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y the word of truth, for us to bea certain flrstfruits of his creatures."491 Pet. 1 :23 "For you have beengiven a new birth, not by corruptible,but by incorruptible reproductiveseed ."Their Father Jehovah GodJohn 1 :12, 13 "As many as didreceive him, to them he gaveauthority to become God's children,because they were exercisingfaith in his name ; andthey were born not from bloodor from a fleshly will or fromman's will, but from God ."Rom . 8 :16, 17 "The spirit itselfbears witness with our spiritthat we are God's children . If,then, we are children, we are alsoheirs : heirs indeed of God, butjoint heirs with Christ, providedwe suffer together that we mayalso be glorified together ."Their Mother God's Organizationin HeavenG al. 4 :22-26 "Abraham acquiredtwo sons, one by the servantgirl and one by the freewoman ; but the one by the servantgirl was actually born in themanner of flesh, the other by thefree woman through a promise .These things stand as a symbolicdrama ; for these women meantwo covenants . . . . Hagar . . , correspondswith Jerusalem today,or she is in slavery with herchildren . But the Jerusalemabove is free, and she is ourmother ."Also : Isa . 54 :5 ; Heb . 12 :22 ;Phil. 3 :20 .Christ and 144,000 SpiritualBrothersJohn 3 :6 "What has been bornfrom the flesh is flesh, and whathas been born from the spirit isspirit ."Rev . 14 :1 "And I saw, and look!the Lamb standing upon themount ion, and with him a hundredand forty-four thousandhaving his name and the nameBorn Againof his Father written on theirforeheads ."1 John 3 :2 "Beloved ones, nowwe are children of God, but asyet it has not been made manifestwhat we shall be. We doknow that whenever he is mademanifest we shall be like him,because we shall see him just aS, .g is ."Spiritual Sonship FruitageGal . 5 :22, 23 "The fruitage ofthe spirit is love, joy, peace,longsuffering, kindness, goodness,faith, mildness, self-control ."1 John 3 :9 "Everyone who hasbeen born from God does notpractice sin, because His reproductiveseed remains in such one,and he cannot keep sinning, becausehe has been born fromGod."1 John 2 :29 "If you know thathe is righteous, you gain theknowledge kthat everyone whopractices righteousness has beenborn from him ."Their New CourseTitus 3:5-7 "He saved usthrough the bath that broughtus to life and through the makingof us new by holy spirit. Thisspirit he poured out richly uponus through Jesus Christ our Savior,that, after being declaredrighteous by virtue of the undeservedkindness of that one, wemight become heirs according toa hope of everlasting life."1 Pet . 3 :18, 21 "Even Christdied once for all time concerningsins . a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he might leadyou to God, he being put to deathin the flesh, but being made alivein the spirit . . . this is also nowsaving you, namely, baptism, (notthe putting away of the filth ofthe flesh, but the request made toGod for a good conscience,)through the resurrection of JesusChrist ."Col . 3 :9, 10 "Strip off the oldpersonality with its practices, andclothe yourselves with the neh,personality which through ac-

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