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367seek unto their God? . . . To thelaw and to the testimony! If theyspeak not according to this word,surely there is no morning forthem ."Deut . 18 :111-12 "There shall notbe found with thee any one . . .that useth divination, one thatpractiseth augury, or an enchanter,or a sorcerer, or a charmer,or a consulter with a familiarspirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer."Lev. 19 :31 "Turn ye not untothem that have familiar spirits,nor unto the ,'ards seeknot out, to be defiled by them :I a am Jehovah your God."Lev. 20 :6, 27 "The soul thatturneth unto t ern that have familiarspirits, and unto the wizards,to play the harlot afterthem, I will even set my faceagainst that soul, and will cuthim off from among his people .A roan also or a woman thathath a familiar spirit . shallsurely be put to death ."Also : Mal . 3 :5 ; Dan . 1 :20 ;Acts 8 :9, 11 ; 13 :8-10 ; Mic . 5 :12 ;2 Ki . 21 :6 ; Rev . 9 :21 .Christendom Condemned forSuch PracticesRev . 18 :23 "No light of a lampwill ever shine in you again, . . .for by your spiritistic practiceall the nations were misled."1 Tim . 4 :1 "Some will fallaway from the faith, payingattention to misleading inspiredutterances and teachings of demons."Practice Brings DestructionGal . 5 :19-21 "Now the worksof the flesh are manifest, andthey are fornication, uncleanness,loose conduct, idolatry, practiceof spiritism, . . . As to thesethings I am forewarning you . . . .that those who practice suchthings will not inherit God'skingdom ."Rev . 21 :8 "But as for the . . .murderers and fornicators andthose practicing spiritism andSpiritismidolaters and all tive liars, theirportion will be in the lake thatburns with fire and sulphur. Thismeans the second death."Also : Rev . 22 :15 .Fortunetelling CondemnedMatt. 6 :34 "So, never be anxiousabout the next day, for thenext day will have its own anxieties."Jas . 4 :14 "Whereas you do notknow what your life will be tomorrow."Prov . 27 :1 "Boast not thyselfof tomorrow : for thou knowestnot what a day may bring forth ."Acts 16 :16-18 "A certain servantgirl with a spirit, a demonof divination . . . . used to furnishher masters with much gain bypracticing the art of prediction .. . . Paul . . . said to the spirit : 'Iorder you in the name of JesusChrist to cone out of her.' Andit came out that very hour ."Demonism CondemnedActs 19 :13-20 "Certain ones . . .who practiced the casting out ofdemons also undertook to namethe name of the Lord Jesus overthose having the wicked spirits .. . . But in answer the wickedspirit said to them : 'I know Jesusand I am acquainted with Paul ;but who are you?' With that theman in whom the wicked spiritwas leaped upon them, got themastery of the two of them . . .This became known to all. . . . anda fear fell upon them all, andthe name of the Lord Jesus wenton being magnified . . Indeed,quite a number of those whopracticed magical arts broughttheir books together and burnedthem up before everybody ."Also : 1 Sam. 28 :7-19 ; Isa. 2 :6 .Astrology CondemnedJer . 10 :2 "Thus saith Jehovah,Learn not the way of the nations,and be not dismayed at the signsof heaven ; for the nations aredismayed at there ."Job 31 :26-28 "if I have beheldthe sun when it shined, or the

