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331 Salvation(annihilation) when either is justly due for failure to keep the divinelaw . Salvation that counts is not a self-salvation, a salvation byworks. a salvation by law or a universal salvation, as these are allunclean religious fallacies .Jehovah God a Savior fromDisaster and TroubleEx. 15 :2 "Jehovah is mystrength and song, and he is becomemy salvation : this is myGod, and I will praise him ."2 Sam . 22 :3 "God, my rock, inhim will I take refuge ; my shield,and the horn of my salvation,my high tower, and my refuge ;my saviour, thou savest me fromviolence ."Jehovah God a Savior to EverlastingLife1 Tim . 4 :8, 10 "But godly devotionis beneficial for all things,as it holds promise of the lifenow and that which is to come .For to this end we are workinghard and exerting ourselves, becausewe have rested our hope ona living God, who is a Savior ofall kinds of men, especially offaithful ones."Also : Jude 25 .A Merciful God, Jehovah AloneJustifies, Declares Righteous toSalvationDeut. 4 :31 "For Jehovah thyGod is a merciful God ."Rom . 8 :33 "God is the One whodeclares them righteous ."1 Pet . 1 :3, 5 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our Lord JesusChrist, for according to his greatmercy he gave us a new birth toa living hope . . . who are beingsafeguarded by God's powerthrough faith for a salvationready to be revealed in the lastperiod of time."God Provides the Chief Agentof Life, the Savior Jesus ChristActs 5 :30, 31 "The God of ourforefathers raised up jesus, whomyour hands had killed, hanginghim upon a stake . God exaltedthis one as Chief Agent and Saviorto his right hand, to give repentanceto Israel and f<strong>org</strong>ivenessof sins ."Luke 1 :68. 69 "Blessed be Jehovahthe God of Israel, becausehe has turned his attention andperformed deliverance toward hispeople . And he has raised up amighty savior for us in the houseof David his servant ."See also : Luke 2 :11 ; Eph . 5 :23 ;2 Tim. 1 :10 ; 2 Pet . 1 :11 ; Heb.2 :10 .Jesus Christ Becomes the Saviorof the New World ofRighteousnessJohn 4 :42 "We do not believeany longer on account of yourtalk ; for we have heard for ourselvesand we know that thisman is for a certainty the saviorof the world."1 John 4 :14 "We ourselves havebeheld and are bearing witnessthat the Father has sent forthhis Son as Savior of the world ."All Salvation Depends uponJesus ChristActs 4 :10, 12 "That in the nameof Jesus Christ . . . there is no salvationin anyone else, for thereis not another name under heaventhat has been given amongmen by which we must getsaved ."God's "Means of Saving", theRansom Sacrifice of the ManJesus, Must Be AcceptedLuke 2 :27-30 "And as theparents brought the young childJesus . . . he I Simeon] himself receivedit into his arms and blessedGod and said : 'Now, SovereignLord, you are letting your slavego free in peace according to yourdeclaration ; because my eyes haveseen your means of saving .'"Luke 3 :6 "All humanity willsee the saving means of God ."

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