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SUBJECTS FOR STUDY411immortality linked with, 351is "new heavens", 152knowledge of entering, 19lawbreakers excluded from, 239message and ministry of, 153, 197, 233no second death for members of, 90not 'in one's heart", 231preaching is only soul-saving work, 357realm of, 231rule begins at second presence . 322spirit-begotten members 49subjects of, 110, 231work opposed by world leaders, 338Knowledge, basis for faith, 91necessary for new-world living, 275needed to develop faith, 121of opportunity to enter Kingdom, 19repentance leads to, 307L"Last days," 257, 273, 299Law(s), 237-242Christians keep, 53covenant, 71covenant replaced by new covenant, 241fulfilled by love, 250fulfilled, moved out of way, 329given only to Israel, 238Jews freed from, 84life not possible by, 249-makers are Jehovah and Christ, 199"of freedom," 124"of mind," 274"of Moses" set mark, 346"of sin," 274, 347of tithes for Israel, 376, 377pictured realities, 239safeguarded against idolatry, 174salvation not possible by, 334sins against covenant, 28, 309to serve only until Messiah, 238Lazarus and rich man, 160League of Nations, 338, 339Lent, 170Life, 242-249a gift from God, 136a reward for proved integrity, 105Adam, Eve had conditional, 244administered by Christ and 144,000, 232all men born without right to, 244as an intelligent person, is soul, 356at end of 1,000 years, 90, 226, 248, 318brought to light by Christ, 246Chief Agent of, is Jesus, 331forever forfeited by Adam, Eve, 244future, more important, 246limited span of, for lower animals, 116pattern, 83, 313, 327, 356, 385principle or force, 355, 356, 358, 359ransom brings, to man. 295resurrection of, 317rights lost, exact price needed, 294Limbo, 160Literature, proper in publishing, 270Lord's return : see Return of ChristLord's supper, 259Love, 250-253for God unifies, 197MMale members teach In congregation, 141Man('s), angels higher than, 358bent of mind toward evil, 272, 273created perfect, 116created to live forever, 86created with God's attributes, 82degraded, not evolving, 117has life principle or force, 355has relative freedom, 123highest earthly creation 116is a soul, 349-kind sprang from Adam, Noah, 290, 291life given to obedient, 243made for earth, 82mind of, must be trained, 275missing marls brought death on, 345needs a ransom, 294not infallible, 21"of lawlessness," 14races of, created, 290meets mark at end of 1,000 years, 348"Many roads, one destiny," 186Mark, death brought by missing, 345Law proved men were missing, 346of perfection met, 348of perfection set in Eden, 344Marriage, 253-257gift of service with, 142improper restrictions on, 343requirements of law met, 51Mary, not "ever virgin", 400not "mother of God", 399, 400not woman of Gen . 3 : 15, 400Worship of, 398-403Mass, 257-263Materialized, 106, 313, 314, 320Mediator, Christ, 68, 241Christ needs no priestly, 259Moses, 238Meetings, attendance at, essential, 279children to attend, 257service, 205, 206Melchizedek, 376Memorial, 169See Lord's supperMen pray with head uncovered, 283Messiah : see ChristMetempsychosis, 384, 385Millennium : see Thousand year(s)Mind, attitude of, is spirit, 359bent toward evil, 272, 273Eve's, corrupted, 272fed wrong things by Satan, 273law of, 274must be trained, filled, 275, 279soundness of, needed for salvation . 332true religion transforms . 302Minister(s), child, 266congregation of, 270in Israel exempted, 133Jesus Christ is God's chief, 263mature, may be overseers, 204

