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Ten"Lost Tribes"See also: Ezra 2 :2, 59 ; 3 :1 ;4 :3 ; 7 :7, 10, 28 ; 8 :25, 29 ; 9 :1 ;10 :1, 2, 5, 10 ; Neh . 2 :10 ; 7 :7,61, 73 ; 9 :1, 2 ; 11 :3, 20 ; 12 :47 ;13 :3 ; Luke 1 :80 ; 7 :9 ; John 1 :31 ;3 :10 .Some of All Twelve Tribes Werein Palestine in the Days of Jesusani ApostlesActs 26 :7 "Our twelve tribesare hoping to attain to the fulfillmentof this promise by intenselyrendering him sacredservice night and day ."Isa . 8:14 "And he shall be fora sanctuary ; but for a stone ofstumbling and for a rock of offenceto both the houses of Israel,for a gin and for a snare to theinhabitants of Jerusalem ."Luke 2 :36 "Now there wasAnna a prophetess, Phanuel'sdaughter, of Asher's tribe."Acts 2 :36 "Therefore let all thehouse of Israel know for a certaintythat God made him bothLord and Christ, this Jesus whomyou impaled ."Jas . 1 :1 "James, a slave of Godand of the Lord Jesus Christ,to the twelve tribes that arescattered about ."Acts 13 :16, 17, 23, 24 "Paulrose, and motioning with hishand, he said : 'You Israelitesand you others that fear God,hear . The God of this peopleIsrael chose our forefathers, . . .God has brought to Israel a savior,Jesus, after John, in advanceof the entry of that One, hadpreached publicly to all the peopleof Israel the baptism of thoserepenting .''Luke 1 :16 "And many of thesons (if Israel will he [John theBapist] turn back to Jehovahtheir God ."Matt . 10 :6, 23 "Go continuallyo the lost sheep of the houseof Israel ."Matt . 15 :24 "In answer he said :'I was not sent forth to any butto the lost sheep of the houseof Israel .'"See also : Matt . 2 :20, 21 ; 8 :10 ;Acts 2 :22 ; 3 :12 ; 4 :27 ; 10 :36, 37 ;11 074Rom . 9 :31-33 ; 10 :1 ; 11 :1 ; Heb.8 :10 .Israelites Cast OFfi as God's Nation,A .D. 33 : All Peoples CouldThen Be of God's "Holy Nation"Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jewnor Greek, there is neither slavenor freeman, there is neithermale nor female ; for you are allone in union with Christ Jesus ."Gal . 6 :15, 16 "For neither iscircumcision anything nor is uncircumcision,but a new creationis something . And all those whowill walk orderly by this rule ofconduct, upon them be peace andmercy, even upon the Israel ofGod2 Cor. 5 :16, 17 "Consequently,from now on s e know no manaccording to the flesh . Even ifwe have known Christ accordingto the flesh, certainly we nowknow him so no more . Consequently,if anyone is in unionwith Christ, he is a new creation ;the old things passed away, look!new things have come into existence."1 Pet. 2 :9, 10 "You are 'achosen race, a royal priesthood,a holy nation, a people for specialpossession, that you shoulddeclare abroad the excellencies'of the one that called you out ofdarkness into his wonderful light .For you were once not a people,but are now God's people ; youwere those who had not beenshown mercy, but are now thosewho have been shown mercy ."[For the above reasons, the144,000 mentioned in Revelation7, from the twelve tribes,could not be literal Jews . The12,000 from each tribe shows impartialityand complete, balanced<strong>org</strong>anization .]Regathering in Last Days Is NotNationally, Politically (as Indians,Anglo-Americans), but aChristian Gathering from AllNations for True WorshipActs 15 :14 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for

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