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3 55John 8 :44 "You are from yourfather the Devil ."1 Cor. 7 :14 "The unbelievinghusband is sanctified in relationto his wife, and the unbelievingwife is sanctified in relation tothe brother ; otherwise, your childrenwould really be unclean, butnow they are holy ."Ezek. 9 :6 "Slay utterly the oldman, the young man and thevirgin, and little children andwomen ; but come not near anyman upon whom is the mark ."(Also the examples of Dathanand Abiram, the Flood, Sodomand Gomorrah, where childrenwere slain with their parents whobrought them forth .)Power of Human Souls to ReproduceOther Human Souls inTheir Own Likeness Put Thereat Creation; God Not Involvedat Each BirthGen . 5 :3 "Adam lived a hundredand thirty years, and begata son in his own likeness, afterhis image ."Ex . 1 :5 "All the souls thatcame out of the loins of Jacobwere seventy souls."Gen . 12 :5 "Abram took Saraihis wife, and Lot his brother'sson, . . . and the souls [servants]that they had gotten in Haran ."Expression "Dead Soul" Used toDescribe That Which Was Oncea Living Soul, or That WhichRemains of a SoulNum . 6 :6 "He shall not comenear to a dead body [Heb.,neph'esh, "soul"] . -Num. 9 :6, 7, 10 "There werecertain men, who were uncleanby reason of the dead body of aroan."Num . 19:13 "Whosoever touchetha dead person [also vss . 11,16], the body of a man thathath died ."Soul Cannot Take Anythingwith It at DeathEccl. 5 :15, 16 "As he cameforth from his mother's womb,naked shall he go again as heSoulcame, and shall take nothingfor his labor, which he may carryaway in his hand . . . . in all pointsas he came, so shall he go ."I Tim . 6 :7 "We have broughtnothing into the world, and neithercan we carry anything out ."Spirit Is the Life Principle orLife Force That Actuates theSoul ; Applies to Man and BeastPs . 31 :5 "Into thy hand I commendmy spirit [Heb ., ru'ahh] ."Luke 23:46 "And Jesus calledwith a loud voice and said : 'Father,into your hands I entrustmy spirit [Or., pneu'ma] ."'Eccl . 3 :19-21 "That which befalleththe sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thing befaileththem : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, they haveall one breath [mar ., "spirit"] ;and man hath no pre-eminenceabove the beasts : for all is vanity. All go unto one place ; allare of the dust, and all turn todust again . Who knoweth thespirit of man, whether it goethupward, and the spirit of thebeast, whether it goeth downwardto the earth?"Eccl. 8 :8 "There is no manthat hath power over the spirit[mar ., "wind"] to retain thespirit [mar ., "wind"] ."Eccl. 12 :7 "The dust returnethto the earth as it was, and thespirit [Heb ., ru'ahh] returnethunto God who gave it ."Gen . 6 :17 ; 7:15 "I do bring theflood of waters upon the earth,to destroy all flesh, wherein isthe breath [Heb ., ru'ahh, "spirit"]of life, from under heaven :everything that is in the earthshall die." "And they went in untoNoah [cattle, birds, etc ., andhumans] into the ark, two andtwo of all flesh wherein is thebreath [Heb., ru'ahh, "spirit"] oflife."Ps. 104 :29 "Thou hidest thyface, they are troubled ; thoutakest away their breath [Heb .,ru'ahh, "spirit"], they die, andreturn to their dust."

