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59Acts 24 :17 "So after quite anumber of years I arrived tobring gifts of mercy to my nation,and offerings ."Rom. 15 :25-28 "Those in Macedoniaand Achaia have beenpleased to share up their thingsby a contribution to the poor ofthe holy ones in Jerusalem. True,they have been pleased to doso, and yet they were debtors tothem ; for if the nations haveshared in their spiritual things,they also owe it to minister publiclyto these with things for thephysical body ."Acts 4 :34, 35 "In fact, therewas not one in need among them,for all those who were possessorsof fields or houses would sellthem and bring the values of thethings sold and they would depositthem at the feet of theapostles . In turn, distributionwould be made to each one justas he would have the need ."Also : Acts 6 :1-6 ; Gal . 2 :10 .Christians' Special Responsibilityto Their Brothersand Families2 Cor . 8 :1-15 "This led us toencourage Titus that, just as hehad been the one to initiate itamong you, so too he shouldcomplete this same kind givingon your part . . . . that by meansof an equalizing your surplusjust now might offset their deficiency,in order that their surplusmight also come to offsetyour deficiency, that an equalizingmight take place.".Jas . 2 :15 "If a brother or asister is in a naked state andlacking the food sufficient for theday, yet a certain one of you saysto them, 'Go in peace, keep warmand well fed,' but you do not givethem the necessities for theirbody, of what benefit is it?"Matt. 25 :34-40 "Then the kingwill say to those on his right :`Come, you who have my Father'sblessing, inherit the kingdom preparedfor you from the world'sfoundation . For I became hungryCharitable Worksand you gave me something toeat, I got thirsty and you gaveme something to drink . I was astranger and you received mehospitably ; naked, and youclothed me . I fell sick and youlooked after me . I was in prisonand you came to me To theextent that you did it to oneof the least of these my brothers,you did it to me.'"Acts 2 :44, 45 "All those whobecame believers were together inhaving all things in common, andthey went to selling their possessionsand properties and to distributingthe proceeds to all justas anyone would have the need ."1 Tim . 5 :8 "Certainly if anyonedoes not provide for those . . .who are members of his household,he has disowned the faithand is worse than a person withoutfaith ."Also : 1 Cor . 9 :1, 2, 11 .Giving Spiritual Things MoreImportant than MaterialLuke 10 :38-42 "Mary . satdown at the feet of the Masterand kept listening to his word .Martha, on the other hand, wasdistracted with attending to manyduties . . . . In answer the Mastersaid to her : `Martha, Martha .you are anxious and disturbedabout many things . A few things,though, are needed, or just one .For her part, Mary chose thegood portion, and it will not betaken away from her .'"John 6 :26, 27 "Jesus . . . said :`Most truly I say to you, You arelooking for me, not because yousaw signs, but because you atefrom the loaves and were satisfied. Work, not for the food thatperishes, but for the food thatremains for life everlasting .' "Eccl . 7 :12 "For wisdom is adefence, even as money is a defence; but the excellency ofknowledge is, that wisdom preserveththe life of him that hathit."Amos 8 :11 "Behold, the dayscome, saith the Lord Jehovah,

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