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365Spirithe will give the world convincing footnote] blows where it wantsevidence concerning sin and concerningrighteousness and con-but you do not know where itto, and you hear the sound of it,cerning judgment : . . . he will comes from and where it is going .guide you into all the truth, for So is everyone that has beenhe will not speak of his own impulse,but what things he hears See also "Born Again" .born from the spirit .' "he will speak, and he will declareto you the things coming . Baptism . The invisible activeThat one will glorify me, because force giving manifestation thathe will receive from what is mine one has been baptized into theand will declare it to you ." body of Christ, thus sharingActs 20 :28 "Pay attention to jointlylesswithof differingall membersofficesregard-yourselves and to all the flock,among which the holy spirit has Matt. 3 :11 "I, on the one hand .appointed you overseers, to shepherdthe congregation of God ." of your repentance ; but the onebaptize you with water becausecoming after me is stronger thanBegetting . Manifestation of evidenceto a member of the body fit to take off . That one willI am, whose sandals I am notof Christ that he has been born baptize you people with holyagain of water and spirit as anew creature . Active force implantsthe incorruptible seedspirit and with fire ."Also : Mark 1 :8 ; Luke 3 :16 .which gives hope of life in John 1 :33, 34 .spirit, bringing a conditionalright theretotized with water, but you will beActs 1 :5, 8 "John, indeed, bap-Matt. 3 :16, 17 "After beingbaptized in holy spirit not manybaptized Jesus immediately camedays after this . But you will receivepower when the holy spiritup from the water ; and, look!the heavens were opened up, andarrives upon you, and you will behe saw descending like a dovewitnesses of me both in Jerusalemand in all Judea and Sa-God's spirit coming upon him . maria and to the most distantLook! also, there was a voicefrom `This the is my heavens Son, the that beloved, said : part of the earth ."Eph . 4 :4, 5 "One body there is .whom I have approved .'"and one spirit, even as you wereJohn 3 :3-8 "In answer Jesuscalled in the one hope to whichsaid to him : `Most truly I say you were called ; one Lord, onefaith, one baptism ."to you, Unless anyone is bornagain, he cannot see the kingdomof God .' Nicodemus said to the body is one thing but has1 Cor. 12 :12, 13 "For just ashim : `How can a man be born many members, and all the membersof that body, although beingwhen he is old? He cannot enterinto the womb of his mother a many, are one body, so also issecond time and be born, can the Christ, For truly by onehe?' Jesus answered : `Most truly spirit we were all baptized intoI say to you, Unless anyone is one body, whether Jews orborn from water and spirit, he Greeks, whether slaves or free,cannot enter into the kingdom and we were all made to drinkof God. What has been born one spirit ."from the flesh is flesh, and what Anointing . Manifestation to ahas been born from the spirit is member of Christ's body that hespirit . Do not marvel because I has been commissioned to officetold you, You people must be bornas a preacheragain . The wind [pneu'ma, Gr.,elsewhere translated "spirit"Isa . 61 :1 "The spirit of the. Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be-

Spiritismcause Jehovah hath anointed meto preach good tidings unto themeek ."Also : Luke 4 :18.Matt . 3 :16 "After being baptizedJesus immediately came upfrom the water ; and, look! theheavens were opened up, and hesaw descending like a dove God'sspirit coming upon him ."1 John 2 :20 "And you have ananointing from the holy one ; allof you have knowledge ."Acts 2 :17 "'And in the lastdays,' God says, 'I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy .'"Acts 10 :38 "Namely, Jesus whowas from Nazareth, how Godanointed him with holy spiritand power, and he went throughthe land doing good and healingall those oppressed by the Devil,because God was with him ."See also "Minister of God ."Scaled . A token payment orauthoritative guarantee fromGod that a member of Christ'sbody has been called to a heavenlyheritage, with gifts as aforetaste thereof1 Cor . 12 :1 "Now concerningthe spiritual gifts, brothers, I donot want you to be ignorant ."3662 Cor . 1 :22 "He has also puthis seal upon us and has givenus the token of what is to come,that is, the spirit in our hearts ."Eph . 1 :11-14 "In union withwhom we were also assigned asheirs, in that we were foreordainedaccording to the purposeof him who operates all thingsaccording to the way his willcounsels, that we should servefor the praise of his glory, wewho have been first to hope inthe Christ. But you also hopedin him after you heard the wordof truth, the good news aboutyour salvation. By means of himalso, after you believed, you weresealed with the promised holyspirit, which is a token in advanceof our inheritance, for thepurpose of releasing by a ransomGod's own possession, to hisglorious praise ."Eph . 4 :30 "Also do not be grievingGod's holy spirit, with whichyou have been sealed for a dayof releasing by ransom ."Active Force, or holy spirit,not a third part of a "triune god"or "trinity" .See "Trinity".SpiritismDEFINITIONCommunication with demons, wicked spirit creatures (fallen angels),either directly or through human or other medium . These demonsoften impersonate dead humans . A false practice .ORIGINPracticed by ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians .-Isa .47 :12, 13 ; Ex . 22 :18 .God's Word Forbidsthat have familiar spirits andIsa. 8 :19, 20 "When they shall unto the wizards that chirp andsay unto you, Seek unto them that mutter : should not a people

Spiritismcause Jehovah hath anointed meto preach good tidings unto themeek ."Also : Luke 4 :18.Matt . 3 :16 "After being baptizedJesus immediately came upfrom the water ; and, look! theheavens were opened up, and hesaw descending like a dove God'sspirit coming upon him ."1 John 2 :20 "And you have ananointing from the holy one ; allof you have knowledge ."Acts 2 :17 "'And in the lastdays,' God says, 'I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy .'"Acts 10 :38 "Namely, Jesus whowas from Nazareth, how Godanointed him with holy spiritand power, and he went throughthe land doing good and healingall those oppressed by the Devil,because God was with him ."See also "Minister of God ."Scaled . A token payment orauthoritative guarantee fromGod that a member of Christ'sbody has been called to a heavenlyheritage, with gifts as aforetaste thereof1 Cor . 12 :1 "Now concerningthe spiritual gifts, brothers, I donot want you to be ignorant ."3662 Cor . 1 :22 "He has also puthis seal upon us and has givenus the token of what is to come,that is, the spirit in our hearts ."Eph . 1 :11-14 "In union withwhom we were also assigned asheirs, in that we were foreordainedaccording to the purposeof him who operates all thingsaccording to the way his willcounsels, that we should servefor the praise of his glory, wewho have been first to hope inthe Christ. But you also hopedin him after you heard the wordof truth, the good news aboutyour salvation. By means of himalso, after you believed, you weresealed with the promised holyspirit, which is a token in advanceof our inheritance, for thepurpose of releasing by a ransomGod's own possession, to hisglorious praise ."Eph . 4 :30 "Also do not be grievingGod's holy spirit, with whichyou have been sealed for a dayof releasing by ransom ."Active Force, or holy spirit,not a third part of a "triune god"or "trinity" .See "Trinity".SpiritismDEFINITIONCommunication with demons, wicked spirit creatures (fallen angels),either directly or through human or other medium . These demonsoften impersonate dead humans . A false practice .ORIGINPracticed by ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians .-Isa .47 :12, 13 ; Ex . 22 :18 .God's Word Forbidsthat have familiar spirits andIsa. 8 :19, 20 "When they shall unto the wizards that chirp andsay unto you, Seek unto them that mutter : should not a people

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