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71Glory of Its Law CovenantEx . 19:16 "And it came to passon the third day, when it wasmorning, that there were thundersand lightnings, and a thickcloud upon the mount, and thevoice of a trumpet exceedingloud ; and all the people thatwere in the camp trembled ."Heb . 12 :18-21 "For you havenot approached that which canbe felt and which has been setaflame with fire, and a darkcloud and thick darkness and atempest, and the blare of a trumpetand the voice of words, onhearing which voice the peopleimplored that no word shouldbe added to them . For the commandwas not bearable to them :'And if a beast touches the mountain,it must be stoned .' Also thedisplay was so fearful that Mosessaid : 'I am terrified and trembling.'"Jewish Congregation Picturedby IshmaelGal. 4:22-30 "For example, itis written that Abraham acquiredtwo sons, one by the servant girland one by the free woman ; butthe one by the servant girl wasactually born in the manner offlesh, the other by the free womanthrough a promise . Thesethings stand as a symbolicdrama ; for these women meantwo covenants, the one frommount Sinai, which brings forthchildren for slavery, and whichis Hagar . Now this Hagar meansSinai, a mountain in Arabia, andshe corresponds with the Jerusalemtoday, for she is in slaverywith her children . . . . Nevertheless,what does the Scripture say?'Cast out the servant girl and herson .'' ,Organizational Structure ofJewish CongregationMediator and leader, Moses(Gal. 3 :19) ; founded on twelvesons of Jacob ; twelve tribes ofIsrael ; law covenant ; Leviticalpriesthood ; animal sacrifices .Congregation of GodCovenant Did Not AccomplishStated Purpose Because of FleshlyImperfection and SinRom . 8 :3 "For, there being anincapability on the part of theLaw, while it was weak throughthe flesh, God, by sending his ownSon in the likeness of sinful fleshand concerning sin, condemnedsin in the flesh ."Rom . 9 :31, 32 "But Israel, althoughpursuing a law of righteousness,did not attain to thelaw . For what reason? Because hepursued it, not by faith, but asby works."Heb . 4:2 "For we have had thegood news declared to us also,even as they also had ; but theword which was heard did notbenefit them, because they werenot united by faith with thosewho did hear ."Heb . 10 :3, 6 "To the contrary,by these sacrifices there is a remindingof sins from year toyear . 'You did not approve ofwhole burnt-offerings and sin offering.'"Covenant Did Serve Purpose ofLeading Faithful Remnantto ChristGal . 3 :24 "Consequently, theLaw has become our tutor leadingto Christ, that we might be declaredrighteous due to faith ."The Typical House Cast Off,A.D . 33; "Jewish Systems ofThings" No Longer ValidMatt. 23 :38 "Look! your houseis abandoned to you."Dan . 9 :27 "And he shall makea firm covenant with many forone week : and in the midst ofthe week he shall cause the sacrificeand the oblation to cease."Col. 2:13, 14 "He kindly forgaveus all our trespasses and blottedout the handwritten documentagainst us which consisted ofdecrees and which was in oppositionto us, and he has taken itout of the way by nailing it to thetorture stake ."

Congregation of GodThe Christian Congregation-Some Scriptural NamesApplied to ItAnointed ones (2 Cor. 1 :21) ;body of Christ (Eph . 1 :22, 23) ;congregation of God (Gal . 1 :13) ;heirs (Rom . 8 :17) ; holy nation(1 Pet. 2 :9) ; holy ones (1 Cor .1 :2 ; Eph. 1 :1) ; holy priesthood(1 Pet . 2 :5) ; Israel of God (Gal .6 :16) ; new creation (2 Cor . 5 :17) ;royal palace of David (Acts15 :16) ; sons of the Kingdom(Matt. 13 :38) ; spiritual Israel(Rev. 7 :4 ; 21 :12) ; temple (1 Cor .6 :19 ; 1 Pet. 2 :5) .Its PurposeActs 15 :14 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for the firsttime turned his attention to thenations to take out of them apeople for his name."1 Pet . 2 :9 "On the other hand,you are 'a chosen race, a royalpriesthood, a holy nation, a peoplefor special possession, thatyou should declare abroad theexcellencies' of the one thatcalled you out of darkness intohis wonderful light."Called Out from This World(Egypt) Beginning A .D . 29John 15 :19 ; 17 :6 "If you werepart of the world, the worldwould be fond of what is its own .Now because you are no part ofthe world, but I have chosen youout of the world, on this accountthe world hates you ." "Ihave made your name manifestto the men you gave me out ofthe world ."Established on New CovenantJer. 31 :31, 32 "Behold, the dayscome, saith Jehovah, that I willmake a new covenant with thehouse of Israel, and with thehouse of Judah : not according tothe covenant that I made withtheir fathers in the day that Itook them by the hand to bringthem out of the land of Egypt ;which my covenant they brake,although I was a husband untothem, saith Jehovah."72Heb . 8 :10-13 "' "For this is thecovenant which I shall covenantwith the house of Israel afterthose days," says Jehovah : "Ishall put my laws in their mind,and upon their hearts I shallwrite them, and I shall be a Godto them and they will be a peopleto me . And they will by no meansteach every man his fellow citizenand every man his brother,saying : `Know Jehovah,' becausethey will all know me, from theleast to the greatest of them .For I shall be merciful to theirunrighteous deeds and I will byno means call their sins to mindany more."' In his saying 'a newcovenant' he has made the formerone obsolete . Now that whichis made obsolete and growing oldis near to vanishing away ."Heb . 12 :24 "Jesus the mediatorof a new covenant ."Blood of Christ validatednew covenant1 Cor . 5 :7 "For, indeed, Christour passover has been sacrificed ."Luke 22 :20 "Also the cup inthe same way after they had theevening meal, he saying : 'Thiscup means the new covenant byvirtue of my blood, which is tobe poured out in your behalf .'"1 Cor . 11 :25 "He did likewiserespecting the cup also, after hehad the evening meal, saying :'This cup means the new covenantby virtue of my blood. Keepdoing this, as often as you drinkit, in remembrance of me .'"Heb. 9 :13-17 (mar.) "For ifthe blood of goats and of bullsand the ashes of a heifer sprinkledon those who have been pollutedsanctifies to the extent ofcleanness of the flesh, how muchmore will the blood of the Christ,who through an everlasting spiritoffered himself without blemishto God, cleanse our consciencesfrom dead works that we mayrender sacred service to the livingGod? . . . For where there is a covenant,the death of the humanmediating sacrifice (or, victim)needs to be furnished . For a cov-

