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Not Direct33Heb . 6 :1, 2 "Now that we haveleft the elementary doctrineabout the Christ, let us press onto maturity, not laying a foundationagain ."Luke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him :"No man that has put his handto a plow and looks at the thingsbehind is well fitted for the kingdomof God.' "Heb . 10 :38 "'But my righteousone will live by reason of faith,'and, 'if he shrinks back, my soulhas no pleasure in him .' "2 Cer. 6 :1 "Working togetherwith him, we also entreat you notto accept the undeserved kindnessof God and miss its purpose ."Ps . 116 :13, 14 "I will take thecup of salvation, and call uponthe name of Jehovah . I will paymy vows unto Jehovah, yea, inthe presence of all his people ."Dedicated Ones Baptized for Protectioninto the (Within the NewSystem of Things) Greater Noah(Christ) and Who Is Also theGreater MosesHeb. 11 :7 "By faith Noah, afterbeing given divine warning ofthings not yet beheld, showedgodly fear and constructed an arkfor the saving of his household,and through this faith he condemnedthe world, and he becamean heir of the righteousnesswhich is according to faith ."eph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you .before the day of Jehovah's angercome upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,all ye meek of the earth, thathave kept his ordinances ; seekrighteousness . seek meekness : itmay be ye will be hid in the dayof Jehovah's anger ."Isa . 26 :20 "Come, my people,enter thou into thy chambers,and shut thy doors about thee :hide thyself for a little moment,until the indignation be overpast."1 Pet . 3 :20, 21 "The ark . . . inwhich . . .eight souls, were car-Baptismried safely through the water .That which corresponds to thisis also now saving you, namely,baptism ."Heb . 3 :4-6 "Of course, everyhouse is constructed by someone,but he that constructed all thingsis God . And Moses as an attendantwas faithful in all the houseof that one as a testimony of thethings that were to be spokenafterwards, but Christ was faithfulas a Son over the house ofthat one ."Baptism with Holy Spirit-GodFirst Baptizes His High PriestMatt . 3:13-17 "After being baptizedJesus immediately came upfrom the water ; and, look! theheavens were opened up, and hesaw descending like a dove God'sspirit coming upon him ."Luke 4:18 "Jehovah's spirit isupon me, because he anointedme ."Acts 10 :38 "Jesus who was fromNazareth, how God anointed himwith holy spirit and power, andhe went through the land doinggood and healing all those oppressedby the Devil ."Isa . 42 :1 "Behold, my servant,whom I uphold ; my chosen, inwhom my soul delighteth : I haveput my spirit upon him ; he willbring forth justice to the Gentiles."Ps. 133 :2 "It is like the preciousoil upon the head, that ran downupon the beard, even Aaron'sbeard ; that came down upon theskirt of his garments ."Spirit Baptism for Body Members (Underpriests)from God, but Through ChristActs 1 :5 "John, indeed, baptizedwith water, but you will bebaptized in holy spirit not manydays after this ."Acts 2 :1-4, 32, 33 "Now whilethe day of the feast of Pentecostwas in progress they were alltogether at the same place, andsuddenly there occurred fromheaven a noise just like that of arushing stiff breeze, and it filled