Spiritismmoon walking in brightness, andmy heart hath been secretly enticed,and my mouth hath kissedmy hand : this also were an iniquityto be punished by thefudges ; for I should have deniedthe God that is above ."1 Tim . 6 :20 "0 Timothy, guardwhat is laid up in trust with you,turning away from the emptyspeeches that violate what is holyand from the contradictions ofthe falsely called 'knowledge' ."Astrologers, Tools of DemonsMatt . 2 :1-17 "After Jesus hadbeen born in Bethlehem of Judeain the days of Herod the king,look! astrologers from easternparts came to Jerusalem, saying :'Where is the one born king ofthe Jews? For we saw his star . . .and we have come to do himobeisance .' . . . Then Herod secretlysummoned the astrologers andcarefully ascertained from themthe time of the star's appearing.. Then Herod . . . had all theboys in Bethlehem . . . killed, fromtwo years of age and under ."Special Revelations Have Ceased1 Cor. 13 :8-13 "Gifts of prophesying,. tongues . . . . knowledge. . . . will be done away with .For we have partial knowledgeand we prophesy partially ; butwhen that which is complete arrives,that which is partial willbe done away with . . . . Now . . .remain faith, hope, love, thesethree, but the greatest of theseis love ."See also : Eph . 4 :11-14 .Gal. 1 :8 "Even if we or anangel out of heaven were to declareto you as good news somethingbeyond what we declaredto you as good news, let him beaccursed ."Testing Inspired Expressions1 John 4 :1, 2 "Do not believeevery inspired expression, buttest the inspired expressions tosee whether they originate withGod, because many false proph-368ets have gone forth into theworld . . . . Every inspired expressionthat confesses Jesus Christas having come in the flesh originateswith God ."Rev . 16 :13, 14 "I saw threeunclean inspired expressions .come out of the mouth of thedragon . . . the wild beast and . . .the false prophet . They are, infact, expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs ."God's Word Now Contains God'sComplete Revelations2 Tim . 3 :16, 17 "All Scriptureis inspired of God . . . . that theman of God may be fully competent,completely equipped forevery good work."Rev . 22 :18, 19 "If anyonemakes an addition to thesethings, God will add to him theplagues that are written in thisscroll ; and if anyone takes anythingaway from the words ofthe scroll of this prophecy, Godwill take his portion away fromthe trees of life and out of theholy city, things which are writtenabout in this scroll ."Dreams and Visions Not NowGivenDeut. 13 :1-5 "If there arise inthe midst of thee a prophet, ora dreamer of dreams, and hegive thee a sign or a wonder, andthe sign or the wonder come topass, whereof he spake unto thee,saying, Let us go after othergods, which thou hast not known .and let us serve them ; thou shaltnot hearken unto the words ofthat prophet, or unto thatdreamer of dreams ."Jer . 29 :8, 9 "Let not yourprophets that are in the midst ofyou, and your diviners, deceiveyou ; neither hearken ye to yourdreams which ye cause to bedreamed . For they prophesyfalsely unto you in my name : Ihave not sent them, saith Jehovah."Jer. 23 :25-32 "I have heardwhat the prophets have said, that

367seek unto their God? . . . To thelaw and to the testimony! If theyspeak not according to this word,surely there is no morning forthem ."Deut . 18 :111-12 "There shall notbe found with thee any one . . .that useth divination, one thatpractiseth augury, or an enchanter,or a sorcerer, or a charmer,or a consulter with a familiarspirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer."Lev. 19 :31 "Turn ye not untothem that have familiar spirits,nor unto the ,'ards seeknot out, to be defiled by them :I a am Jehovah your God."Lev. 20 :6, 27 "The soul thatturneth unto t ern that have familiarspirits, and unto the wizards,to play the harlot afterthem, I will even set my faceagainst that soul, and will cuthim off from among his people .A roan also or a woman thathath a familiar spirit . shallsurely be put to death ."Also : Mal . 3 :5 ; Dan . 1 :20 ;Acts 8 :9, 11 ; 13 :8-10 ; Mic . 5 :12 ;2 Ki . 21 :6 ; Rev . 9 :21 .Christendom Condemned forSuch PracticesRev . 18 :23 "No light of a lampwill ever shine in you again, . . .for by your spiritistic practiceall the nations were misled."1 Tim . 4 :1 "Some will fallaway from the faith, payingattention to misleading inspiredutterances and teachings of demons."Practice Brings DestructionGal . 5 :19-21 "Now the worksof the flesh are manifest, andthey are fornication, uncleanness,loose conduct, idolatry, practiceof spiritism, . . . As to thesethings I am forewarning you . . . .that those who practice suchthings will not inherit God'skingdom ."Rev . 21 :8 "But as for the . . .murderers and fornicators andthose practicing spiritism andSpiritismidolaters and all tive liars, theirportion will be in the lake thatburns with fire and sulphur. Thismeans the second death."Also : Rev . 22 :15 .Fortunetelling CondemnedMatt. 6 :34 "So, never be anxiousabout the next day, for thenext day will have its own anxieties."Jas . 4 :14 "Whereas you do notknow what your life will be tomorrow."Prov . 27 :1 "Boast not thyselfof tomorrow : for thou knowestnot what a day may bring forth ."Acts 16 :16-18 "A certain servantgirl with a spirit, a demonof divination . . . . used to furnishher masters with much gain bypracticing the art of prediction .. . . Paul . . . said to the spirit : 'Iorder you in the name of JesusChrist to cone out of her.' Andit came out that very hour ."Demonism CondemnedActs 19 :13-20 "Certain ones . . .who practiced the casting out ofdemons also undertook to namethe name of the Lord Jesus overthose having the wicked spirits .. . . But in answer the wickedspirit said to them : 'I know Jesusand I am acquainted with Paul ;but who are you?' With that theman in whom the wicked spiritwas leaped upon them, got themastery of the two of them . . .This became known to all. . . . anda fear fell upon them all, andthe name of the Lord Jesus wenton being magnified . . Indeed,quite a number of those whopracticed magical arts broughttheir books together and burnedthem up before everybody ."Also : 1 Sam. 28 :7-19 ; Isa. 2 :6 .Astrology CondemnedJer . 10 :2 "Thus saith Jehovah,Learn not the way of the nations,and be not dismayed at the signsof heaven ; for the nations aredismayed at there ."Job 31 :26-28 "if I have beheldthe sun when it shined, or the

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