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Biblethe same word the heavens andthe earth that are now are storedup for fire and are being reservedto the day of judgment and ofdestruction of the ungodly men ."Luke 17 :26-30 "Just as it occurredin the days of Noah, soit will be also in the days of theSon of man : . . and the floodarrived and destroyed them all .Likewise, just as it occurred inthe days of Lot : . it rainedfire and sulphur from heaven anddestroyed them all ."36Ex. 14 :26-28 "Jehovah overthrewthe Egyptians in the midstof the sea . And the waters returned,and covered the chariots,and the horsemen, even all thehost of Pharaoh that went inafter them into the sea ; thereremained not so much as oneof them ."Rev . 11 :8 "The great city whichis in a spiritual sense calledSodom and Egypt, where theirLord was also impaled ."BibleDEFINITIONThe Bible is Jehovah God's written word to mankind, revealinghimself and expressing his purpose . Jehovah, as the Author, inspiredat least thirty-five different faithful men to write . Although the completeBible is itself one book it is actually a library of sixty-six books,thirty-nine having been originally written in Hebrew and Aramaicand properly designated collectively the Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures,and the other twenty-seven having been originally written in Greekand properly designated collectively the Christian Greek Scriptures .The writing of the entire Bible covered the period from 1513 B .C. toA.D. 98 or 99. The English word Bible is from the Greek word,bibli'a, meaning "papyrus scrolls, rolls, volumes, books" or, literally,"small papyri or booklets."Jehovah God's So-called "Bookof Nature" Declares His Majestyand Creative PowerPs . 19 :1, 2 "The heavens declarethe glory of God ; and thefirmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day utterethspeech, and night unto nightshoweth knowledge ."Ps . 111 :2-6 "The works of Jehovahare great, sought out of allthem that have pleasure therein. His work is honor and majesty; and his righteousness endurethfor ever . He hath madehis wonderful works to be remembered: . . . He hath showed hispeople the power of his works,in giving them the heritage ofthe nations."Roan. 1 :20 "For his invisiblequalities are clearly seen fromthe world's creation onward, becausethey are understood by thethings made, even his eternalpower and Godship, so that theyare inexcusable."God's Works Not CompletelyRevealed by So-called "Bookof Nature"Eccl . 3 :11 "Man cannot find outthe work that God hath donefrom the beginning even to theend . "EccL 11 :5 "As thou knowestnot what is the way of the wind,nor how the bones do grow in thewomb of her that is with child ;even so thou knowest not thework of God who doeth all ."

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