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87dience of the one man many wereconstituted sinners ."Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord ."1 Cor . 15 :22 "For just as inAdam all are dying, so also inthe Christ all will be made alive ."Satan Introduced Sin,Caused DeathHeb. 2 :14 "Therefore, since the'young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil ."Gen . 3 :4, 5, 14 "And the serpentsaid unto the woman, Yeshall not surely die : for God dothknow that in the day ye eatthereof, then your eyes shall beopened, and ye shall be as God,knowing good and evil. And JehovahGod said unto the serpent,Because thou hast donethis, cursed art thou above allcattle, and above every beast ofthe field ; upon thy belly shaltthou go, and dust shalt thou eatall the days of thy life ."Death Due to Adam Isan Enemy1 Cor. 15:26 "As the last enemy,death is to be destroyed ."Heb. 2 :15 "And might emancipateall those who for fear ofdeath were subject to slavery allthrough their lives ."Ps . 18 :4, 5 "The cords of deathcompassed me, and the floods ofungodliness made me afraid . Thecords of Sheol were round aboutme ; the snares of death cameupon me ."Ps . 55 :4, 5 "My heart is sorepained within me : and the terrorsof death are fallen upon me .Fearfulness and trembling arecome upon me, and horror hathoverwhelmed me ."Ps . 116 :3 "The cords of deathcompassed me, and the pains ofSheol gat hold upon me : I foundtrouble and sorrow ."DeathA Dead Person Is Unconscious,InactiveJohn 11 :11-14 "He said thesethings, and after this he said tothem : 'Lazarus our friend hasgone to rest, but I am travelingthere to awaken him from sleep .'Therefore the disciples said tohim : 'Master, if he has gone torest, he will get well .' Jesus hadspoken, however, about his death .But they imagined he was speakingabout taking rest in sleep .At that time, therefore, Jesus saidto them outspokenly : 'Lazarus hasdied .' "Ps . 6:5 "For in death there isno remembrance of thee : in Sheolwho shall give thee thanks?"Eccl. 9 :5, 10 "For the livingknow that they shall die : but thedead know not anything, neitherhave they any more a reward ;for the memory of them is f<strong>org</strong>otten. Whatsoever thy handfindeth to do, do it with thymight ; for there is no work, nordevice, nor knowledge, nor wisdom,in Sheol, whither thougoest ."Isa. 38 :18 "For Sheol cannotpraise thee, death cannot celebratethee : they that go downinto the pit cannot hope for thytruth ."Acts 7:60 "After saying this hefell asleep in death ."Acts 13 :36 "For David, on theone hand, served the express willof God in his own generation andfell asleep in death and was laidwith his forefathers and did seecorruption."Eccl. 3 :19-21 "For that whichbefalleth the sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thingbefalleth them : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, theyhave all one breath ; and manhath no pre-eminence above thebeasts : for all is vanity. All gounto one place ; all are of thedust, and all turn to dust again .Who knoweth the spirit of man,whether it goeth upward, andthe spirit of the beast, whetherit goeth downward to the earth?"

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