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391 World Distressbefore Armageddon, with a view to a depopulated earth . By playingupon man's sinfulness and selfishness, and by his oppressive demonicand visible organization, Satan has whipped up violence and greatdistress.(la) Christ the King's Action inLiteral Warfare Against Satan'sWorld A. D. 1914-1918Rev . 12 :5-9 "And she gavebirth to a son, a male, who isdestined to shepherd all the nationswith an iron rod . . . . Andwar broke out in heaven : Michaeland his angels battled withthe dragon, and the dragon andits angels battled but it did notprevail, neither was a place foundfor them any longer in heaven .So down the great dragon washurled, the original serpent, theone called Devil and Satan, whois misleading the entire inhabitedearth ; he was hurled down to theearth, and his angels were hurleddown with him."Ps. 110 :2 "Jehovah will sendforth the rod of thy strength outof ion : rule thou in the midstof thine enemies."Luke 10 :18 "At that he saidto them : 'I began to behold Satanalready fallen like lightningfrom heaven .'"Rev. 18 :2 "He cried out witha strong voice, saying : `She hasfallen! Babylon the great hasfallen, and she has become adwelling-place of demons and alurking-place of every uncleanexhalation and a lurking-place ofevery unclean and hated bird!'"A time of rejoicing for allrighteous creaturesRev. 12 :10-12 "And I heard aloud voice in heaven say : `Nowhave come to pass the salvationand the power and the kingdomof our God and the authority ofhis Christ, because the accuser ofour brothers has been hurleddown, who accuses them day andnight before our God! . . . On thisaccount be glad, you heavens andyou who reside in them!'"Luke 21 :28 "But as thesethings start to occur, raise yourselveserect and lift your headsup, because your deliverance isgetting near ."This action temporarily haltedwhen Satan's organization wascompletely cleaned out ofheavenMatt. 24 :7, 8, 21, 22, 14 "Fornation will rise against nationand kingdom against kingdom,and there will be food shortagesand earthquakes in one placeafter another. All these thingsare a beginning of pangs of distress.For then there will begreat tribulation such as has notoccurred since the world's beginninguntil now, no, nor willoccur again. In fact, unless thosedays were cut short, no fleshwould be saved ; but on accountof the chosen ones those dayswill be cut short. And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come."Heb. 12 :26, 27 "At that timehis voice shook the earth, butnow he has promised, saying :`Yet once more I will set not onlythe earth but also the heaven incommotion.' Now the expression`Yet once more' signifies the removalof the things being shakenas things that have beenmade, in order that the thingsnot being shaken may remain ."Mark 13 :20 "Unless Jehovahhad cut short the days, no fleshwould be saved. But on accountof the chosen ones that he haschosen he has cut short thedays."Allowing this interim is a greatmercy of God2 Pet. 3 :9, 15 "Jehovah is notslow respecting his promise, assome people consider slowness,

World Distressbut he is patient with you becausehe does not desire any tobe destroyed but desires all toattain to repentance . Furthermore,consider the patience ofour Lord as salvation ."Rev. 14:6, 7 "I saw anotherangel flying in midheaven andhe had everlasting good news todeclare as glad tidings to thosewho dwell on the earth, and toevery nation and tribe andtongue and people, saying in aloud voice : 'Fear God and givehim glory, because the hour ofthe judgment by him has arrived.'"Isa . 1 :9 "Except Jehovah ofhosts had left unto us a verysmall remnant, we should havebeen as Sodom, we should havebeen like unto Gomorrah ."Provides opportunity for remnantto be gathered andprove integrityLuke 13 :29 "Furthermore, peoplewill come from eastern partsand western, and from north andsouth, and will recline at thetable in the kingdom of God ."Matt. 24:45-47 "Who really isthe faithful and discreet slavewhom his master appointed overhis domestics to give them theirfood at the proper time? Happyis that slave if his master on arrivingfinds him doing so . TrulyI say to you, He will appoint himover all his belongings ."Luke 18 :7, 8 "Certainly, then,shall not God cause justice to bedone to his chosen ones who cryaloud to him day and night, eventhough he is longsuffering towardthem? I tell you, He will causejustice to be done to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Sonof man arrives, will he really findthis faith on the earth?"Mal. 3 :1-3 "The Lord, whom yeseek, will suddenly come to histemple ; and the messenger ofthe covenant, whom ye desire,behold, he cometh, saith Jehovahof hosts. But who can abidethe day of his coining? and who392shall stand when he appeareth?for he is like a refiner's fire, andlike fullers' soap : and he will sitas a refiner and purifier of silver,and he will purify the sons ofLevi, and refine them as gold andsilver ; and they shall offer untoJehovah offerings in righteousness."Isa . 12 :1 "And in that day thoushalt say, I will give thanks untothee, 0 Jehovah ; for thoughthou wast angry with me, thineanger is turned away, and thoucomfortest me."Isa . 6 :5-8 "Then said I, Woe isme! for I am undone ; becauseI am a man of unclean lips, andI dwell in the midst of a peopleof unclean lips : for mine eyeshave seen the King, Jehovah ofhosts . Then flew one of the seraphimunto me, having a livecoal in his hand, which he hadtaken with the tongs from off thealtar : and he touched my mouthwith it, and said, Lo, this hathtouched thy lips ; and thine iniquityis taken away, and thy sinforgiven . And I heard the voiceof the Lord, saying, Whom shallI send, and who will go for us?Then I said, Here am I ; sendme ."Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, departye, go ye out from thence, touchno unclean thing ; go ye out ofthe midst of her ; cleanse yourselves,ye that bear the vesselsof Jehovah ."Matt. 24 :16-18 "Then let thosein Judea begin fleeing to themountains . Let the man on thehousetop not come down to takethe goods out of his house ; andlet the man in the field not returnto the house to pick up hisouter garment ."Isa. 45 :1 and Rev . 3:7 "Thussaith Jehovah to his anointed,to Cyrus, whose right hand I haveholden, to subdue nations beforehim, and I will loose the loins ofkings ; to open the doors beforehim, and the gates shall not beshut." "And to the angel ofthe congregation in Philadelphia

