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345Disobedience Meant Refusing toHold to God's High Standardof GloryDeut. 32 :5 (footnote) "Theyhave corrupted themselves, theyare not his children, it is theirblemish ; they are a perverse andcrooked generation ."1 John 3 :8 "He who practicessin originates with the Devil, becausethe Devil has been sinningfrom when he began ."Rom. 1 :18-23 "For God's wrathis being revealed from heavenagainst all ungodliness and unrighteousnessof men who aresuppressing the truth in an unrighteousway, because what maybe known about God is manifestamong them, for God made itmanifest to them . For his invisiblequalities are clearly seen fromthe world's creation onward, becausethey are understood by thethings made, even his eternalpower and Godship, so that theyare inexcusable ; because, althoughthey knew God, they didnot glorify him as God nor didthey thank him, but they becameempty-headed in their reasoningsand their unintelligent heartbecame darkened ."Missing Mark Brought Deathupon All MankindRom . 5 :12 "That is why, justas through one man sin enteredinto the world and death throughsin, and thus death spread to allmen because they had allsinned."Rom . 6:23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord."Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Rom . 7 :15, 17, 18, 21-23 ; 8 :2"For what I am working out Ido not know . For what I wish,this I do not practice ; but whatI hate is what I do . But now theone working it out is no longerI, but sin that resides in me .For I know that in me, that is,Sinin my flesh, there resides nothinggood ; for ability to wish is presentwith me, but ability to workout what is right is not present .I find, then, this law in my case :that when I wish to do what isright, what is bad is presentwith me . I really delight in thelaw of God according to the manI am within, but I behold in mymembers another law warringagainst the law of my mind andleading me captive to sin's lawthat is in my members." "Thelaw of sin and of death ."Death Held Sway from Adamto Moses Without AccurateKnowledge of SinGen . 4:5-7 "But unto Cain andto his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth,and his countenance fell . AndJehovah said unto Cain, Why artthou wroth? and why is thycountenance fallen? If thou doestwell, shall it not be lifted up?and if thou doest not well, sincroucheth at the door ; and untothee shall be its desire ; but dothou rule over it ."Rom . 5 :13, 14 "For until theLaw sin was in the world, butsin is not charged against anyonewhen there is no law . Nevertheless,death ruled as king fromAdam."Rom . 2 :12-15 ; 3 :9-12 "For instance,all those who sinnedwithout law will also perish withoutlaw ; but all those whosinned under law will be judgedby law . For the hearers of laware not the ones righteous beforeGod, but the doers of lawwill be declared righteous ." "Forabove we have made the chargethat Jews as well as Greeks areall under sin ; just as it is written: `There is not a righteousman, not even one ; there is nota one that understands, thereis not a one that seeks forGod . All men have deflected, allof them together have becomeworthless ; there is not a one that

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