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3 29month, . . . It is a sabbath ofsolemn rest unto you . . . . it is astatute for ever ."Lev. 23 :2, 3, 6-8, 15, 21, 24, 39"The set feasts of Jehovah, . . .on the seventh day is a sabbath. on the fifteenth day of the[first] month is the feast of unleavenedbread . . . ye shall do nose : vile work . . in the seventhday . ye shall do no servilework . And ye shall count untoyou from the morrow after thesabbath . . . . seven sabbaths . . . onthe selfsame day ; . . . ye shall dono servile work : . . . In the seventhmonth, on the first day ofthe month, shall be a solemn restunto you, . . .on the fifteenth dayof the seventh month . . . . ye shallkeep the feast of Jehovah sevendays : on the first day shall bea solemn rest, and on the eighthday shall be a solemn rest ."Lev . 25 :1-13 "When ye comeinto the land which I give you . . . .in the seventh year shall be asabbath of solemn rest for theland . . . . And ye shall hallow thefiftieth year."Jesus Did Not Destroy Law byBreaking It, but Fulfilled andCompleted It, for Moving It Outof the WayGal . 4:4, 5 "God sent forth hisSon, who was produced out ofa woman and who came to beunder law, that he might releaseby purchase those under law ."Matt. 5 :17 "Do not think Icame to destroy the Law or theProphets. I came, not to destroy,but to fulfill ."Eph. 2 :15 "By means of hisflesh he abolished the hatred,the Law of commandments consistingin decrees."Christ Considered the EntireLaw One, Not Divided into"Moral" and "Ceremonial"PartsMatt. 5 :21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43"'You must not murder .' [Ex .20 :13] . . . If, then, you are bringingyour gift to the altar [Deut .Sabbath16 :16, 17] . . .'You must not commitadultery .' [Ex . 20 :14]'Whoever divorces his wife, lethim give her a certificate of divorce.' [Deut . 24 :1] . . . 'You mustnot swear without performing .'[Num . 30 :2] . . .'Eye for eye andtooth for tooth .' [Ex . 21 :24] . . .'You must love your neighbor andhate your enemy.'" [Ex . 23 :4]Matt . 5 :18, 19 "Whoever, therefore,breaks one of these leastcommandments and teaches mankindto that effect, he will becalled 'least' in relation to thekingdom of the heavens ."Jas . 2 :10 "For whoever observesall the Law but makes a falsestep in one point, he has becomean offender against them all ."5 . Seventh-Day Sabbath a Shadowof 1.000-Year Rule of Christas Glorious King to Benefitof MankindMark 2 :27, 28 "So he went onto say to them : 'The sabbathcame into existence for the sakeof man, and not man for thesake of the sabbath ; hence theSon of man is Lord even of thesabbath .' 'ILuke 13 :16 "Was it not due,then, for this woman who is adaughter of Abraham, and whomSatan held bound, look! eighteenyears, to be loosed from thisbond on the sabbath day?"Matt . 12 :11, 12 "Who will bethe man among you that has onesheep and, if this falls into apit on the sabbath, will not gethold of it and lift it out? Allconsidered, of how much moreworth is a man than a sheep!"As Greater Noah (Meaning"Rest") His Kingdom SabbathWill Bring Rest andPeace to the EarthGen. 5:28 . 29 "And Lamechlived a hundred eighty and twoyears, and begat a son : and hecalled his name Noah, saying,This same shall comfort us inour work and in the toil of ourhands, which cometh because of

