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World Distresssuffer . Look! the Devil will keepon throwing some of you intoprison that you may be fully putto the test, and that you mayhave tribulation ten days. Proveyourself faithful even with thedanger of death, and I will giveyou the crown of life ."Prov. 27 :11 "My son, be wise,and make my heart glad, thatI may answer him that reproachethme ."Mark 13 :9 "As for you, lookout for yourselves ; people willdeliver you up to local courtsand you will be beaten in synagoguesand be put on the standbefore governors and kings formy sake for the purpose of awitness to them ."Ezek . 38:10-39 :4 "Thus saiththe Lord Jehovah : It shall cometo pass in that day, that thingsshall come into thy mind, andthou shalt devise an evil device :and thou shalt say, I will go upto the land of unwalled villages ;I will go to them that are atrest, that dwell securely, all ofthem dwelling without walls, andhaving neither bars nor gates ;to take the spoil and to take theprey ; to turn thy hand againstthe waste places that are nowinhabited, and against the peoplethat are gathered out of the nations,that have gotten cattle andgoods, that dwell in the middleof the earth . . . . and thou shaltcome up against my people Israel,as a cloud to cover theland : it shall come to pass inthe latter days, that I will bringthee against my land, that thenations may know me, when Ishall be sanctified in thee, 0 Gog,before their eyes ." "And I willturn thee about, and will leadthee on, and will cause thee tocome up from the uttermost partsof the north ; and I will bringthee upon the mountains of Israel; and I will smite thy bowout of thy left hand, and willcause thine arrows to fall out ofthy right hand. Thou shalt fallupon the mountains of Israel,396thou, and all thy hordes, and thepeoples that are with thee : I willgive thee unto the ravenous birdsof every sort, and to the beastsof the field to be devoured ."Satan tries to thwart God's purposeof gathering remnant ofChrist's body, and of havingearthly other sheep surviveArmageddon2 Thess . 2 :1 "Brothers, respectingthe presence of our Lord JesusChrist and our being gatheredtogether to him ."1 Pet . 5 :8 "Keep your senses,be watchful . Your adversary, theDevil, walks about like a roaringlion, seeking to devour someone ."Rev . 16 :14-16 "They are, infact, expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs, andthey go forth to the kings of theentire inhabited earth, to gatherthem together to the war of thegreat day of God the Almighty .`Look! I am coming as a thief .Happy is the one that staysawake and keeps his outer garments,that he may not walknaked and people look upon hisparts of shame.' And they gatheredthem together to the placethat is called in Hebrew Har-Magedon ."ech. 3 :1, 2 ; 4 :9 "And heshowed me Joshua the highpriest standing before the angelof Jehovah, and Satan standingat his right hand to be his adversary.And Jehovah said untoSatan, Jehovah rebuke thee, . . . isnot this a brand plucked out ofthe fire?" "The hands of erubbabelhave laid the foundation ofthis house ; his hands shall alsofinish it ; and thou shalt knowthat Jehovah of hosts hath sentme unto you ."Distress will increase until Armageddon;no world conversionpossible2 Tim . 3 :1-5, 13 "But knowthis, that in the last days criticaltimes hard to deal with willbe here. For men will be lovers of

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