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Tongues, Speaking InEnabled Witnessing of GoodNews to Those of AnotherLanguageActs 2 :7, 8, 11 "Indeed, theywere astonished and began towonder and say : `See here . allthese who are speaking are Galileans,are they not? And yet howis it we are listening each oneof us to his own language inwhich we were born? . . . we hearthem speaking in our tonguesabout the magnificent things ofGod .'Not All in Early CongregationHad GiftI Cor. 12 :27, 28, 30, 31 "Nowyou are Christ's body, and membersindividually . And God hasset the respective ones in thecongregation, . . . Not all speak intongues, do they? Not all aretranslators, are they? But keepstriving after the greater gifts ."Understanding of Witness theImportant ThingI Cor. 14 :5-9 "Now I wouldlike for all of you to speak intongues, but I prefer that youprophesy . Indeed, he that prophesiesis greater than he thatspeaks in tongues, unless, in fact,he translates, that the congregationmay receive upbuilding. Butat this time, brothers, if I shouldcome speaking to you in tongues,what good would I do you unlessI spoke to you either with a revelationor with knowledge or witha prophecy or with a teaching?. . .In the same way also, unlessyou through the tongue utterspeech easily understood, howwill it be known what is beingspoken? You will, in fact, bespeaking into the air ."If Tongue Was Unknown toCongregation, TranslationWas to Be Given AlsoI Cor. 14 :10-19 "It may be thatthere are so many kinds ofspeech-sounds in the world, andyet no kind is without meaning .If, then, I do not understand the382force of the speech-sound, I shallbe a foreigner to the one speakingand the one speaking willbe a foreigner to me . . . . Thereforelet the one who sneaks ina tongue pray that he may translate. For if I am praying in atongue, it is my gift of the spiritthat is praying, but my understandingis unfruitful . What isto be done, then? I will praywith the gift of the spirit, butI will also pray with my understanding. I will sing praise withthe gift of the spirit, but I willalso sing praise with my understanding.Otherwise, if you offerpraise with a gift of the spirit,how will the man occupying theseat of the ordinary person sayAmen to your giving of thanks,since he does not know whatyou are saying? True, you givethanks in a right way, but theother man is not being built up .I thank God, I speak in moretongues than all of you do. Nevertheless,in a congregation Iwould rather speak five wordswith my understanding, that Imight also instruct others verbally,than ten thousand words ina tongue."Intended to Operate as a Signto Unbelievers1 Cor . 14 :21-25 "In the Lawit is written : ' "With the tonguesof foreigners and with the lipsof strangers I will speak to thispeople, and yet not even thenwill they give heed to me," saysJehovah .' Consequently, tonguesare for a sign, not to the believers,but to the unbelievers,whereas prophesying is, not forthe unbelievers, but for the believers. Therefore, if the wholecongregation comes together toone place and they all speak intongues, but ordinary people orunbelievers come in, will theynot say that you are mad? But ifyou are all prophesying and anyunbeliever or ordinary person

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