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3 1 7have been saved-and he raisedus up together and seated ustogether in the heavenly placesin union with Christ Jesus ."Those Faithful Men of Old WhoProved Integrity Before JesusWill Be Raised to Life on EarthHeb . 11 :30-35 "Rahab . . . Gideon,Barak, Samson, Jephthah,David as well as Samuel and theother prophets, . . . stopped themouths of lions, stayed the forceof fire, escaped the edge of thesword . . . . Women received theirdead by resurrection ; but othermen were tortured because theywould not accept release by someransom, in order that they mightattain a better resurrection ."Isa . 26:19 "Thy dead shall live ;my dead bodies shall arise . Awakeand sing, ye that dwell in thedust ; for thy dew is as the dewof herbs, and the earth shallcast forth the dead ."Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom themfrom the power of Sheol ; I willredeem them from death : 0death, where are thy plagues? 0Sheol, where is thy destruction?"Acts 17 :31 "Because he has seta day in which he purposes tojudge the inhabited earth inrighteousness by a man whom hehas appointed, and he has furnisheda guarantee to all men inthat he has resurrected him fromthe dead."Faithful Other Sheep Dying NowHave Hope of Resurrectionon EarthJohn 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring,, . . andthey will become one flock, oneshepherd ."Matt . 25 :33, 34 "And he willput the sheep on his right hand,but the goats on his left . Thenthe king will say to those on hisResurrectionright : 'Come, you who have myFather's blessing, inherit thekingdom prepared for you fromthe world's foundation .'"Ps. 37 :9-11 "For evil-doers shallbe cut off ; but those that waitfor Jehovah, they shall inheritthe land . For yet a little while,and the wicked shall not be : yea,thou shalt diligently consider hisplace, and he shall not be . Butthe meek shall inherit the land,and shall delight themselves inthe abundance of peace."These Two Classes Likely to BeRaised Early After ArmageddonJob 14 :13 "That thou wouldestkeep me secret, until thy wrathbe past, that thou wouldest appointme a set time, and rememberme!"Dan . 12 :13 "For thou shalt rest,and shalt stand in thy lot, at theend of the days ."Rev . 20 :11, 12 "And I saw agreat_ white throne and the oneseated on it. From before him theearth and the heaven fled away,and no place was found for them .And I saw the dead, the greatand the small, standing beforethe throne ."All Three Groups, AccountedRighteous, Have Resurrectionof LifeJohn 5 :25-29 "Most truly I sayto you, the hour is coming, and itis now, when the dead will hearthe voice of the Son of God andthose who have given heed willlive. . . . and come out, those whodid good things to a resurrectionof life ."All Others in God's Memory,Reckoned Unrighteous, Raisedfor Judgment on EarthLuke 23 :40, 41, 43 "In reply theother rebuked him and said : 'Do

