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3 27gressed the laws, violated thestatutes, broken the everlastingcovenant. Therefore hath thecurse devoured the earth, andthey that dwell therein are foundguiltyIsa. 30 :1, 2 "Woe to the rebelliouschildren, saith Jehovah, thattake counsel, but not of me ; andthat make a league, but not ofmy spirit, that they may addsin to sin ; that set cut to godown into Egypt, and have notasked at my mouth ; to strengthenthemselves in the strength ofPharaoh, and to take refuge inthe shadow of Egypt!"Isa . 8 :9-13 "0 ye peoples, . . .gird yourselves, and be brokenin pieces. Take counsel together,and it shall be brought to nought ;. . . Say ye not, A conspiracy . . .neither fear ye their fear . . . . Jehovahof hosts, him shall yesanctify."Jer . 51 :58 "The peoples shalllabor for vanity, and the nationsfor the fire ; and they shallbe weary."Ps . 127 :1 "Except Jehovah buildthe house, they labor in vain thatbuild it : except Jehovah keep thecity, the watchman waketh butin vain ."Dan . 4:30 "The king spake andsaid . Is not this great Babylon,which I have built for the royaldwelling-place, by the might ofmy power and for the glory ofmy majesty?"Gen. 11 :4 "And they said,Come, let us build us a city, anda tower, whose top may reachunto heaven, and let us makeus a name."Earthly resurrection not a violationof rest day . Life pattern reproduced;no new humanscreatedJohn 5 :28, 23 "The hour iscoming in which all those in thememorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out ."Job 14 :13-15 "Oh that thouwouldest hide me in Sheol, . . .that thou wouldest appoint me aSabbathset time, and remember me! Ifa man die, shall he live again?. . . Thou wouldest call, and Iwould answer thee : thou wouldesthave a desire to the work ofthy hands ."Ps . 119 :73 ; 139 :13, 15, 16 "Thyhands have made me and fashionedme." "For thou didst formmy inward parts : . . . My framewas not hidden from thee . . . . andin thy book they were all written ."Matt. 12 :11 "Who will be theman among you that has onesheep and, if this falls into a piton the sabbath, will not get holdof it and lift it out?"2 . Weekly SabbathGenesis, chapters 1, 2, 8, 9,although mentioning seven-daydivisions, do not command or indicatethese to end with a sabbathday .First instituted with IsraelitesEx . 16 :23, 26-30 "Jehovah hathspoken, Tomorrow is a solemnrest, a holy sabbath unto Jehovah: . Six days ye shallgather it [manna] ; but on theseventh day is the sabbath, init there shall be none. And itcame to pass on the seventh day,that there went out some of thepeople to gather, and they foundnone. And Jehovah said untoMoses, How long refuse ye to keepmy commandments and my laws?See, for that Jehovah hath givenyou the sabbath, therefore hegiveth you on the sixth day thebread of two days ; abide ye everyman in his place, let no man goout of his place on the seventhday . So the people rested onthe seventh day ."Ex . 20 :8-11 "Remember thesabbath day, to keep it holy ."Deut. 5 :2, 3, 12, 15 "Jehovahour God made a covenant withus in Horeb . Jehovah made notthis covenant with our fathers,but with us, even us, who are allof us here alive this day. . . . Thouwast a servant in the land ofEgypt, and Jehovah thy God

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