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Return of Christserve him : his dominion is aneverlasting dominion, which shallnot pass away, and his kingdomthat which shall not be destroyed."At Jesus' Trial, A .D . 33, HighPriest Asks for This Sign ofChrist, but Jesus Testifies ItWill Come in the FutureMatt . 26 :63, 64 "So the highpriest said to him : 'By the livingGod I put you under oath totell us whether you are the Christthe Son of God!' Jesus said tohim : 'That was for you to say .Yet I say to you men, Fromhenceforth you will see the Sonof man sitting at the right handof power and coming on theclouds of heaven.' "Appearances of Jesus After HisResurrection Made in DifferentMaterialized BodiesJohn 20 :14-16 "After sayingthese things, she turned back andviewed Jesus standing, but shedid not discern it was Jesus . Jesussaid to her : 'Woman, why areyou weeping? Whom are youlooking for?' She, imagining itwas the gardener, said to him :'Sir, if you have carried him off,tell me where you have laid him,and I will take him away.' Jesussaid to her : 'Mary!' Upon turningaround, she said to him, inHebrew : 'Rabboni!' (which means'Teacher!') ."Luke 24:15, 16, 30, 31 "Now asthey were conversing and discussingJesus himself approachedand began traveling with them ;but their eyes were kept fromrecognizing him . And as he wasreclining with them at the mealhe took the loaf, blessed it, brokeit and began to hand it to them .At that their eyes were fullyopened and they recognized him ;and he disappeared from them ."See : Mark 16 :12 .320All His Appearances After HisResurrection Seen Only by HisDisciples, Not by the Public1 Cor. 15 :4-8 "And that he wasburied, yes, that he has beenraised up the third day accordingto the Scriptures, and thathe appeared to Cephas, then tothe twelve . After that he appearedto upward of five hundredbrothers at one time, the mostof whom remain to the present,but some have fallen asleep indeath. After that he appeared toJames, then to all the apostles ;but last of all he appeared alsoto me as if to one born prematurely."Angels Testified at Jesus' Ascensionas a Spirit that ChristWould Return in Like Manner,Quiet, Unobserved by thePublicActs 1 :9, 11 "And after he hadsaid these things, while they[only the disciples] were lookingon, he was lifted up and a cloudcaught him up from their vision .'Men of Galilee, why do youstand looking into the sky? ThisJesus who was received up fromyou into heaven will come thus inthe same manner as you havebeheld him going into heaven .'"Disciples Asked for Evidence ofChrist's Second PresenceMatt. 24:3 "While he was sittingupon the mount of Olives,the disciples approached him privately,saying : 'Tell us, When willthese things be, and what willbe the sign of your presence andof the consummation of the systemof things?"'Also : Mark 13 :4 ; Luke 21 :7 .See "Sign of Last Days" .Composite Sign Proves Fulfillmentof Second Presence in 1914Matt . 24 :7, 8, 30 "For nationwill rise against nation and kingdomagainst kingdom, and therewill be food shortages and earthquakesin one place after another .All these things are a beginning

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