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3 93write : These are the things hesays who is holy, who is true,who has the key of David, whoopens so that no one will shut,and shuts so that no one opens ."Allows other sheep to hear andbe savedJohn 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Matt. 25:31-33 "When the Sonof man arrives in his glory andall the angels with him, thenhe will sit down on his gloriousthrone . And all the nations willbe gathered before him, and hewill separate people one fromanother, just as a shepherd separatesthe sheep from the goats .And he will put the sheep onhis right hand, but the goats onhis left ."Rev. 22 :17 "And the spirit andthe bride keep on saying, 'Come!'And let anyone hearing say,'Come!' And let anyone thirstingcome ; let anyone that wishestake life's water free ."War to be resumed and completedby Christ at ArmageddonIsa . 28 :21 "For Jehovah willrise up as in mount Perazim,he will be wroth as in the valleyof Gibeon ; that he may do hiswork, his strange work, and bringto pass his act, his strange act."Rev. 6 :2 "And I saw, and,look! a white horse, and the oneseated upon it had a bow, anda crown was given him, and hewent forth conquering and tocomplete his conquest ."2 Pet . 3:7, 10 "But by the sameword the heavens and the earththat are now are stored up forfire and are being reserved tothe day of judgment and of destructionof the ungodly men . YetJehovah's day will come as athief, in which the heavens willpass away with a hissing noise,but the elements being intenselyhot will be dissolved, and earthWorld Distressand the works in it will be discovered."1 Thess . 5 :3 "Whenever it isthat they are saying, 'Peace andsecurity!' then sudden destructionis to be instantly upon themjust as the pang of distress upona pregnant woman, and they willby no means escape ."Matt . 24 :20, 21 "Keep prayingthat your flight may not occurin wintertime nor on the sabbathday ; for then there will be greattribulation such as has not occurredsince the world's beginninguntil now, no, nor will occuragain ."(1b) Distress Brought on Satan'sOrganization Between 1918 andArmageddonLuke 21 :25 "Also there willbe signs in sun and moon andstars, and on the earth anguishof nations, not knowing the wayout because of the roaring of thesea and its agitation ."Rev. 1 :7 "Look! he is comingwith the clouds, and every eyewill see him, and those whopierced him ; and all the tribesof the earth will beat themselvesin grief because of him . Yes,Amen."Rev. 6 :15-17 "And the kingsof the earth and the top-rankingones and the military commandersand the rich and the strongones and every slave and freeperson hid themselves in thedens and in the rock-masses ofthe mountains . And they keepsaying to the mountains and tothe rock-masses : 'Fall over usand hide us from the face ofthe one seated on the throne andfrom the wrath of the Lamb, becausethe great day of theirwrath has come, and who is ableto stand?'' ,Rev . 16 :21 "And a great hailwith every stone about the weightof a talent descended out ofheaven upon the men, and yetthe men blasphemed God due tothe plague of hail, because theplague of it was unusually great ."

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