SoulSoul Distinguished from SpiritI Thess. 5 :23 "With soundnessin every part may the spirit andsoul and body of you brothersbe preserved ."Heb . 4 :12 "The word of God isalive and exerts power and issharper than any two-edgedsword and pierces even to thedividing of the soul and spirit,and of the joints and their marrow."Phil . 1 :27 "You are standingfirm in one spirit, with one soulfighting side by side ."Principle of Life ; CirculatingBlood Is the Food or LifeStream for the BodyLev. 17 :11, 14 "The life [mar . ."soul"] of the flesh is in theblood ; and I have given it to youupon the altar to make atonementfor your souls : for it is theblood that maketh atonement byreason of the life [mar., "soul"] .For as to the life of all flesh,the blood thereof is all one withthe life thereof : . . . the life ofall flesh is the blood thereof :whosoever eateth it shall be cutoff."Jer . 2 :34 "In thy skirts is foundshe blood of the souls of theinnocent poor ."Soul Sometimes Used with Referenceto Life as an IntelligentPerson, Whether Presentor FutureGen . 35 :18 "It came to pass,as her soul was departing (forshe died), that she called hisname Ben-oni."1 Ki . 17 :21 "He stretched himselfupon the child three times,and cried unto Jehovah, andsaid, 0 Jehovah my God, I praythee, let this child's soul comeinto him again ."Matt . 6 :25 "Stop being anxiousbout your souls . . . Does not thesoul mean more than food?"Mark 8 :36 "Really, of whatbenefit is it for a man to gainthe whole world and to forfeithis soul?"356John 10 :15 "I surrender mysoul in behalf of the sheep ."Heb . 6 :19 "This hope we haveas an anchor for the soul ."1 John 3 :16 "That one surrenderedhis soul for us ."(See New World Translationof the Christian Greek Scriptures,Appendix under Matthew2 :20 .)Soul Sometimes Used to DenoteEvery Fiber of One's ExistenceDeut . 4 :29 "Ye shall seek Jehovahthy God, . . . with all thyheart and with all thy soul ."I Sam. 1 :15 "I poured out mysoul before Jehovah ."Ps . 84:2 "My soul longeth, yea .even fainteth for the courts ofJehovah ."Soul, Life Pattern or Personality .Not Same Body, ResurrectedActs 2 :27 "You will not forsakemy soul in Hades, neither willyou grant your man of lovingkindnessto see corruption ."Luke 21 :19 "By endurance onyour part you will acquire yoursouls."I Pet . 4 :19 "Let those who aresuffering in harmony with thewill of God keep on commendingtheir souls to a faithful Creatorwhile they are doing good ."Rev . 20 :4 "I saw the souls ofthose executed . . . And they cameto life and ruled as kings withthe Christ for a thousand years ."1 Cor . 15 :35-38 "Someone willsay : `How are the dead to beraised up? Yes, with what kind ofbody are they coming?' You unreasonableperson! What yousow is not made alive unlessfirst it dies ; and as for what yousow, you sow, not the body thatwill develop, but a bare grain,it may be, of wheat or any oneof the rest ; but God gives it abody just as it has pleased him .and to each of the seeds its ownbody ."

3 55John 8 :44 "You are from yourfather the Devil ."1 Cor. 7 :14 "The unbelievinghusband is sanctified in relationto his wife, and the unbelievingwife is sanctified in relation tothe brother ; otherwise, your childrenwould really be unclean, butnow they are holy ."Ezek. 9 :6 "Slay utterly the oldman, the young man and thevirgin, and little children andwomen ; but come not near anyman upon whom is the mark ."(Also the examples of Dathanand Abiram, the Flood, Sodomand Gomorrah, where childrenwere slain with their parents whobrought them forth .)Power of Human Souls to ReproduceOther Human Souls inTheir Own Likeness Put Thereat Creation; God Not Involvedat Each BirthGen . 5 :3 "Adam lived a hundredand thirty years, and begata son in his own likeness, afterhis image ."Ex . 1 :5 "All the souls thatcame out of the loins of Jacobwere seventy souls."Gen . 12 :5 "Abram took Saraihis wife, and Lot his brother'sson, . . . and the souls [servants]that they had gotten in Haran ."Expression "Dead Soul" Used toDescribe That Which Was Oncea Living Soul, or That WhichRemains of a SoulNum . 6 :6 "He shall not comenear to a dead body [Heb.,neph'esh, "soul"] . -Num. 9 :6, 7, 10 "There werecertain men, who were uncleanby reason of the dead body of aroan."Num . 19:13 "Whosoever touchetha dead person [also vss . 11,16], the body of a man thathath died ."Soul Cannot Take Anythingwith It at DeathEccl. 5 :15, 16 "As he cameforth from his mother's womb,naked shall he go again as heSoulcame, and shall take nothingfor his labor, which he may carryaway in his hand . . . . in all pointsas he came, so shall he go ."I Tim . 6 :7 "We have broughtnothing into the world, and neithercan we carry anything out ."Spirit Is the Life Principle orLife Force That Actuates theSoul ; Applies to Man and BeastPs . 31 :5 "Into thy hand I commendmy spirit [Heb ., ru'ahh] ."Luke 23:46 "And Jesus calledwith a loud voice and said : 'Father,into your hands I entrustmy spirit [Or., pneu'ma] ."'Eccl . 3 :19-21 "That which befalleththe sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thing befaileththem : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, they haveall one breath [mar ., "spirit"] ;and man hath no pre-eminenceabove the beasts : for all is vanity. All go unto one place ; allare of the dust, and all turn todust again . Who knoweth thespirit of man, whether it goethupward, and the spirit of thebeast, whether it goeth downwardto the earth?"Eccl. 8 :8 "There is no manthat hath power over the spirit[mar ., "wind"] to retain thespirit [mar ., "wind"] ."Eccl. 12 :7 "The dust returnethto the earth as it was, and thespirit [Heb ., ru'ahh] returnethunto God who gave it ."Gen . 6 :17 ; 7:15 "I do bring theflood of waters upon the earth,to destroy all flesh, wherein isthe breath [Heb ., ru'ahh, "spirit"]of life, from under heaven :everything that is in the earthshall die." "And they went in untoNoah [cattle, birds, etc ., andhumans] into the ark, two andtwo of all flesh wherein is thebreath [Heb., ru'ahh, "spirit"] oflife."Ps. 104 :29 "Thou hidest thyface, they are troubled ; thoutakest away their breath [Heb .,ru'ahh, "spirit"], they die, andreturn to their dust."

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