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403spiritual body, as it is written :The first man Adam was madeinto a living soul : the last Adaminto a quickening spirit . Such asis the earthly, such also are theearthly : and such as is the heavenly,such also are they that areheavenly. Therefore, as we haveborne the image of the earthly,let us bear also the image of theheavenly . Now this I say, brethren,that flesh and blood cannotpossess the kingdom of God : neithershall corruption possess incorruption."(8) Scriptural References to Heras "Blessed", "Happy" or "HighlyFavored" Do Not Mean WorshipWas Her DueLuke 1 :28, 30, Dy "And theangel being come in, said untoher : Hail, full of grace ["highlyfavored one," NW], the Lord iswith thee : blessed art thouamong women . . Fear not,Mary, for thou hast found gracewith God."Luke 1 :41-48, Dy "Elizabethwas filled with the Holy Ghost .And she cried out with a loudvoice and said : Blessed art thouamong women and blessed is thefruit of thy womb . . . . And Marysaid : My soul doth magnify theLord. . .for behold from henceforthall generations shall callme blessed ["happy," NW] ."Same expressions used towardothersJudg . 5 :24, Dy "Blessed amongwomen be Jahel the wife ofHaber the Cinite : and blessed beshe in her tent ."Deut . 28 :1, 4, Dy "The Lordthy God will make thee higherthan all the nations that are onWorship of Marythe earth. Blessed shall be thefruit of thy womb, and the fruitof thy ground, and the fruit ofthy cattle, the droves of thyherds, and the folds of thysheep."Gen . 30 :9, 10, 13, Dy "Lia, perceivingthat she had left offbearing, gave elpha her handmaidto her husband . And whenshe had conceived and broughtforth a son, . . . Lia said : This isfor my happiness : for women willcall me blessed . Therefore shecalled him Aser."Mal . 3 :12, Dy "And all nationsshall call you blessed : for youshall be a delightful land, saiththe Lord of hosts."Jesus showed veneration ofMary was wrongLuke 11 :27, 28, Dy "And itcame to pass, as he spoke thesethings, a certain woman fromthe crowd, lifting up her voice,said to him : Blessed is the wombthat bore thee and the paps thatgave thee suck. But he said : Yearather, blessed are they who hearthe word of God and keep it ."John 2 :3, 4 "When the wineran short the mother of Jesussaid to him : 'They have no wine .'But Jesus said to her : 'Whathave I to do with you, woman?'See also Moffatt .John 2 :3, 4, AT "The winegave out, and Jesus' mother saidto him, 'They have no morewine!' Jesus said to her, 'Do nottry to direct me .' "John 19 :26, CB "When Jesus,therefore, saw his mother andthe disciple standing by, whomhe loved, he said to his mother,'Woman, behold thy son .'"

404 FOREWORD (Cont'd)satisfactorily and "make sure of all things" for your hearer'sbenefit . You will have to know your book, its themes, and itssubjects for study to put it to good use .Bible Studies : Always carry "Make Sure of All Things"with you to your home Bible studies . These small groupgatherings in private homes allow for full expression on thepart of everyone present. Maybe you will need additionalscriptures to help settle an idea in the mind of your student,or maybe his question is not fully answered in the paragraphof the publication you are studying . Or he may get off on aside issue that will need to be cleared up before you go on .This book may aid you to get the answer quickly, especiallyif you use the division of the book "Subjects for Study" .The Family Study : Jehovah admonishes you to trainyour children in the right way. The family study leader,whether it be the father or the mother, can teach the childrenfrom this book as well as from any other publication of theSociety. With the minds of the children so full of "whys",doubtless this book will help the children to put their fullconfidence in the highest authority, Jehovah's Word . Parentsmay have daily studies with their children in one of the Society'spublications, and this can also be done with this publicationby taking page after page and reading and discussingthe scriptures . Certainly if you train up a child in the way heshould go he will never depart from it. Train your childrento use their own Bible as you conduct your Bible study with"Make Sure of All Things" . Familiarity with the scripturesand their location in the Bible is very important to impressupon the minds of the children early in life, so they will knowthe importance of the Scriptures . Remember, your childrenare going to be ministers of God . Train them from theiryouth.Casual Witnessing : Why not carry this handy book withyou to work, when you go visiting, and on Bible studies?Have it with you in your everyday activities . When you starta conversation on almost any subject, you can quickly bringit around to something on the Bible . You can quickly startan acquaintance with someone while traveling by talkingabout present conditions, and then it will not be long beforeyou are in a discussion . "Make Sure of All Things" is smalland compact and always ready to help your memory .Talks : You never know when you will be called on togive a discourse . Scriptural material for the proof of yourarguments can easily be gathered with this aid . The speaker

403spiritual body, as it is written :The first man Adam was madeinto a living soul : the last Adaminto a quickening spirit . Such asis the earthly, such also are theearthly : and such as is the heavenly,such also are they that areheavenly. Therefore, as we haveborne the image of the earthly,let us bear also the image of theheavenly . Now this I say, brethren,that flesh and blood cannotpossess the kingdom of God : neithershall corruption possess incorruption."(8) Scriptural References to Heras "Blessed", "Happy" or "HighlyFavored" Do Not Mean WorshipWas Her DueLuke 1 :28, 30, Dy "And theangel being come in, said untoher : Hail, full of grace ["highlyfavored one," NW], the Lord iswith thee : blessed art thouamong women . . Fear not,Mary, for thou hast found gracewith God."Luke 1 :41-48, Dy "Elizabethwas filled with the Holy Ghost .And she cried out with a loudvoice and said : Blessed art thouamong women and blessed is thefruit of thy womb . . . . And Marysaid : My soul doth magnify theLord. . .for behold from henceforthall generations shall callme blessed ["happy," NW] ."Same expressions used towardothersJudg . 5 :24, Dy "Blessed amongwomen be Jahel the wife ofHaber the Cinite : and blessed beshe in her tent ."Deut . 28 :1, 4, Dy "The Lordthy God will make thee higherthan all the nations that are onWorship of Marythe earth. Blessed shall be thefruit of thy womb, and the fruitof thy ground, and the fruit ofthy cattle, the droves of thyherds, and the folds of thysheep."Gen . 30 :9, 10, 13, Dy "Lia, perceivingthat she had left offbearing, gave elpha her handmaidto her husband . And whenshe had conceived and broughtforth a son, . . . Lia said : This isfor my happiness : for women willcall me blessed . Therefore shecalled him Aser."Mal . 3 :12, Dy "And all nationsshall call you blessed : for youshall be a delightful land, saiththe Lord of hosts."Jesus showed veneration ofMary was wrongLuke 11 :27, 28, Dy "And itcame to pass, as he spoke thesethings, a certain woman fromthe crowd, lifting up her voice,said to him : Blessed is the wombthat bore thee and the paps thatgave thee suck. But he said : Yearather, blessed are they who hearthe word of God and keep it ."John 2 :3, 4 "When the wineran short the mother of Jesussaid to him : 'They have no wine .'But Jesus said to her : 'Whathave I to do with you, woman?'See also Moffatt .John 2 :3, 4, AT "The winegave out, and Jesus' mother saidto him, 'They have no morewine!' Jesus said to her, 'Do nottry to direct me .' "John 19 :26, CB "When Jesus,therefore, saw his mother andthe disciple standing by, whomhe loved, he said to his mother,'Woman, behold thy son .'"

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