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Worship of MaryJesus was not God, but wasGod's Son and became subjectto the FatherLuke 1 :30-32, 35, Dy "Andthe angel said to her : Fearnot, Mary, for thou hast foundgrace with God . Behold thoushalt conceive in thy womb andshalt bring forth a son : and thoushalt call his name Jesus . Heshall be great and shall be calledthe Son of the Most High . . . .And the angel answering, said toher : The Holy Ghost shall comeupon thee and the power of theMost High shall overshadow thee .And therefore also the Holywhich shall be born of thee shallbe called the Son of God ."Luke 9 .35, Dy "And a voicecame out of the cloud, saying :This is my beloved son . Hearhim ."1 Cor . 15 :28, Dy "And whenall things shall be subdued untohim, then the Son also himselfshall be subject unto him thatput all things under him, thatGod may be all in all ."See "Incarnation" . "Trinity .""Mother of God" teaching sameas pagan "queen of heaven"Jer. 7 :18, Dy "The childrengather wood, and the fatherskindle the fire, and the womenknead the dough, to make cakesto the queen of heaven, and tooffer libations to strange gods,and to provoke me to anger ."[See Cath. Encycl ., Vol . XV,p . 460, for evidence that a sectof apostate Christians (4th century)was condemned for offeringcakes to Mary .](3) Mary Not Properly CalledEver Virgin", Since She BoreOther ChildrenMatt. 1 :25, Dy "And he knewher not till she brought forthher firstborn son : and he calledhis name Jesus ."Matt. 13:55, 56, Dy "Is not thisthe carpenter's son? Is not hismother called Mary, and hisbrethren James and Joseph and400Simon and Jude? And his sisters,are they not all with us?"Clear distinction shown betweenJesus' natural andspiritual brothersMatt . 12 :46-50, Dy "As he wasyet speaking to the multitudes,behold his mother and his brethrenstood without, seeking tospeak to him . And one said tohim : Behold thy mother and-thybrethren stand without, seekingthee . But he answering him thattold him, said : Who is mymother and who are my brethren?And stretching forth hishand towards his disciples, hesaid : Behold my mother andmy brethren . For whosoever shalldo the will of my Father that isin heaven, he is my brother, andsister, and mother ."John 2 :12, Dy "After this, hewent down to Capharnaum, heand his mother and his brethrenand his disciples ."John 7 :3, 5, 10, Dy "And hisbrethren said to him : Pass fromhence and go into Judea, thatthy disciples also may see thyworks which thou dost . For neitherdid his brethren believe inhim . But after his brethren weregone up, then he also went upto the feast, not openly, but, asit were, in secret ."Gal . 1 :19, Dy "But other ofthe apostles I saw none, savingJames the brother of the Lord ."(4) Woman of Genesis 3 :15 Is NotMary, but God's InvisibleOrganizationGen. 3 :15, Dy "I will put enmitiesbetween thee and thewoman, and thy seed and herseed : she shall crush thy head,and thou shalt lie in wait forher heel ."[Footnote, vs . 15, Douay : "Sheshall crush. So divers of the fathersread this place, conformablyto the Latin [though notto the original Hebrew] : othersread it ipsum, that is, the seed .. . . It is by her seed, Jesus Christ,

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