Baptismthe whole house in which theywere sitting . . . and they allbecame filled with holy spirit . . . .'This Jesus - . because he wasexalted to the right hand of Godand received the promised holyspirit from the Father, he haspoured out this which you seeand hear.' "John 14 :16, 17 "I will requestthe Father and he will give youanother helper to be with youforever, the spirit of the truth ."John 15 :26 "When the helperarrives that I will send you fromthe Father, the spirit of the truthwhich proceeds from the Father,that one will bear witness aboutme ."John 16 :7, 13 "If I do not goaway, the helper will by no meanscome to you ; but if I do go myway, I will send him to you ."2 Cor . 1 :21 "But he who guaranteesthat you and we belong toChrist and he who has anointedus is God ."Baptism into Body of Christ for144,000 Only, Done by BaptizingThem with Holy SpiritGal . 3 :27, 28 "All of you whowere baptized into Christ haveput on Christ . . for you areall one in union with Christ Jesus."Eph. 4 :4, 5 "One body there is,and one spirit, even as you werecalled in the one hope to whichyou were called ; one Lord, onefaith, one baptism ."I Cor . 12 :13 "For truly by onespirit we were all baptized intoone body, whether Jews orGreeks, whether slaves or free,and we were all made to drinkone spirit ."1 John 2 :20, 27 "You have ananointing from the holy one ; allof you have knowledge. And asfor you, the anointing that you receivedfrom him remains in you,and you do not need anyone tobe teaching you ; but, as theanointing from him is teachingyou about all things, and is trueand is no lie, and just as it has34taught you, remain in union withhim."Baptized into Christ's DeathDestiny of the 144,000Rom . 6 :3, 4 "Do you not knowthat all of us who were baptizedinto Christ Jesus were baptizedinto his death? Therefore wewere buried with him throughour baptism into his death, inorder that, just as Christ wasraised up from the dead throughthe glory of the Father, we alsoshould likewise walk in a newnessof life ."Col . 2 :12 "You were buried withhim in his baptism, and by relationshipwith him you were alsoraised up together through yourfaith in the operation of God .who raised him up from thedead ."Luke 12 :50 "Indeed, I have abaptism with which to be baptized,and how I am being distresseduntil it is finished!"Mark 10 :38, 39 "'Are you ableto drink the cup which I amdrinking, or to be baptized withthe baptism with which I ambeing baptized?' They said to him :`We are able .' At that Jesus saidto them : `The cup I am drinkingyou will drink, and with the baptismwith which I am beingbaptized you will be baptized .' "Phil . 3 :10 "So as to know himand the power of his resurrectionand a sharing in his sufferings,submitting myself to his kind ofdeath ."1 Cor. 15:29 "Otherwise, whatwill they do who are being baptizedfor the purpose of beingdead ones? If the dead are notto be raised up at all, why arethey also being baptized for thepurpose of being such?"2 Tim. 2 :11 "Certainly if wedied together, we shall also livetogether ."Baptism with Fire (to Destruction)Not the Baptism withHoly SpiritJoel 2:28-31 "And it shall cometo pass afterward, that I will pour

Not Direct33Heb . 6 :1, 2 "Now that we haveleft the elementary doctrineabout the Christ, let us press onto maturity, not laying a foundationagain ."Luke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him :"No man that has put his handto a plow and looks at the thingsbehind is well fitted for the kingdomof God.' "Heb . 10 :38 "'But my righteousone will live by reason of faith,'and, 'if he shrinks back, my soulhas no pleasure in him .' "2 Cer. 6 :1 "Working togetherwith him, we also entreat you notto accept the undeserved kindnessof God and miss its purpose ."Ps . 116 :13, 14 "I will take thecup of salvation, and call uponthe name of Jehovah . I will paymy vows unto Jehovah, yea, inthe presence of all his people ."Dedicated Ones Baptized for Protectioninto the (Within the NewSystem of Things) Greater Noah(Christ) and Who Is Also theGreater MosesHeb. 11 :7 "By faith Noah, afterbeing given divine warning ofthings not yet beheld, showedgodly fear and constructed an arkfor the saving of his household,and through this faith he condemnedthe world, and he becamean heir of the righteousnesswhich is according to faith ."eph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you .before the day of Jehovah's angercome upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,all ye meek of the earth, thathave kept his ordinances ; seekrighteousness . seek meekness : itmay be ye will be hid in the dayof Jehovah's anger ."Isa . 26 :20 "Come, my people,enter thou into thy chambers,and shut thy doors about thee :hide thyself for a little moment,until the indignation be overpast."1 Pet . 3 :20, 21 "The ark . . . inwhich . . .eight souls, were car-Baptismried safely through the water .That which corresponds to thisis also now saving you, namely,baptism ."Heb . 3 :4-6 "Of course, everyhouse is constructed by someone,but he that constructed all thingsis God . And Moses as an attendantwas faithful in all the houseof that one as a testimony of thethings that were to be spokenafterwards, but Christ was faithfulas a Son over the house ofthat one ."Baptism with Holy Spirit-GodFirst Baptizes His High PriestMatt . 3:13-17 "After being baptizedJesus immediately came upfrom the water ; and, look! theheavens were opened up, and hesaw descending like a dove God'sspirit coming upon him ."Luke 4:18 "Jehovah's spirit isupon me, because he anointedme ."Acts 10 :38 "Jesus who was fromNazareth, how God anointed himwith holy spirit and power, andhe went through the land doinggood and healing all those oppressedby the Devil ."Isa . 42 :1 "Behold, my servant,whom I uphold ; my chosen, inwhom my soul delighteth : I haveput my spirit upon him ; he willbring forth justice to the Gentiles."Ps. 133 :2 "It is like the preciousoil upon the head, that ran downupon the beard, even Aaron'sbeard ; that came down upon theskirt of his garments ."Spirit Baptism for Body Members (Underpriests)from God, but Through ChristActs 1 :5 "John, indeed, baptizedwith water, but you will bebaptized in holy spirit not manydays after this ."Acts 2 :1-4, 32, 33 "Now whilethe day of the feast of Pentecostwas in progress they were alltogether at the same place, andsuddenly there occurred fromheaven a noise just like that of arushing stiff breeze, and it filled

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