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275The End of Wrong ThinkingIs DeathPhil. 3 :18, 19 "For there aremany, I used to mention themoften but now I mention themalso with weeping, who are walkingas the enemies of the torturestake of the Christ, and theirfinish is destruction, and theirgod is their belly, and their gloryconsists in their shame, and theyhave their minds upon things onthe earth ."Mind Must Be Trained in RightProcesses of ThinkingProv . 23 :26 "My son, give methy heart ; and let thine eyes delightin For, "observe," footnote]my ways ."Rom . 8 :5-8 "For those whoare in accord with the flesh settheir minds on the things of theflesh, but those in accord withthe spirit on the things of thespirit . For the minding of theflesh means death, but the mindingof the spirit means life andpeace ; because the minding ofthe flesh means enmity with God,for it is not under subjection tothe law of God, nor, in fact,can it be . So those who are inharmony with the flesh cannotplease God ."Love of God EssentialMatt. 22 :37 "He said to hire :`You must love Jehovah your Godwith your whole heart and withyour whole soul and with yourwhole mind .' "Being of a Double Mind Is FatalPs . 119 :113 "I hate them thatare of a double mind ; but thylaw do I love ."Rev . 3 :16 "So, because you arelukewarm and neither hot norcold, I am going to vomit youout of my mouth ."Positive Thinking Required,Considering ForwardlookingPlansPhil. 3 :13-16 "Forgetting thethings behind and stretchingNew-World Livingforward to the things ahead, Iam pursuing down toward thegoal for the prize of the callingabove and which God extends inChrist Jesus . Let us, then, asmany of us as are mature, be ofthis mental attitude ; and if youare mentally inclined otherwisein any respect, God will revealthe above attitude to you . At anyrate, to what extent we havemade progress, let us go on walkingorderly in this same routine ."Phil . 2 :5 "Keep this mentalattitude in you which was alsoin Christ Jesus."Must Get Truth into Mind andHeart, Making It One's MotivatingForce, Not Being Overburdenedwith Cares of This WorldLuke 8 :5-8, 11, 13-15 "A sowerwent out to sow his seed . Well,as he was sowing, some of it . . .landed upon the rock-mass, and,after sprouting, it dried up becauseof not having moisture .Some other fell among the thorns,and the thorns that grew upwith it choked it off. Some otherfell upon the good soil, and,after sprouting, it produced fruita hundredfold . . . . Now the illustrationmeans this : The seed isthe word of God. Those uponthe rock-mass are the ones who,when they hear it, receive theword with joy, but these have noroot ; they believe for a season,but in a season of testing theyfall away . As for that which fellamong the thorns, these are theones that have heard, but, ibeing carried away by anxietiesand wealth and pleasures of thislife, they are completely chokedand bring nothing to perfection .As for that on the right soil,these are the ones that, afterhearing the word with a rightand good heart, retain it andbear fruit with endurance ."Accurate Knowledge of God'sRequirements NecessaryCol . 3 :2, 9, 10 "Keep yourminds fixed on the things ahove,

New-World Livingnot on the things upon the earth .. . . Strip off the old personalitywith its practices, and clotheyourselves with the new personalitywhich through accurateknowledge is being renewed accordingto the image of the onewho created it ."Requirements of God Extendinto Daily Living1 Tim. 6 :13, 14 "In the sight ofGod who preserves all thingsalive and of Christ Jesus, whoas a witness made the right publicdeclaration in the audience ofPontius Pilate, I give you ordersthat you observe the commandmentin a spotless and irreprehensibleway until the manifestationof our Lord Jesus Christ ."Jas . 1 :27 "The form of worshipthat is clean and undefiledfrom the standpoint of our Godand Father is this : to care fororphans and widows in theirtribulation, and to keep oneselfwithout spot from the world ."Everyday Affairs of Life ShouldBe Governed by Mental AttitudeToward Christ1 Pet . 