Untitled - A2Z.org

Untitled - A2Z.org Untitled - A2Z.org


FOREWORDMEN want to know the reason why things are asthey are . Why is the world so full of confusedideas and shifting patterns? There are so many differentbeliefs, so many different religions, and all of themhave their followers who advocate their particularfaith with greater or less zeal . What should one believein these days? Who is right?Sound advice is, "Make sure of all things ." Thatmeans, Go to the highest authority you can find . Thehighest authority is the Holy Bible, Jehovah's Word .God's only-begotten Son said to him : "Your word istruth ." (John 17 :17) But Jehovah's advice goes evenfarther . This book of highest authority does not askus to accept just one statement of truth, and thatblindly ; but rather God's prophet says : "Come now,and let us reason together, saith Jehovah ." (Isaiah1 : 18) That is it! Think the answer out, search for it inthe Scriptures, as the early Christians did . "They receivedthe word with the greatest readiness of mind,carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whetherthese things were so ." (Acts 17 :11) If these earlyChristians were eager to check the Scriptures to findout why things were as they were, then certainly weshould be just as diligent in our search for the truth .Do not just take someone's word for it, but "makesure of all things ; hold fast to what is right" . (1 Thessalonians5 :21) The apostle Paul said that . But now listento what John says : "Do not believe every inspiredexpression, but test the inspired expressions to seewhether they originate with God, because many falseprophets have gone forth into the world ." (1 John 4 :1)This book will help you to run to and fro through theHoly Scriptures, to do what these apostles say . The5

FOREWORDMEN want to know the reason why things are asthey are . Why is the world so full of confusedideas and shifting patterns? There are so many differentbeliefs, so many different religions, and all of themhave their followers who advocate their particularfaith with greater or less zeal . What should one believein these days? Who is right?Sound advice is, "Make sure of all things ." Thatmeans, Go to the highest authority you can find . Thehighest authority is the Holy Bible, Jehovah's Word .God's only-begotten Son said to him : "Your word istruth ." (John 17 :17) But Jehovah's advice goes evenfarther . This book of highest authority does not askus to accept just one statement of truth, and thatblindly ; but rather God's prophet says : "Come now,and let us reason together, saith Jehovah ." (Isaiah1 : 18) That is it! Think the answer out, search for it inthe Scriptures, as the early Christians did . "They receivedthe word with the greatest readiness of mind,carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whetherthese things were so ." (Acts 17 :11) If these earlyChristians were eager to check the Scriptures to findout why things were as they were, then certainly weshould be just as diligent in our search for the truth .Do not just take someone's word for it, but "makesure of all things ; hold fast to what is right" . (1 Thessalonians5 :21) The apostle Paul said that . But now listento what John says : "Do not believe every inspiredexpression, but test the inspired expressions to seewhether they originate with God, because many falseprophets have gone forth into the world ." (1 John 4 :1)This book will help you to run to and fro through theHoly Scriptures, to do what these apostles say . The5

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