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85the cloth which had been uponhis head not lying with thebandages but separately rolled upin one place . And she [Mary]viewed two angels in white sittingone at the head and one at thefeet where the body of Jesus hadbeen lying. . . . She said to them :'They have taken my Masteraway, and I do not know wherethey have laid him .'"2 Cor . 5 :16 "Even if we haveknown Christ according to theflesh, certainly we now know himso no more ."Christ to Be Worshiped as aGlorious Spirit, Victorious overDeath on the Torture StakeRom . 6 :9 "For we know thatChrist, now that he has beenraised up from the dead, dies nomore ; death is master over himno more ."2 Cor . 13 :4 "True, indeed, hewas impaled owing to weakness,but he is alive owing to God'spower ."1 Pet . 3:18 "Why, even Christdied once for all time concerningsins, a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he mightlead you to God, he being putto death in the flesh, but beingmade alive in the spirit ."Christ the Reigning King Is Nowthe Signal to Be Pointed to-NotCrucifix or Banner with CrossIsa . 62 :10, AT "Pass through,pass through the gates, preparethe way of the people ; grade up,grade up the highway, clear itof stones ; raise a signal over thepeoples ."Isa . 11 :10, AT "It shall cometo pass on that day that the rootof Jesse, who will be standing asa signal to the peoples-to himwill the nations resort, and hisresting-place will be glorious ."See : Isa. 18 :3 : Rev . 12 :1, 5 ;14 :1 .Preaching of the Stake of ChristMeans the Preaching of HisDeath as a RansomI Cor . 1 :17, 18, 23 ; 2 :2 "ForChrist dispatched me, not to goCrossbaptizing, but to go declaring thegood news, not with wisdom ofspeech, that the torture stake ofthe Christ should not be madeuseless . For the speech about thetorture stake is foolishness to thosewho are perishing, but to us whoare being saved it is God's power .But we preach Christ impaled,to the Jews a cause for fallingbut to the nations foolishness .""For I decided not to know anythingamong you except JesusChrist, and him impaled ."1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "Christ Jesus whogave himself a corresponding ransomfor all-this is what is to bewitnessed to at its own particulartimes ."Gal . 3 :1 "0 senseless Galatians,who is it that brought you underevil influence, you before whoseeyes Jesus Christ was openly portrayedimpaled?""Enemies of Torture Stake" AreThose Denying Christ's Death asProviding the RansomPhil. 3 :18, 19 "For there aremany, I used to mention themoften but now I mention themalso with weeping, who arewalking as the enemies of thetorture stake of the Christ, andtheir finish is destruction ."2 Pet. 2 :1 "However, there alsocame to be false prophets amongthe people, as there will also befalse teachers among you . Thesevery ones will quietly bring indestructive sects, and will disowneven the owner that boughtthem ."Rom . 10 :6, 7 "Do not say . . .`Who will descend into the abyss?'that is, to bring Christ up fromthe dead."See : 1 Cor . 1 :17-2 :2, above.Execution Stake a SymbolDeath Under Shame, and Reproachto Christiansfrom EnemiesofHeb . 12 :2 "We look intently atthe leader and perfecter of ourfaith, Jesus . For the joy that wasset before him he endured a torturestake, despising shame, and