Congregation of GodThe Christian Congregation-Some Scriptural NamesApplied to ItAnointed ones (2 Cor. 1 :21) ;body of Christ (Eph . 1 :22, 23) ;congregation of God (Gal . 1 :13) ;heirs (Rom . 8 :17) ; holy nation(1 Pet. 2 :9) ; holy ones (1 Cor .1 :2 ; Eph. 1 :1) ; holy priesthood(1 Pet . 2 :5) ; Israel of God (Gal .6 :16) ; new creation (2 Cor . 5 :17) ;royal palace of David (Acts15 :16) ; sons of the Kingdom(Matt. 13 :38) ; spiritual Israel(Rev. 7 :4 ; 21 :12) ; temple (1 Cor .6 :19 ; 1 Pet. 2 :5) .Its PurposeActs 15 :14 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for the firsttime turned his attention to thenations to take out of them apeople for his name."1 Pet . 2 :9 "On the other hand,you are 'a chosen race, a royalpriesthood, a holy nation, a peoplefor special possession, thatyou should declare abroad theexcellencies' of the one thatcalled you out of darkness intohis wonderful light."Called Out from This World(Egypt) Beginning A .D . 29John 15 :19 ; 17 :6 "If you werepart of the world, the worldwould be fond of what is its own .Now because you are no part ofthe world, but I have chosen youout of the world, on this accountthe world hates you ." "Ihave made your name manifestto the men you gave me out ofthe world ."Established on New CovenantJer. 31 :31, 32 "Behold, the dayscome, saith Jehovah, that I willmake a new covenant with thehouse of Israel, and with thehouse of Judah : not according tothe covenant that I made withtheir fathers in the day that Itook them by the hand to bringthem out of the land of Egypt ;which my covenant they brake,although I was a husband untothem, saith Jehovah."72Heb . 8 :10-13 "' "For this is thecovenant which I shall covenantwith the house of Israel afterthose days," says Jehovah : "Ishall put my laws in their mind,and upon their hearts I shallwrite them, and I shall be a Godto them and they will be a peopleto me . And they will by no meansteach every man his fellow citizenand every man his brother,saying : `Know Jehovah,' becausethey will all know me, from theleast to the greatest of them .For I shall be merciful to theirunrighteous deeds and I will byno means call their sins to mindany more."' In his saying 'a newcovenant' he has made the formerone obsolete . Now that whichis made obsolete and growing oldis near to vanishing away ."Heb . 12 :24 "Jesus the mediatorof a new covenant ."Blood of Christ validatednew covenant1 Cor . 5 :7 "For, indeed, Christour passover has been sacrificed ."Luke 22 :20 "Also the cup inthe same way after they had theevening meal, he saying : 'Thiscup means the new covenant byvirtue of my blood, which is tobe poured out in your behalf .'"1 Cor . 11 :25 "He did likewiserespecting the cup also, after hehad the evening meal, saying :'This cup means the new covenantby virtue of my blood. Keepdoing this, as often as you drinkit, in remembrance of me .'"Heb. 9 :13-17 (mar.) "For ifthe blood of goats and of bullsand the ashes of a heifer sprinkledon those who have been pollutedsanctifies to the extent ofcleanness of the flesh, how muchmore will the blood of the Christ,who through an everlasting spiritoffered himself without blemishto God, cleanse our consciencesfrom dead works that we mayrender sacred service to the livingGod? . . . For where there is a covenant,the death of the humanmediating sacrifice (or, victim)needs to be furnished . For a cov-

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