World Distressbut he is patient with you becausehe does not desire any tobe destroyed but desires all toattain to repentance . Furthermore,consider the patience ofour Lord as salvation ."Rev. 14:6, 7 "I saw anotherangel flying in midheaven andhe had everlasting good news todeclare as glad tidings to thosewho dwell on the earth, and toevery nation and tribe andtongue and people, saying in aloud voice : 'Fear God and givehim glory, because the hour ofthe judgment by him has arrived.'"Isa . 1 :9 "Except Jehovah ofhosts had left unto us a verysmall remnant, we should havebeen as Sodom, we should havebeen like unto Gomorrah ."Provides opportunity for remnantto be gathered andprove integrityLuke 13 :29 "Furthermore, peoplewill come from eastern partsand western, and from north andsouth, and will recline at thetable in the kingdom of God ."Matt. 24:45-47 "Who really isthe faithful and discreet slavewhom his master appointed overhis domestics to give them theirfood at the proper time? Happyis that slave if his master on arrivingfinds him doing so . TrulyI say to you, He will appoint himover all his belongings ."Luke 18 :7, 8 "Certainly, then,shall not God cause justice to bedone to his chosen ones who cryaloud to him day and night, eventhough he is longsuffering towardthem? I tell you, He will causejustice to be done to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Sonof man arrives, will he really findthis faith on the earth?"Mal. 3 :1-3 "The Lord, whom yeseek, will suddenly come to histemple ; and the messenger ofthe covenant, whom ye desire,behold, he cometh, saith Jehovahof hosts. But who can abidethe day of his coining? and who392shall stand when he appeareth?for he is like a refiner's fire, andlike fullers' soap : and he will sitas a refiner and purifier of silver,and he will purify the sons ofLevi, and refine them as gold andsilver ; and they shall offer untoJehovah offerings in righteousness."Isa . 12 :1 "And in that day thoushalt say, I will give thanks untothee, 0 Jehovah ; for thoughthou wast angry with me, thineanger is turned away, and thoucomfortest me."Isa . 6 :5-8 "Then said I, Woe isme! for I am undone ; becauseI am a man of unclean lips, andI dwell in the midst of a peopleof unclean lips : for mine eyeshave seen the King, Jehovah ofhosts . Then flew one of the seraphimunto me, having a livecoal in his hand, which he hadtaken with the tongs from off thealtar : and he touched my mouthwith it, and said, Lo, this hathtouched thy lips ; and thine iniquityis taken away, and thy sinf<strong>org</strong>iven . And I heard the voiceof the Lord, saying, Whom shallI send, and who will go for us?Then I said, Here am I ; sendme ."Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, departye, go ye out from thence, touchno unclean thing ; go ye out ofthe midst of her ; cleanse yourselves,ye that bear the vesselsof Jehovah ."Matt. 24 :16-18 "Then let thosein Judea begin fleeing to themountains . Let the man on thehousetop not come down to takethe goods out of his house ; andlet the man in the field not returnto the house to pick up hisouter garment ."Isa. 45 :1 and Rev . 3:7 "Thussaith Jehovah to his anointed,to Cyrus, whose right hand I haveholden, to subdue nations beforehim, and I will loose the loins ofkings ; to open the doors beforehim, and the gates shall not beshut." "And to the angel ofthe congregation in Philadelphia

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