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Soulble, the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever . Amen."Ps . 90 :2 "Even from everlastingto everlasting, thou art God ."Jer . 10 :10 "But Jehovah is thetrue God ; he is the living God,and an everlasting King."Immortality, IncorruptibilityGiven as a Reward forFaithfulness to ChristRom . 6 :9 "For we know thatChrist, now that he has beenraised up from the dead, dies nomore .'1 Tim. 6 :14-16 "Our Lord JesusChrist . . . he the King of thosewho rule as kings and Lord ofthose who rule as lords, the onealone having immortality, whodwells in unapproachable light ."Only 144,000 Others, Body Membersof Christ, Get Immortality,Incorruptibility1 Cor. 9 :25 "Now they, ofcourse, do it that they may geta corruptible crown, but we anincorruptible one ."1 Cor . 15 :42, 52-54 "So also isthe resurrection of the dead . Itis sown in corruption, it is raisedup in incorruption . . For thetrumpet will sound, and the deadwill be raised up incorruptible,and we shall be changed. For thiswhich is corruptible must put onincorruption, and this which ismortal must put on immortality .But when this which is corruptibleputs on incorruption and thiswhich is mortal puts on immortality,then the saying will takeplace that is written : `Death isswallowed up forever .'"2 Pet . 1 :4 "Through thesethings he has freely given usthe precious and very grandpromises, that through these youmay become sharers in divinenature, escaping from the corruptionthat is in the worldthrough lust ."1 Pet . 1 :3, 4, 23 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our LordJesus Christ, for according to hisgreat mercy he gave us a new350birth to a living hope throughthe resurrection of Jesus Christfrom the dead, to an incorruptibleand undefiled and unfadinginheritance . It is reserved in theheavens for you . For you havebeen given a new birth, not bycorruptible, but by incorruptiblereproductive seed, through theword of the living and enduringGod ."Rom . 2 :7 "Everlasting life tothose who are seeking glory andhonor and incorruptibleness byendurance in work that is good ."2 Tim . 1 :10 "But now ithas been made clearly evidentthrough the manifestation of ourSavior, Christ Jesus, who hasabolished death but has shedlight upon life and incorruptionthrough the good news ."Rev. 14 :3, 4 ; 5:9, 10 "And theyare singing as if a new song beforethe throne and before thefour living creatures and the personsof advanced age ; and noone was able to master that songbut the hundred and forty-fourthousand, who have been purchasedfrom the earth . . . . Thesewere purchased from amongmankind as a firstfruits to Godand to the Lamb ." "And theysing a new song, saying : `Youare worthy to take the scroll andopen its seals, because you wereslaughtered and with your bloodyou bought persons for God outof every tribe and tongue andpeople and nation, and you madethem to be a kingdom and prieststo our God and they will ruleas kings over the earth .' "1 John 3 :2 "Beloved ones, nowwe are children of God, but asyet it has not been made manifestwhat we shall be . We doknow that whenever he is mademanifest we shall be like him,because we shall see him just ashe is ."Rev. 20 :4 . 6 "And I sawthrones, and there were thosewho sat down on them, andpower of judging was given them .Yes, I saw the souls of those

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