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Ransom 294which buys back, loosens or releases, providing deliverance fromtrouble, distress and calamity, or, more especially, releasing frominherited sin and from prospects of eternal death as a result of sin .A true Bible doctrine .1 John 4 :9, 14 "By this thelove of God was made manifestin our case, because God sentforth his only-begotten Son intothe world that we might gainlife through him . In addition, weourselves have beheld and arebearing witness that the Fatherhas sent forth his Son as Saviorof the world ."John 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."Exact Price Needed for HumanLife Rights LostRansom Releases from Troubleand DistressEx . 6 :6 "Say unto the childrenof Israel, I am Jehovah, and Iwill bring you out from underthe burdens of the Egyptians,and I will rid you out of theirbondage, and I will redeem youwith an outstretched arm, andwith great judgments ."Ps. 107 :2, 3 "Let the redeemedof Jehovah say so, whom he hathredeemed from the hand of theadversary, and gathered out ofthe lands, from the east andfrom the west, from the northand from the south ."Jer . 31 :10-12 "He that scatteredIsrael will gather him, and keephim, as a shepherd doth his flock.For Jehovah hath ransomed Jacob,and redeemed him from thehand of him that was strongerthan he."Man Needs a Ransom from InheritedSin and DeathPs . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me."Rom. 5 :12 "That is why, justas through one man sin enteredinto the world and death throughsin, and thus death spread toall men because they had allsinned ."Ps. 49 :6, 7 "They that trust intheir wealth, and boast themselvesin the multitude of theirriches ; none of them can byany means redeem his brother,nor give to God a ransom forhim ."God Makes Provision Accordingto His Expressed PurposeJohn 3 :16, 17 "God . . . gave hisonly-begotten Son, in order thateveryone exercising faith in himmight not be destroyed but haveeverlasting life . For God sentforth his Son into the world ."Ex . 21 :23, 24 "Then thou shaltgive life for life, eye for eye,tooth for tooth, hand for hand,foot for foot."Ezek . 34 :16 "I will seek thatwhich was lost and will bringthat which was driven away ."Luke 19 :10 "For the Son ofman came to seek and to savewhat was lost ."Rom . 5 :19 "For just as throughthe disobedience of the one manmany were constituted sinners,likewise also through the obedienceof the one person manywill be constituted righteous ."1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "For there is oneGod, and one mediator betweenGod and men, a man Christ Jesus,who gave himself a correspondingransom for all."Perfect Human Life of JesusChrist Meets All RequirementsMatt . 1 :20, 21 "Mary . . . willgive birth to a son, and you mustcall his name `Jesus', for he willsave his people from their sins ."Acts 4 :12 "Furthermore, thereis no salvation in anyone else,for there is not another nameunder heaven that has been givenamong men by which we mustget saved."

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