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410SUBJECTS FOR STUDYImage(s), Christ in God's express, 357have no power to help, 173, 178man in God's, 122not needed in prayer, 178of animals forbidden, 12Immersion : see BaptismImmortal(ity), a reward, 136, 350angels do not have, 247Christ is, 209, 357doctrine of human, untruthful, 312given for faithfulness, 246, 247inseparably linked with Kingdom, 351limited to heavenly persons, 247new creation to be, 82primarily Jehovah's, 243, 349Incarnation, 179-181Jesus was not an, 180prophets at transfiguration not an, 181See MaterializedIncorruptibility, 243a reward for faithfulness, 350angels do not have, 247brought to light, 246is primarily Jehovah's, 349Inspiration, 39, 40, 362Inspired expressions, 360-368Integrity, 98, 100, 105, 130Interfaith, 181-187doctrinal differences not petty, 185forbidden, 183Jehovah in opposition to, 182resisted by early Christians, 186Interpretation, 363Inventions of man not creations, 82Israel, 211first congregation of God, 70judgment of fleshly, 220judgment of spiritual, 221"of God," 218payment of tithes by, 376regathering of true, not political, 374separated by Law covenant . 238Issue, Armageddon to be fought over, 235Christians hated over, 338to be settled forever, 100JJehovah, 188-193alone before creation . 78blesses people of all nations, 293his power extends everywhere, 191his power to hear, answer prayer, 282his spirit, active force, 350-366his vindication most important, 192is a person, 188, 386is a Savior, 331 . 336is a soul, 349is a spirit . 357is immortal, incorruptible, 243, 349is one God, 386is supreme above all superiors, 369is the "Alpha and Omega", 388is the source. giver of life, 243is the source of love, 250not omnipresent, 1917,000-year sabbath of, 324Jehovah's Witness(es), 193-207Abel, the first on earth, 193are ambassadors, 197Christ is Leader of, 195each is a minister, 197Jehovah is Founder, giver of name, 195Jesus is chief, 193persecuted by Satan, 395Jesus Christ, 207-210and Jehovah different persons, 386baptized at age of thirty, 167birth of, no metempsychosis, 385born c. October 1, 2 B .C., 167, 208Chief Agent of life, 331chief witness of Jehovah, 193commissioned followers to preach, 185flesh of, 259-261gives life to obedient mankind, 243had natural brothers, 400heir of Kingdom, 228inferior to Jehovah God, 387, 389, 390is seed of woman, 401kept Law perfectly, 239Law nailed to stake of, 238mass denies, 258materialized, 314, 320meaning of name, 207mediates new covenant, 241no incarnation, 180put to death on upright stake, 84religious leaders not brothers of, 185resurrection of, 313, 314, 319showed God's will for him was death, 262was flesh, 14, 180, 181See ChristJews, rejection of Jesus by, 215Return to Palestine, 210-219true, of promise, 217John, baptism by, 28, 29baptizing . A.D . 29, 167born, 2 B .C., 167Jubilee, 123Judgment, Days, 219-226Edenic, 219for peoples of the nations, 222of fleshly Israel, 220of God's house, 221of Noah's day, 219of Satan's world, 103of sheep and goats, 323of Sodom and Gomorrah, 220of 1,000-year day of test, 224witnesses raised up during, 193KKeys, of death and hell, 22, 90of heaven, 18King(s), 24, 210, 228, 229, 233, 234, 237Kingdom, 226-237ambassador of, 197Christ waited to receive the, 234Christendom is not God's, 236Christians hated over issue of, 338comes against Satan's <strong>org</strong>anization, 235flesh and blood cannot enter, 351God judges who is worthy to enter, 20

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