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World DistressRev. 9:5, 6 "And it was grantedthe locusts, not to kill them, butthat these should be tormentedfive months, and the tormentupon them was as torment by ascorpion when it strikes a man .And in those days the men willseek death but will by no meansfind it, and they will desire todie but death keeps fleeing fromthem.'God's servants have part in thisproclamation work ; no physicalviolence used2 Cor. 10 :3-5 "For though wewalk in the flesh, we do notwage warfare according to whatwe are in the flesh. For theweapons of our warfare are notfleshly, but powerful by God foroverturning strongly entrenchedthings. For we are overturningreasonings and every lofty thingraised up against the knowledgeof God, and we are bringingevery thought into captivity tomake it obedient to the Christ ."Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments,against the authorities, againstthe world-rulers of this darkness,against the wicked spirit forcesin the heavenly places ."False religionists and oppressorsof the people discomfited,bring opposition and persecutionto God's servantsJer . 25:36 "A voice of the cryof the shepherds, and the wailingof the principal of the flock! forJehovah layeth waste their pasture."Luke 13 :28 "There is whereyour weeping and the gnashingof your teeth will be, when yousee Abraham and Isaac and Jacoband all the prophets in thekingdom of God, but yourselvesthrown outside ."Many will come forth to standwith God's servants, to theirsalvationRev. 7 :9-17 "After these thingsI saw, and, look! a great crowd,394which no man was able to number,out of all nations and tribesand peoples and tongues, standingbefore the throne and beforethe Lamb, dressed in white robes,and there were palm branches intheir hands. And they keep oncrying with a loud voice, saying :`Salvation we owe to our God,who is seated on the throne, andto the Lamb .'. `These are theones that come out of the greattribulation, and they have washedtheir robes and made them whitein the blood of the Lamb . . . . becausethe Lamb who is in themidst of the throne will shepherdthem, and will guide them tofountains of waters of life .'"Mic. 4 :1-3 "But in the latterdays it shall come to pass, thatthe mountain of Jehovah's houseshall be established on the topof the mountains, and it shallbe exalted above the hills ; andpeoples shall flow unto it . Andmany nations shall go and say,Come ye, and let us go up to themountain of Jehovah, and to thehouse of the God of Jacob ; andhe will teach us of his ways, andwe will walk in his paths . Forout of ion shall go forth thelaw, and the word of Jehovahfrom Jerusalem ; and he willjudge between many peoples, andwill decide concerning strong nationsafar off : and they shall beattheir swords into plowshares, andtheir spears into pruning-hooks ;nation shall not lift up swordagainst nation, neither shall theylearn war any more ."ech. 8 :22, 23 "Yea, many peoplesand strong nations shallcome to seek Jehovah of hosts inJerusalem, and to entreat thefavor of Jehovah. Thus saithJehovah of hosts : In those daysit shall come to pass, that tenmen shall take hold, out of allthe languages of the nations,they shall take hold of the skirtof him that is a Jew, saying, Wewill go with you, for we haveheard that God is with you ."

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