Salvationthe ground which Jehovah hathcursed ."ech . 9 :10 "And I will cut offthe chariot from Ephraim, andthe horse from Jerusalem ; andthe battle bow shall be cut off ;and he shall speak peace untothe nations : and his dominionshall be from sea to sea, andfrom the River to the ends ofthe earth ."Gatherings on First Day of theWeek Not an Observance of aSabbath Day (Resurrection ofChrist Did Not Change the Sabbathto First of Week)Acts 20 :7 "On the first day ofthe week, when we were gatheredtogether to have a meal, Paulbegan discoursing to them ."Compare : Acts 2 :46 "And dayafter day they were in constantattendance at the temple withone accord, and they took theirmeals in private homes ."1 Cor. 16 :2 "Every first dayof the week let each of you athis own house set something asidein store as he may be prospering,so that when I arrive collectionswill not take place then ."Christ would not add to orchange the Law :Matt . 15 :3 "in reply he saidto them : `Why is it you also over-SalvationDEFINITIONSalvation is the deliverance from the destructive power of sin, aredemption from the ultimate end of sin which is everlasting death,annihilation . It means a restoration to divine favor and perfectionafter having sinned or missed God's mark of perfection set forfaithful mankind. Salvation as referred to in the Bible may either be(1) the preserving of one alive from trouble or an impending immediatedisaster or (2) the opportunity to receive everlasting life ina state of peace, happiness and prosperity . Salvation is not an actof divine justice but rather an act of divine mercy . It is a justificationor a being declared righteous granted by God the Superior to a handicappedinferior. As an act of mercy it is the withholding (1) of theconsequences of disaster or (2) of the punishment of everlasting death3 30step the commandment of Godbecause of your tradition?' "Matt . 9 :16, 17 "Nobody sews apatch of unshrunk cloth upon anold garment ; for its full strengthwould pull from the garment andthe tear would become worse.Neither do people put new wineinto old wineskins ; but if they do,then the wineskins burst and thewine spills out and the wineskinsare ruined . But people put newwine into new wineskins, andboth things are preserved."Compare : Heb . 8 :13 "In hissaying 'a new covenant' he hasmade the former one obsolete .Now that which is made obsoleteand growing old is near to vanishingaway ."Deut. 4 :2 "Ye shall not addunto the word which I commandyou, neither shall ye diminishfrom it."No Sabbath Law Today BecauseNone Have Power to EnforceDeath Penalty for Sabbath Violations.Such Sanction Inseparablefrom Mosaic LawNum . 15 :32, 35 "They found aman gathering sticks upon thesabbath day, And Jehovah saidunto Moses, The man shall surelybe put to death ."

3 29month, . . . It is a sabbath ofsolemn rest unto you . . . . it is astatute for ever ."Lev. 23 :2, 3, 6-8, 15, 21, 24, 39"The set feasts of Jehovah, . . .on the seventh day is a sabbath. on the fifteenth day of the[first] month is the feast of unleavenedbread . . . ye shall do nose : vile work . . in the seventhday . ye shall do no servilework . And ye shall count untoyou from the morrow after thesabbath . . . . seven sabbaths . . . onthe selfsame day ; . . . ye shall dono servile work : . . . In the seventhmonth, on the first day ofthe month, shall be a solemn restunto you, . . .on the fifteenth dayof the seventh month . . . . ye shallkeep the feast of Jehovah sevendays : on the first day shall bea solemn rest, and on the eighthday shall be a solemn rest ."Lev . 25 :1-13 "When ye comeinto the land which I give you . . . .in the seventh year shall be asabbath of solemn rest for theland . . . . And ye shall hallow thefiftieth year."Jesus Did Not Destroy Law byBreaking It, but Fulfilled andCompleted It, for Moving It Outof the WayGal . 4:4, 5 "God sent forth hisSon, who was produced out ofa woman and who came to beunder law, that he might releaseby purchase those under law ."Matt. 5 :17 "Do not think Icame to destroy the Law or theProphets. I came, not to destroy,but to fulfill ."Eph. 2 :15 "By means of hisflesh he abolished the hatred,the Law of commandments consistingin decrees."Christ Considered the EntireLaw One, Not Divided into"Moral" and "Ceremonial"PartsMatt. 5 :21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43"'You must not murder .' [Ex .20 :13] . . . If, then, you are bringingyour gift to the altar [Deut .Sabbath16 :16, 17] . . .'You must not commitadultery .' [Ex . 20 :14]'Whoever divorces his wife, lethim give her a certificate of divorce.' [Deut . 24 :1] . . . 'You mustnot swear without performing .'[Num . 30 :2] . . .'Eye for eye andtooth for tooth .' [Ex . 21 :24] . . .'You must love your neighbor andhate your enemy.'" [Ex . 23 :4]Matt . 5 :18, 19 "Whoever, therefore,breaks one of these leastcommandments and teaches mankindto that effect, he will becalled 'least' in relation to thekingdom of the heavens ."Jas . 2 :10 "For whoever observesall the Law but makes a falsestep in one point, he has becomean offender against them all ."5 . Seventh-Day Sabbath a Shadowof 1.000-Year Rule of Christas Glorious King to Benefitof MankindMark 2 :27, 28 "So he went onto say to them : 'The sabbathcame into existence for the sakeof man, and not man for thesake of the sabbath ; hence theSon of man is Lord even of thesabbath .' 'ILuke 13 :16 "Was it not due,then, for this woman who is adaughter of Abraham, and whomSatan held bound, look! eighteenyears, to be loosed from thisbond on the sabbath day?"Matt . 12 :11, 12 "Who will bethe man among you that has onesheep and, if this falls into apit on the sabbath, will not gethold of it and lift it out? Allconsidered, of how much moreworth is a man than a sheep!"As Greater Noah (Meaning"Rest") His Kingdom SabbathWill Bring Rest andPeace to the EarthGen. 5:28 . 29 "And Lamechlived a hundred eighty and twoyears, and begat a son : and hecalled his name Noah, saying,This same shall comfort us inour work and in the toil of ourhands, which cometh because of

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