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