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Sabbathbrought thee out thence by amighty hand and by an outstretchedarm : therefore Jehovahthy God commanded thee to keepthe sabbath day ."As a sign given only to the JewsAmos 3 :1, 2 "0 children ofisrael . . . . You only have I knownof all the families of the earth ."Ex. 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore thechildren of Israel shall keep thesabbath, to observe the sabbaththroughout their generations, fors perpetual covenant . It is asign between me and the childrenof Israel for ever ."Neh. 9 :13, 14 "Thou camestdown also upon mount Sinai, andspakest with them from heaven,and gayest them right ordinancesand true laws, good statutes . . .and commandest them commandments,and statutes, and a law, byMoses thy servant ."Ps . 147 :19, 20 "He showeth hisword unto Jacob, his statutesand his ordinances unto Israel .He hath not dealt so with anynation ; and as for his ordinances,they have not known them ."Good works of preaching andhelping others could be done onJewish sabbathLuke 14 :3, 4 "So in responseJesus spoke to those versed inthe Law and to the Pharisees,saying : `Is it lawful on the sabbathto cure or not?' But theykept silent . With that he tookhold of the man, healed him andsent him away ."Mark 1 :21 "No sooner was itthe sabbath than he entered intothe synagogue and began toteach."Mark 3 :4 "Next he said tothem : 'Is it lawful on the sabbathto do a good deed or to do an injury,to save or to kill a soul?' "Acts 13:42, 44 "Now when theywere going out, the people beganentreating for these matters tobe spoken to them on the followingsabbath . The next sabbathnearly all the city gathered to-328gether to hear the word of Jehovah."Acts 16 :13 "And on the sabbathday we went forth outside thegate beside a river where wewere thinking there was a placeof prayer, and we sat down andbegan speaking to the womenthat had assembled ."Acts 17 :2 "So according toPaul's custom he went inside tothem and for three sabbaths hereasoned with them from theScriptures ."Acts 18 :4 "However, he wouldgive a talk in the synagogueevery sabbath and would winover Jews and Greeks ."Weekly Sabbath Not Enjoinedupon ChristiansActs 15 :28, 29 "For the holyspirit and we ourselves have favoredadding no further burdento you, except these necessarythings, to keep yourselves freefrom things sacrificed to idolsand from blood and from thingskilled without draining theirblood and from fornication . Ifyou carefully keep yourselvesfrom these things, you will prosper."Gal. 4 :9-11 "How is it that youare turning back again to theweak and inadequate elementarythings and want to be slavesto them over again? You arescrupulously observing days andmonths and seasons and years ."Col . 2 :16 "Therefore let no manjudge you in eating and drinkingor in respect of a feast day orof an observance of the newmoon or of a sabbath ."Rom . 14 :5, 10 "One man judgesone day as above another ; anotherman judges one day as allothers ; let each man be fullyconvinced in his own mind . . . .why do you judge your brother?"3, 4. Other Sabbath Days andYears All Equally Binding uponthe IsraelitesLev. 16 :29, 31 "In the seventhmonth, on the tenth day of the

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