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339gusting thing that causes desolation,as spoken of through Danielthe prophet, standing in aholy place, (let the reader usediscernment,) then let those inJudea begin fleeing to the mountains."Dan . 11 :31 "And forces shallstand on his part, and they shallprofane the sanctuary, even thefortress, and shall take awaythe continual burnt-offering, andthey shall set up the abominationthat maketh desolate ."League of Nations began 1920,went into inactivity 1939 ; revivedas United Nations 1945Isa . 8 :9 "Make an uproar . 0 yepeoples, and be broken in pieces ;and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and bebroken in pieces ; gird yourselves,and be broken in pieces ."Rev. 17 :8 "The wild beast thatyou saw was, but is not, and yetis destined to ascend out of theabyss, and it is to go off intodestruction . And when they seehow the wild beast was, but isnot, and yet will be present, thosewho dwell on the earth will wonderadmiringly, but their nameshave not been written upon thescroll of life from the world'sfoundation ."Constitutes an 8th world powerRev. 17 :3 "And he carried meaway under the spirit's powerinto a wilderness . And I caughtsight of a woman sitting upon ascarlet-colored wild beast thatwas full of blasphemous namesand that had seven heads andten horns ."Rev . 17 :9-11 "flee is wherethe intelligence that has wisdom: The comes seven inheadsmean seven mountains, where thewoman sits on top . And there areseven icings : five have fallen, oneis . the other has not yet arrived,but when he does arrive he mustremain a short while . Arid thewild beast that was but is not,it is also itself an eighth king,but owes its existence to theSign of Last Daysseven, and it goes off into destruction."Anglo-American empire as 7thworld power gives 8th powerlifeRev . 13:1, 11, 12, 15 "And Isaw a wild beast ascending outof the sea, with ten horns andseven heads, and upon its hornsten diadems, but upon its headsblasphemous navies . And I sawanother wild beast ascending outof the earth, and it had two hornslike a lamb, but it began speakingas a dragon . And it exercisesall the authority of the first wildbeast in its sight. And it makesthe earth and those who dwellin it worship the first wild beast,whose death-stroke got healed .And there was granted it to givebreath to the image of the wildbeast, so that the image of thewild beast should both speak andcause to be killed all those whowould not in any way worshipthe image of the wild beast ."13 . Earth-wide Tribulation onSatan's OrganizationMatt. 24 :21, 22 "For then therewill be great tribulation such ashas not occurred since the world'sbeginning until now, no, nor willoccur again . In fact, unless thosedays were cut short, no fleshwould be saved ; but on accountof the chosen ones those days willbe cut short ."Dan . 12 :1 "And at that timeshall Michael stand up, the greatprince who standeth for toe childrenof thy people ; and thereshall be a time of trouble, suchas never was since there was anation even to that same tune :and at that time thy people shallbe delivered, every one that shallbe found written in the book ."Also : Mark 13 :19, 20 .See "World Distress" .14 . Lying Signs and Great WondersPerformed in God's NameMatt . 24 :23-26 "Then if anyonesays to you, `Look! here is theChrist,' or, `There!' do not believe

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