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CrossJesus Was Put to Death on aSimple Upright Stake"Cross" (AV, AS, Dy) fromGreek, stau .ros', "an upright stakeor pole" (Hebrew, tz"lab' ; Latin,crux) . Greek, xy'lon, "tree orstake" ; also used in reference tothe instrument used to put Jesusto death . (Acts 5 :30 ; 10 :39 ;13 :29) At Ezra 6 :11 we findxy'lon in the Greek Septuagint(1 Esdras 6 :31) as a beam onwhich the violator of the law wasto be hanged, as at Luke 23 :39 .Crux (Latin) originally meant atree, frame, or wooden instrumentof execution. "Cross" was a latermeaning of crux . The term cruxsimplex (Latin) was used to denotea plain upright executionstake . The Greek verb stau .ro'o("crucify," AV) meant "to fencewith pales" as a stockade, or "tofasten or fix on a pole or stake","to impale ." (John 19 :15) A .nastau.ro'o (Heb . 6 :6) is a synonymfor stau.ro'o .Jesus' Death on a Stake or Tree,Not a Cross, Was Necessary toFulfill Scriptures, Free Jewsfrom LawDeut . 21 :22, 23, Mo, AT "If anyman has committed a sin deservingof death, and if he is putto death by being impaled upona stake, his corpse must not remainall night upon the stake ;you must be sure to bury himthe same day, for an impaledman is under God's curse ."Gal. 3 :13 "Christ by purchasereleased us from the curse ofthe law by becoming a curseinstead of us, because it is written: 'Accursed is every manhanged upon a stake .' "Col . 2 :14 "[Christ] blotted outthe handwritten document againstus which consisted of decrees andwhich was in opposition to us,and He has taken it out of theway by nailing it to the torturestake ."See also : Eph . 2 :15, 16 ; John19 :31 .84Execution Stake a Thing to BeHated, Not WorshipedIsa . 14 :19 "Thou art cast forthaway from thy sepulchre like anabominable branch [stake uponwhich a criminal is executed],clothed with the slain, that arethrust through with the sword,that go down to the stones ofthe pit ; as a dead body troddenunder foot ."(See New World App ., underMatthew 10 :38.)Display of Execution StakeWrong ; Would CommemorateSatan's Supposed Victoryin CausingChrist's DeathMatt . 27 :39-42 "So the passersbybegan speaking abusively ofhim, wagging their heads andsaying : '0 you would-be throwerdownof the temple and builder ofit in three days, save yourself!If you are a son of God, comedown off the torture stake!' Inlike manner also the chief priestswith the scribes and older menof influence began making funof him and saying : 'Others hesaved, himself he cannot save! Heis King of Israel ; let him nowcome down off the torture stakeand we will believe on him .'"Heb . 6 :6 "They impale theSon of God afresh for themselvesand expose him to publicshame."See also : Rev . 11 :8-10 .Use of Cross in WorshipIs IdolatryEx . 20 :4, 5 "Thou shalt notmake unto thee a graven image,nor any likeness of any thingthat is in heaven above, or thatis in the earth beneath, or that isin the water under the earth :thou shalt not bow down thyselfunto them, nor serve them ."Christ's Human Body Disposedof by God, Not to Be Worshipedas on CrucifixJohn 20 :7, 12, 13 "And heviewed the bandages lying, also

CrossJesus Was Put to Death on aSimple Upright Stake"Cross" (AV, AS, Dy) fromGreek, stau .ros', "an upright stakeor pole" (Hebrew, tz"lab' ; Latin,crux) . Greek, xy'lon, "tree orstake" ; also used in reference tothe instrument used to put Jesusto death . (Acts 5 :30 ; 10 :39 ;13 :29) At Ezra 6 :11 we findxy'lon in the Greek Septuagint(1 Esdras 6 :31) as a beam onwhich the violator of the law wasto be hanged, as at Luke 23 :39 .Crux (Latin) originally meant atree, frame, or wooden instrumentof execution. "Cross" was a latermeaning of crux . The term cruxsimplex (Latin) was used to denotea plain upright executionstake . The Greek verb stau .ro'o("crucify," AV) meant "to fencewith pales" as a stockade, or "tofasten or fix on a pole or stake","to impale ." (John 19 :15) A .nastau.ro'o (Heb . 6 :6) is a synonymfor stau.ro'o .Jesus' Death on a Stake or Tree,Not a Cross, Was Necessary toFulfill Scriptures, Free Jewsfrom LawDeut . 21 :22, 23, Mo, AT "If anyman has committed a sin deservingof death, and if he is putto death by being impaled upona stake, his corpse must not remainall night upon the stake ;you must be sure to bury himthe same day, for an impaledman is under God's curse ."Gal. 3 :13 "Christ by purchasereleased us from the curse ofthe law by becoming a curseinstead of us, because it is written: 'Accursed is every manhanged upon a stake .' "Col . 2 :14 "[Christ] blotted outthe handwritten document againstus which consisted of decrees andwhich was in opposition to us,and He has taken it out of theway by nailing it to the torturestake ."See also : Eph . 2 :15, 16 ; John19 :31 .84Execution Stake a Thing to BeHated, Not WorshipedIsa . 14 :19 "Thou art cast forthaway from thy sepulchre like anabominable branch [stake uponwhich a criminal is executed],clothed with the slain, that arethrust through with the sword,that go down to the stones ofthe pit ; as a dead body troddenunder foot ."(See New World App ., underMatthew 10 :38.)Display of Execution StakeWrong ; Would CommemorateSatan's Supposed Victoryin CausingChrist's DeathMatt . 27 :39-42 "So the passersbybegan speaking abusively ofhim, wagging their heads andsaying : '0 you would-be throwerdownof the temple and builder ofit in three days, save yourself!If you are a son of God, comedown off the torture stake!' Inlike manner also the chief priestswith the scribes and older menof influence began making funof him and saying : 'Others hesaved, himself he cannot save! Heis King of Israel ; let him nowcome down off the torture stakeand we will believe on him .'"Heb . 6 :6 "They impale theSon of God afresh for themselvesand expose him to publicshame."See also : Rev . 11 :8-10 .Use of Cross in WorshipIs IdolatryEx . 20 :4, 5 "Thou shalt notmake unto thee a graven image,nor any likeness of any thingthat is in heaven above, or thatis in the earth beneath, or that isin the water under the earth :thou shalt not bow down thyselfunto them, nor serve them ."Christ's Human Body Disposedof by God, Not to Be Worshipedas on CrucifixJohn 20 :7, 12, 13 "And heviewed the bandages lying, also

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