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Resurrectionturning around, she said to him,in Hebrew : `Rabboni!' (whichmeans `Teacher!') ."Jesus' Resurrection Not of SameBody ; He Merely MaterializedFlesh and Blood to Be Seenand Believed1 Cor . 15 :35-42, 45, 50 "Nevertheless,someone will say : `Howare the dead to be raised up?Yes, with what kind of body arethey coming?' You unreasonableperson! What you sow is notmade alive unless first it dies ;and as for what you sow, yousow, not the body that will develop,but a bare grain, it maybe, of wheat or any one of therest ; but God gives it a bodyjust as it has pleased him, andto each of the seeds its own body .Not all flesh is the same flesh,but there is one of mankind, andthere is another flesh of cattle,and another flesh of birds, andanother of fish . And there areheavenly bodies, and earthlybodies ; but the glory of the heavenlybodies is one kind, and thatof the earthly bodies is a differentkind. . . . So also is the resurrectionof the dead . . . . It is evenso written : `The first man Adambecame a living soul.' The lastAdam became a life-giving spirit .However, this I say, brothers, thatflesh and blood cannot inheritGod's kingdom, neither does corruptioninherit incorruption ."1 Pet . 3 :18 "Why, even Christdied once for all time concerningsins, a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he might leadyou to God, he being put to deathin the flesh, but being made alivein the spirit ."Acts 10 :40, 41 "God raised thisOne up on the third day andgranted him to become visible,not to all the people, but to witnessesappointed beforehand byGod, to us, who ate and drankwith him after his rising fromthe dead."Luke 24 :37-40 "But they wereterrified, and because they be-314came frightened they were imaginingthey beheld a spirit . So hesaid to them : `Why are youtroubled, and why is it doubtscome up in your hearts? See myhands and my feet, that it is Imyself ; feel me and see, becausea spirit does not have fleshand bones just as you beholdthat I have .' And as he said thishe showed them his hands andhis feet ."[Compare this appearance tothe experience of the discipleswhile Jesus was still alive in flesh(Matt. 14 :26, 27) .]Only Those in God's MemoryHave HopeJohn 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvelat this, because the hour is comingin which all those in thememorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out ."Acts 2 :27-32 "David . . . saw beforehandand spoke concerningthe resurrection of the Christ,that neither was he forsaken inHades nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God resurrected,of which fact we are allwitnesses ."Rev . 20 :13 "And the sea gaveup those dead in it, and deathand Hades gave up those dead inthem, and they were judged individuallyaccording to theirdeeds ."Wicked Will Never Be Rememberedfor ResurrectionProv . 21 :16 "The man thatwandereth out of the way of understandingshall rest in theassembly of the dead ."Prov . 10 :7 "The memory of therighteous is blessed ; but the nameof the wicked shall rot ."Obad . 16 "For as ye have drunkupon my holy mountain, so shallall the nations drink continually ;yea, they shall drink, and swallowdown, and shall be as thoughthey had not been ."Jer . 51 :57 "And they shall sleepa perpetual sleep, and not wake ."

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