Resurrectionyou not fear God at all, nowthat you are in the same judgment?And we, indeed, justlyso, for we are receiving in fullwhat we deserve for things wedid ; but this man did nothingout of the way .' And he [Jesus]said to him : `Truly I tell youtoday, You will be with me inParadise.'"John 5 :25-30 "For just as theFather has in himself the giftof life, so he has granted to theSon to have also in himself thegift of life . And he has givenhim authority to do judging, becauseSon of man he is . . . . thosein the memorial tombs will hearhis voice and come out . . . . thosewho practiced vile things to aresurrection of judgment . . . . justas I hear, I judge, and the judgmentthat I render is righteous ."See "Judgment Days" .Awakening Must Wait UntilParadise Earth EstablishedAfter ArmageddonLuke 23 :42, 43 "And he wenton to say : `Jesus, remember mewhen you get into your kingdom .'And he said to him : `Truly I tellyou today, You will be with mein Paradise.'"Rev . 20 :11-13 "And I saw agreat white throne and the oneseated on it . From before him theearth and the heaven fled away,and no place was found for them .And I saw the dead, the greatand the small, standing beforethe throne, and scrolls wereopened . But another scroll wasopened; it is the scroll of life .And the dead were judged outof those things written in thescrolls according to their deeds .And the sea gave up those deadin it, and death and Hades gaveup those dead in them, and they318were judged individually accordingto their deeds ."All on Earth, Though AwakenedEarlier, Do Not Have Guaranteeof Life Until End of 1,000-YearReignRev. 20 :5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15 "Therest of the dead did not cometo life until the thousand yearswere ended . . . . Now as soon asthe thousand years have beenended, Satan will be let loose outof his prison, and he will go outto mislead those nations in thefour quarters of the earth, Gogand Magog, to gather them togetherfor the war. The numberof these is as the sand of thesea . And the Devil who wasmisleading them was hurled intothe lake of fire and sulphur . . . .And death and Hades were hurledinto the lake of fire. This meansthe second death, the lake offire . Furthermore, whoever wasnot found written in the bookof life was hurled into the lakeof fire ."Luke 20:35, 36 "But those whohave been counted worthy ofgaining that system of things andthe resurrection from the deadneither marry nor are given inmarriage . In fact, neither canthey die any more, for they arelike the angels, and they areGod's children by being childrenof the resurrection ."1 Cor. 15 :57 "But thanks toGod, for he gives us the victorythrough our Lord Jesus Christ!"Rev . 21 :1-4 "And I saw a newheaven and a new earth, for theformer heaven and the formerearth had passed away . . . . Andhe will wipe out every tear fromtheir eyes, and death will beno more, neither will mourningnor outcry nor pain be any more .The former things have passedaway ."

Resurrectionyou not fear God at all, nowthat you are in the same judgment?And we, indeed, justlyso, for we are receiving in fullwhat we deserve for things wedid ; but this man did nothingout of the way .' And he [Jesus]said to him : `Truly I tell youtoday, You will be with me inParadise.'"John 5 :25-30 "For just as theFather has in himself the giftof life, so he has granted to theSon to have also in himself thegift of life . And he has givenhim authority to do judging, becauseSon of man he is . . . . thosein the memorial tombs will hearhis voice and come out . . . . thosewho practiced vile things to aresurrection of judgment . . . . justas I hear, I judge, and the judgmentthat I render is righteous ."See "Judgment Days" .Awakening Must Wait UntilParadise Earth EstablishedAfter ArmageddonLuke 23 :42, 43 "And he wenton to say : `Jesus, remember mewhen you get into your kingdom .'And he said to him : `Truly I tellyou today, You will be with mein Paradise.'"Rev . 20 :11-13 "And I saw agreat white throne and the oneseated on it . From before him theearth and the heaven fled away,and no place was found for them .And I saw the dead, the greatand the small, standing beforethe throne, and scrolls wereopened . But another scroll wasopened; it is the scroll of life .And the dead were judged outof those things written in thescrolls according to their deeds .And the sea gave up those deadin it, and death and Hades gaveup those dead in them, and they318were judged individually accordingto their deeds ."All on Earth, Though AwakenedEarlier, Do Not Have Guaranteeof Life Until End of 1,000-YearReignRev. 20 :5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15 "Therest of the dead did not cometo life until the thousand yearswere ended . . . . Now as soon asthe thousand years have beenended, Satan will be let loose outof his prison, and he will go outto mislead those nations in thefour quarters of the earth, Gogand Magog, to gather them togetherfor the war. The numberof these is as the sand of thesea . And the Devil who wasmisleading them was hurled intothe lake of fire and sulphur . . . .And death and Hades were hurledinto the lake of fire. This meansthe second death, the lake offire . Furthermore, whoever wasnot found written in the bookof life was hurled into the lakeof fire ."Luke 20:35, 36 "But those whohave been counted worthy ofgaining that system of things andthe resurrection from the deadneither marry nor are given inmarriage . In fact, neither canthey die any more, for they arelike the angels, and they areGod's children by being childrenof the resurrection ."1 Cor. 15 :57 "But thanks toGod, for he gives us the victorythrough our Lord Jesus Christ!"Rev . 21 :1-4 "And I saw a newheaven and a new earth, for theformer heaven and the formerearth had passed away . . . . Andhe will wipe out every tear fromtheir eyes, and death will beno more, neither will mourningnor outcry nor pain be any more .The former things have passedaway ."

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