Deathhas sat down at the right handof the throne of God."Matt . 16 :24 "Then Jesus saidto his disciples : 'If anyone wantsto come after me, let him disownhimself and pick up his torturestake and follow me continually.'"Gal . 6:12 "All those who wantto make a pleasing appearance inthe flesh are the ones that try tocompel you to get circumcised,only that they may not be persecutedfor the torture stake ofthe Christ."Phil . 2 :8 "He humbled himselfand became obedient as far asdeath, yes, death on a torturestake ."86`Boasting in Torture Stake'Means Gladly Bearing Reproachfor Name of ChristGal. 6 :14 "Never may it occurthat I should boast, except in thetorture stake of our Lord JesusChrist, through whom the worldhas been impaled to me and I tothe world."Col. 1 :24 "I am now rejoicingin my sufferings for you, and I inmy turn am filling up what islacking of the tribulations of theChrist in my flesh on behalf ofhis body, which is the congregation."1 Pet . 4 :16 "But if he suffersas a Christian, let him not feelshame, but let him keep on glorifyingGod in this name ."Man Created, Not to Die, but toLive ForeverGen . 1 :27-31 "And God createdman in his own image, in theimage of God created he him ;male and female created he them .And God blessed them : and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens,and over every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth . . . . AndGod saw everything that he hadmade, and, behold, it was verygood."Prov. 10 :22 "The blessing of Jehovah,it maketh rich ; and headdeth no sorrow therewith ."Gen . 2 :16, 17 "And JehovahGod commanded the man, saying,Of every tree of the garden thoumayest freely eat : but of the treeof the knowledge of good andevil, thou shalt not eat of it : forDeathDEFINITIONLoss of life ; termination of existence ; utter cessation of conscious,intellectual or physical activity, celestial, human or otherwise .in the day that thou eatest thereofthou shalt surely die."Lower Animals Not Created toLive Forever2 Pet. 2 :12 "But these men,like unreasoning animals bornnaturally to be caught and destroyed,will, in the things ofwhich they are ignorant andspeak abusively, even suffer destructionin their own course ofdestruction ."Human Death the Result of FirstMan's SinRom. 5 :12, 14, 19 "Through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, and thusdeath spread to all men becausethey had all sinned-. Nevertheless,death ruled as king fromAdam down to Moses, even overthose who had not sinned afterthe likeness of the transgressionby Adam. . . . through the disobe-

Deathhas sat down at the right handof the throne of God."Matt . 16 :24 "Then Jesus saidto his disciples : 'If anyone wantsto come after me, let him disownhimself and pick up his torturestake and follow me continually.'"Gal . 6:12 "All those who wantto make a pleasing appearance inthe flesh are the ones that try tocompel you to get circumcised,only that they may not be persecutedfor the torture stake ofthe Christ."Phil . 2 :8 "He humbled himselfand became obedient as far asdeath, yes, death on a torturestake ."86`Boasting in Torture Stake'Means Gladly Bearing Reproachfor Name of ChristGal. 6 :14 "Never may it occurthat I should boast, except in thetorture stake of our Lord JesusChrist, through whom the worldhas been impaled to me and I tothe world."Col. 1 :24 "I am now rejoicingin my sufferings for you, and I inmy turn am filling up what islacking of the tribulations of theChrist in my flesh on behalf ofhis body, which is the congregation."1 Pet . 4 :16 "But if he suffersas a Christian, let him not feelshame, but let him keep on glorifyingGod in this name ."Man Created, Not to Die, but toLive ForeverGen . 1 :27-31 "And God createdman in his own image, in theimage of God created he him ;male and female created he them .And God blessed them : and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens,and over every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth . . . . AndGod saw everything that he hadmade, and, behold, it was verygood."Prov. 10 :22 "The blessing of Jehovah,it maketh rich ; and headdeth no sorrow therewith ."Gen . 2 :16, 17 "And JehovahGod commanded the man, saying,Of every tree of the garden thoumayest freely eat : but of the treeof the knowledge of good andevil, thou shalt not eat of it : forDeathDEFINITIONLoss of life ; termination of existence ; utter cessation of conscious,intellectual or physical activity, celestial, human or otherwise .in the day that thou eatest thereofthou shalt surely die."Lower Animals Not Created toLive Forever2 Pet. 2 :12 "But these men,like unreasoning animals bornnaturally to be caught and destroyed,will, in the things ofwhich they are ignorant andspeak abusively, even suffer destructionin their own course ofdestruction ."Human Death the Result of FirstMan's SinRom. 5 :12, 14, 19 "Through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, and thusdeath spread to all men becausethey had all sinned-. Nevertheless,death ruled as king fromAdam down to Moses, even overthose who had not sinned afterthe likeness of the transgressionby Adam. . . . through the disobe-

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