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DeathDead Persons Are Beyond AnyHuman Aid2 Sam . 12 :21-23 "Then said hisservants unto him, What thingis this that thou hast done? thoudidst fast and weep for the child,while it was alive ; but when thechild was dead, thou didst riseand eat bread . And he said,While the child was yet alive,I fasted and wept : for I said,Who knoweth whether Jehovahwill not be gracious to me, thatthe child may live? But now heis dead, wherefore should I fast?can I bring him back again? Ishall go to him, but he will notreturn to me ."Redemption and Resurrectionfrom Adamic Death PossibleThrough Ransom2 Tim . 1 :10 "Christ Jesus, whohas abolished death but has shedlight upon life and incorruptionthrough the good news ."Heb . 2 :9 "But we behold Jesus,who has been made a little lowerthan angels, crowned with gloryand honor for having suffereddeath, that he by God's undeservedkindness might taste deathfor every man ."Heb. 9 :27, 28 "And as it is reservedfor men to die once forall time, but after this a judgment,so also the Christ wasoffered once for all time to bearthe sins of many, and the secondtime that he appears it will beapart from sin and to thoseearnestly looking for him fortheir salvation ."Those in Sin Considered Deadby GodLuke 9 :60 "But he said to him :'Let the dead bury their dead,but you go away and declareabroad the kingdom of God .' "1 Tim. 5 :6 "But the one thatgoes in for sensual gratificationis dead though she is living ."Eph. 2 :1 "Furthermore, it isyou God made alive though youwere dead in your trespasses andsins ."88All Men Prior to Christ Diedand Are Awaiting ResurrectionRom. 5 :14 "Nevertheless, deathruled as king from Adam downto Moses, even over those whohad not sinned after the likenessof the transgression by Adam ."Heb . 11 :4-40 "By faith Enochwas transferred so as not to seedeath, and he was nowhere to befound because God had transferredhim . . . . In faith all thesedied . . . . as God foresaw somethingbetter for us, in order thatthey might not be made perfectapart from us ."Gen . 5 :24 "And Enoch walkedwith God : and he was not ; forGod took him ."Acts 2 :29 "Brothers, it is allowableto speak with freeness ofspeech to you concerning thefamily head David, that he bothdeceased and was buried andhis tomb is among us to thisday."Those Having Faith in Christ'sRansom Considered Aliveby God1 John 3 :14 "We know we havepassed over from death to life,because we love the brothers . Hewho does not love remains indeath ."Mark 12 :27 "He is a God, not ofthe dead, but of the living ."All Body Members of ChristMust Die a Sacrificial Deathwith Him2 Tim. 2 :11 "Trustworthy isthe saying : Certainly if we diedtogether, we shall also live together."1 Cor . 15:29 "Otherwise, whatwill they do who are being baptizedfor the purpose of beingdead ones? If the dead are notto be raised up at all, why arethey also being baptized for thepurpose of being such?"Death Triumphed Over byResurrection of Christ'sBody Members1 Cor . 15:54-57 "But when thiswhich is corruptible puts on in-

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