412 SUBJECTS FOR STUDYno retirement for, 267not commercial, 271of God, 263-271ordination of, 264, 26'0record of work kept, 200Satan's, false, 154secondary occupations proper for, 271women may be, 265Miracles, by invisible active force, 361Miraculous gifts, 137, 138love greater than, 253no longer present, 138NNation(s), confused, perplexed, 340have violated God's rest day, 326new, 217, 218not any, a "super race", 292of israel cast off, 374of Jehovah blessed, 293peoples of all, blessed, 293practicing genocide condemned, 293ruled with rod of iron, 322Nature, balance in, 115"hook of," 79divine, 247human, 248Neutrality of Christians, 1 :1 :New covenant, 72, 73, 95, 216, 241, 23,New creation, 82New earth, 110New system(s) of things, 33, 73, 137, 187New World, 120, 199, 210, 225, 227,272, 273foundation laid at Christ's ascent, 225freedoms, 125Living, 272-280society, 110, 272, 2800Obedience, active force move, to. 241as a son . Adam's worship, 290is Christian's work, 326necessary for salvation, 333the governing principle, 190One Hundred and Forty-four Thousand, 24 .34, 49, 70, 82, 90, 95, 136, 150, 196,226, 228, 232, 247, 248, 315, 316,322, 350, 374Ordination, 264, 265Organization(s), capital, 229men seek relief in makeshift, 343of God, 94 . 99, 106, 122, 149, 131 .190, 82:3, '141 . 400, 401of Jehovah's witnesses, 199of Satan, 14, 101, 102, 104, 109, 124,152, 230, 235, 339, 391, 393of seed, 228"princes" in, 75special appointments made through, 26SOther sheep, 110, 393are Jehovah's witnesses, 196baptism necessary, 30benefits of new covenant for, 7 4have hope of earthly resurrection, 317may hold service positions, 204no :ear of death for, 90subjects of Kingdom, 2L1Overseer, 204See "Bishop"PParadise, 318Parents, duty to train children, 250,merit extends to children, 223respect for, proper, 9Peddler, minister not, 271Perfection, Adam had rights by, 244Kingdom uplifts man to, 232man meets, at end of 1,000 years, 348mark of, set in Eden, 344Permission of Devil's existence, 100Persecution, defeated, 199fire of, means sharing with Christ, 2 . .of Jehovah's witness e, 395of true religion by false, 305sign of last days, 338Personality, new, 274recognized in resurrection, 313resurrected, 356, 385Peter, did not rule congregation, 2 1no record, was in Rome, 22not infallible, 21not the "rock", 16use of keys by, 18, 20was married, 23Polygamy, 254Prayer(s), 280-286a protection against Satin, 104"amen" proper, 281during spiritual sickness, 146for dead accomplish nothing, 287for rulers, 131, 285for salvation, 333great test of, 282of congregation acceptable, 283of wicked unanswered, 286posture not prescribed, 282repetitions, forbidden, 282right matters, occasions for, 284to God only through Christ, 281to "saint," not authorized, 178, 281unanswered if asked amiss, 285Preach (ing), brings salvation, 198Jesus commissioned followers to, 183method of, 268of Christ's stake. 85of Jonah, a sign, 319of Kingdom as present. 233of Kingdom is soul-saving work, S -)7of Kingdom message unifies, 197of Kingdom world-wide a sign, 338proper on sabbath, 328public, 206, 269witnesses must, 197Presence of Christ, firstKing of congregation since, 21 :1sign of, 319to supply ransom, 322See Christ, Jesus ChristPresence of Christ, secondapostles not in heaven before, 20

SUBJECTS FOR STUDY411immortality linked with, 351is "new heavens", 152knowledge of entering, 19lawbreakers excluded from, 239message and ministry of, 153, 197, 233no second death for members of, 90not 'in one's heart", 231preaching is only soul-saving work, 357realm of, 231rule begins at second presence . 322spirit-begotten members 49subjects of, 110, 231work opposed by world leaders, 338Knowledge, basis for faith, 91necessary for new-world living, 275needed to develop faith, 121of opportunity to enter Kingdom, 19repentance leads to, 307L"Last days," 257, 273, 299Law(s), 237-242Christians keep, 53covenant, 71covenant replaced by new covenant, 241fulfilled by love, 250fulfilled, moved out of way, 329given only to Israel, 238Jews freed from, 84life not possible by, 249-makers are Jehovah and Christ, 199"of freedom," 124"of mind," 274"of Moses" set mark, 346"of sin," 274, 347of tithes for Israel, 376, 377pictured realities, 239safeguarded against idolatry, 174salvation not possible by, 334sins against covenant, 28, 309to serve only until Messiah, 238Lazarus and rich man, 160League of Nations, 338, 339Lent, 170Life, 242-249a gift from God, 136a reward for proved integrity, 105Adam, Eve had conditional, 244administered by Christ and 144,000, 232all men born without right to, 244as an intelligent person, is soul, 356at end of 1,000 years, 90, 226, 248, 318brought to light by Christ, 246Chief Agent of, is Jesus, 331forever forfeited by Adam, Eve, 244future, more important, 246limited span of, for lower animals, 116pattern, 83, 313, 327, 356, 385principle or force, 355, 356, 358, 359ransom brings, to man. 295resurrection of, 317rights lost, exact price needed, 294Limbo, 160Literature, proper in publishing, 270Lord's return : see Return of ChristLord's supper, 259Love, 250-253for God unifies, 197MMale members teach In congregation, 141Man('s), angels higher than, 358bent of mind toward evil, 272, 273created perfect, 116created to live forever, 86created with God's attributes, 82degraded, not evolving, 117has life principle or force, 355has relative freedom, 123highest earthly creation 116is a soul, 349-kind sprang from Adam, Noah, 290, 291life given to obedient, 243made for earth, 82mind of, must be trained, 275missing marls brought death on, 345needs a ransom, 294not infallible, 21"of lawlessness," 14races of, created, 290meets mark at end of 1,000 years, 348"Many roads, one destiny," 186Mark, death brought by missing, 345Law proved men were missing, 346of perfection met, 348of perfection set in Eden, 344Marriage, 253-257gift of service with, 142improper restrictions on, 343requirements of law met, 51Mary, not "ever virgin", 400not "mother of God", 399, 400not woman of Gen . 3 : 15, 400Worship of, 398-403Mass, 257-263Materialized, 106, 313, 314, 320Mediator, Christ, 68, 241Christ needs no priestly, 259Moses, 238Meetings, attendance at, essential, 279children to attend, 257service, 205, 206Melchizedek, 376Memorial, 169See Lord's supperMen pray with head uncovered, 283Messiah : see ChristMetempsychosis, 384, 385Millennium : see Thousand year(s)Mind, attitude of, is spirit, 359bent toward evil, 272, 273Eve's, corrupted, 272fed wrong things by Satan, 273law of, 274must be trained, filled, 275, 279soundness of, needed for salvation . 332true religion transforms . 302Minister(s), child, 266congregation of, 270in Israel exempted, 133Jesus Christ is God's chief, 263mature, may be overseers, 204

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