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Sabbath 324making supplication that you may and to hold your position beforesucceed in escaping all these the Son of man ."things that are destined to occur, See "Resurrection" .Sabbaththem : 'My Father has kept workinguntil now, and I keep working.'"2 Cor . 5 :17 "Consequently, ifanyone is in union with Christ,he is a new creation ; the oldthings passed away, look! newthings have come into existence ."Gal . 6 :15 "For neither is circumcisionanything nor is uncir-DEFINITIONLiterally : "Sabbath," from Sha-bath', "to rest ; desist ." "Sabbathday," therefore, means "rest day" or a day of desisting from certainworks . A sabbath day is always sanctified, brings blessings to therighteous.Day : A definite period of time (not necessarily 24 hours) .The Different Sabbaths cumcision, but a new creation is1 . God's 7,000-year rest day of something ."creative week .Eph. 1 :19, 20 "It is according to2 . The weekly sabbath (God's the operation of the mightinesslaw to the Israelites) .of his strength, with which he3 . Other sabbath days of God's has operated in the case of thelaw to the Israelites .Christ when he raised him up4 . Sabbath years (seventh andfiftieth) of God's law to theIsraelites .5 . The 1,000-year "KingdomSabbath" under Christ as King.1 . Jehovah's 7,000-Year SabbathGen. 2 :2, 3 "On the seventh dayGod finished his work which hehad made ; and he rested on theseventh day from all his workwhich he had made . And Godblessed the seventh day, and hallowedit ; because that in it herested from all his work whichGod had created and made ."Ex . 31 :17 "In six days Jehovahmade heaven and earth, and onthe seventh day he rested, andwas refreshed ."God desisted only toward earthlycreative worksJohn 5 :17 "But he answeredfrom the dead and seated him athis right hand in the heavenlyplaces ."Length of God's six creative daysand the rest day not 24 hourseach, but many yearsGen . 2 :4 "These are the generationsof the heavens and of theearth when they were created, inthe day [Heb ., yom] that JehovahGod made earth and heaven ."God's creative rest day 7,000years longGod rested shortly after creatingAdam and Eve and givingthem his law and the procreationmandate ."And Gen Jehovah . 2 :7, 16, God 17, formed 22 ; 1 :28-31 man. . . and man became a living soul ..of the tree of the knowledgeof good and evil, thou shalt noteat of it : . . . and the rib . . . madehe a woman, and brought herunto the man ." "And God saidunto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish . . . birds . . . and overevery living thing . . I have givenyou every herb . . . and . . . fruit . . .for food : . . . And there was eve-

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