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Superior Authoritiesheaven, he said : `Father, thehour has come ; glorify your son,that your son may glorify you,according as you have given hireauthority over all flesh, that, asregards the whole number whichyou have given him, he may givethem everlasting life.'"1 Pet . 3 :22 "He is at God'sright hand, for he went his wayto heaven, and angels andauthorities and powers weremade subject to him ."Phil. 2 :5, 9-11 "Keep this mentalattitude in you which wasalso in Christ Jesus . For thisvery reason also God exalted himto a superior position and kindlygave him the name that is aboveevery other name, so that in thename of Jesus every knee shouldbend of those in heaven andthose on earth and those underthe ground, and every tongueshould openly confess that JesusChrist is Lord to the glory ofGod the Father."Jehovah Empowers Only ThoseWho Rightly Use Authority3Eph . 1 :19-23 "And what thesurpassing greatness of his poweris toward us believers . It is accordingto the operation of themightiness of his strength, withwhich he has operated in thecase of the Christ when he raisedhim up from the dead and seatedhim at his right hand in theheavenly places, far above everygovernment and authority andpower and lordship and everyname named, not only in thissystem of things, but also in thatto come . He also subjected allthings under his feet, and madehim head over all things to thecongregation, which is his body,the fullness of him who fills u. .all things in alL"1 Cor . 12 :12, 18, 27, 28 "Forjust as the body is one thinbut has many members, and allthe members of that body, althoughbeing many, are one body,so also is the Christ. But nowGod has set the members in the370body, each one of them, just ashe pleased. Now you are Christ'sbody, and members individually .And God has set the respectiveones in the congregation, first,apostles ."2 Cor. 10:8 "For even if weshould boast a bit too muchabout the authority which theLord gave us to build you upand not to tear you down, Iwould not be put to shame ."2 Cor . 13 :10 "That is why Iwrite these things while absent,that, when I am present, I maynot act with severity accordingto the authority which the Lordgave me, to build up and notto tear down ."1 Cor. 9 :12, 13 "If other menshare in this authority over you,do we not much more so? Nevertheless,we have not made use ofthis authority, but we are bearingall things, in order that wemight not offer any hindrance tothe good news about the Christ .What, then, is my reward? Thatwhile declaring the good newsI may furnish the good newswithout cost, to the end thatI may not abuse my authority inthe good news ."2 Thess . 3 :9 "Not that we donot have authority, but in orderthat we might offer ourselves asan example to you to imitate us."Heb. 13 :7, 17, 24 "Rememberthose who are governing you, whohave spoken the word of Godto you, and as you contemplatehow their conduct turns out imitatetheir faith . Be obedient tothose who are governing you andbe submissive, for they are keepingwatch over your souls asthose who will render an account,that they may do thiswith joy and not with sighing,for this would be damaging toyou . Give my greetings to allthose who are governing you andto all the holy ones ."

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