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SpiritGen . 41 :8 "And it came to passin the morning that his spiritwas troubled ; . . and Pharaohtold them his dream ; but therewas none that could interpretthem unto Pharaoh ."Matt. 26 :41 "Keep on thewatch and praying, that you maynot enter into temptation . Thespirit, of course, is willing, butthe flesh is weak ."1 Cor. 2 :11 "For who amongmen knows the things of a manexcept the spirit of man that isin him? So, too, no one has cometo know the things of God, exceptthe spirit of God ."See also : 1 Sam . 16 :14-16, 23 ;Ps . 51 :17 ; Isa . 57 :15 ; 66 :2 ; Mal.2 :15 ; Rom . 12 :11 .6 . Inspired Expression, a PerceptibleMessage or an UtteranceOriginating with God orwith Satan, Invisible Sources1 Tim . 4 :1 "However, the inspiredutterance ["spirit," footnote]says definitely that in laterperiods of time some will fallaway from the faith, paying attentionto misleading inspired utterances["misleading spirits,"footnote] and teachings of demons."2 Thess. 2 :1 . 2 "We request ofyou not to be quickly shakenfrom your reason nor to be excitedeither through an inspiredexpression ["through a spirit,"footnote] or through a verbalmessage or through a letter asthough from us, to the effect thatthe day of Jehovah is here ."1 John 4:1-3 "Beloved ones, donot believe every inspired expression["every spirit," footnote],but test the inspired expressions["test the spirits," footnote] tosee whether they originate with:mod, because many false prophetshave gone forth into theworld . You gain the knowledgeof the inspired expression ["thespirit," footnote] from God bythis : Every inspired expression["every spirit," footnote] thatconfesses Jesus Christ as having360come in the flesh originates withGod, but every inspired expression["every spirit," footnote]that does not confess Jesus doesnot originate with God ."Rev. 16 :14 "They are, in fact .expressions inspired by ["in fact,spirits of," footnote] demons andperform signs, and they go forthto the kings of the entire inhabitedearth, to gather themtogether to the war of the greatday of God the Almighty ."Rev. 22 :6, 17 "And he said tome : 'These words are trustworthyand true ; yes, Jehovah the Godof the inspired expressions ["ofthe spirits," footnote] of theprophets sent his angel forth toshow his slaves the things thatmust shortly take place. And thespirit ["the inspired utterance,"footnote] and the bride keep onsaying, 'Come!' And let anyonehearing say, 'Come!' And letanyone thirsting come ; let anyonethat wishes take life's waterfree ."1 Cor. 12 :8-10 "For example, toone there is given through thespirit speech of wisdom, . . . toanother discernment of inspiredutterances F of spirits," footnote]."7 . Active ForceJehovah's invisible energizingforce (greater than atomic energy)that produces visible resultsin many manifestations experiencedby men .Creation. Visible manifestationof God's handiwork through invisible active force in theirformationGen . 1 :2 "And the earth waswaste and void ; and darknesswas upon the face of the deep :and the spirit of God moved uponthe face of the waters ."Job 33 :4 "The spirit of Godhath made me, and the breathof the Almighty giveth me life ."Ps . 104 :30 "Thou sendest forththy spirit, they are created ; andthou renewest the face of theground."

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