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35out my spirit upon all flesh ; andyour sons and your daughters shallprophesy, your old men shalldream dreams, your young menshall see visions : and also uponthe servants and upon the handmaidsin those days will I pourout my spirit . And I will showwonders in the heavens and inthe earth : blood, and fire, andpillars of smoke . The sun shall beturned into darkness, and themoon into blood, before the greatand terrible day of Jehovahcometh ."2 Thess. 1 :6-9 "It is righteouson God's part to repay tribulationto those who make tribulationfor you, but, to you who suffertribulation, relief along withus at the revelation of the LordJesus from heaven with hispowerful angels in a flaming fire,as he brings due punishment uponthose who do not know Godand those who do not obey thegood news about our Lord Jesus ."Luke 3 :16, 17 "He will baptizeyou people with holy spirit andfire . . the chaff he will burnup with fire that cannot be putout ."Dan. 9 :26, 27 "And the peopleof the prince that shall comeshall destroy the city and thesanctuary ; and the end thereofshall be with a flood, and evenunto the end shall be war ; desolationsare determined . . andeven unto the full end, and thatdetermined, shall wrath be pouredout upon the desolate ."Isa . 1 :9 "Except Jehovah ofhosts had left unto us a verysmall remnant, we should havebeen as Sodom, we should havebeen like unto Gomorrah ."Baptism into Destruction forGod's Enemies at Armageddonand at End of 1,000-YearRule of ChristMatt . 13 :30 "In the harvestseason I will tell the reapers,First collect the weeds and bindthem in bundles to burn themup, then go to gathering thewheat into my storehouse ."BaptismMal . 4 :1 "For, behold, the daycometh, it burneth as a furnace ;and all the proud, and all thatwork wickedness, shall be stubble ;and the day that cometh shallburn them up, saith Jehovah ofhosts, that it shall leave themneither root nor branch ."eph . 3 :8 "All the earth shallbe devoured with the fire of myjealousy ."Jude 7 "Sodom and Gomorrahand the cities about them, afterthey in the same manner as theforegoing ones had committedfornication excessively and goneout after flesh for unnatural use,are placed before us as a warningexample by undergoing the judicialpunishment of everlastingfire ."Rev . 19 :20 "The wild beast wascaught, and along with it thefalse prophet that performed infront of it the signs with whichhe misled those who received themark of the wild beast and thosewho render worship to its image .While still alive, they both werehurled into the fiery lake thatburns with sulphur ."Rev. 20 :7-10, 14, 15 "As soonas the thousand years have beenended, Satan will . go out tomislead . . . And they advancedand encircled the camp ofthe holy ones and the belovedcity. But fire came down out ofheaven and devoured them. Andthe Devil who was misleadingthem was hurled into the lake offire and sulphur, where both thewild beast and the false prophetalready were ; and they will betormented day and night for everand ever . And death and Hadeswere hurled into the lake of fire .This means the second death, thelake of fire . Furthermore, whoeverwas not found written in thebook of life was hurled into thelake of fire ."Heb. 12 :29 "For our God is alsoa consuming fire."2 Pet . 3 :6, 7 "The world of thattime suffered destruction when itwas deluged with water . But by

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