1 :13-16 "Hence brace upyour minds for activity, keepcompletely balanced and set yourhope upon the undeserved kindnessthat is to be brought to youat the revelation of Jesus Christ .As obedient children, quit beingfashioned according to the desiresyou formerly had in yourignorance, but, in accord with theholy one who called you, do youalso become holy yourselves inall your conduct, because it iswritten : `You must be holy, becauseI am holy .'"Gossip and Backbiting, Thoughtless,Tactless and UnkindRemarks AvoidedJas . 1 :26 "If any man seemsto himself to be a formal worshiperand yet does not bridlehis tongue, but goes on deceivinghis own heart, this man's formof worship is futile ."276Jas. 3 :6, 8-10 "The tongue isa fire . The tongue is constituteda world of unrighteousness amongour members, for it spots up allthe body and sets the wheel ofnatural life aflame and it isset aflame by Gehenna . . Anunruly injurious thing, it is fullof death-dealing poison. With itwe bless Jehovah, even the Father,and yet with it we cursemen who have come into existence'in the likeness of GodIt is not proper, my brothers, forthese things to go on occurringthis way ."Prov. 16 :28 "A whisperer separatethchief friends."Uninvited Meddling in Others'Personal Affairs Condemned1 Tim . 5 :13 "At the same timethey also learn to be unoccupied,gadding about to the houses, yes,not only unoccupied, but alsogossipers and meddlers in otherpeople's affairs, talking of thingsthey ought not ."1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let noneof you suffer as a murderer ora thief or an evildoer or as abusybody in other people's matters."Disagreements and StrifeForgotten1 Cor . 3 :3 "For you are yetfleshly . For whereas there arejealousy and strife among you,are you not fleshly and are younot walking as men do?"Maliciously Criticizing Others'Shortcomings ImproperGal . 6 :1 "Brothers, even thougha man takes some false step beforehe is aware of it, you whohave spiritual qualifications tryto restore such a man in a spiritof mildness, as you each keepan eye on yourself, for fear youalso may be tempted ."Closeness of Family Relationshipin Congregation Requires ContinuedUnited Effort Aboundingin LoveCol . 3 :12-14 "Accordingly, asGod's chosen ones, holy and loved,

275The End of Wrong ThinkingIs DeathPhil. 3 :18, 19 "For there aremany, I used to mention themoften but now I mention themalso with weeping, who are walkingas the enemies of the torturestake of the Christ, and theirfinish is destruction, and theirgod is their belly, and their gloryconsists in their shame, and theyhave their minds upon things onthe earth ."Mind Must Be Trained in RightProcesses of ThinkingProv . 23 :26 "My son, give methy heart ; and let thine eyes delightin For, "observe," footnote]my ways ."Rom . 8 :5-8 "For those whoare in accord with the flesh settheir minds on the things of theflesh, but those in accord withthe spirit on the things of thespirit . For the minding of theflesh means death, but the mindingof the spirit means life andpeace ; because the minding ofthe flesh means enmity with God,for it is not under subjection tothe law of God, nor, in fact,can it be . So those who are inharmony with the flesh cannotplease God ."Love of God EssentialMatt. 22 :37 "He said to hire :`You must love Jehovah your Godwith your whole heart and withyour whole soul and with yourwhole mind .' "Being of a Double Mind Is FatalPs . 119 :113 "I hate them thatare of a double mind ; but thylaw do I love ."Rev . 3 :16 "So, because you arelukewarm and neither hot norcold, I am going to vomit youout of my mouth ."Positive Thinking Required,Considering ForwardlookingPlansPhil. 3 :13-16 "F<strong>org</strong>etting thethings behind and stretchingNew-World Livingforward to the things ahead, Iam pursuing down toward thegoal for the prize of the callingabove and which God extends inChrist Jesus . Let us, then, asmany of us as are mature, be ofthis mental attitude ; and if youare mentally inclined otherwisein any respect, God will revealthe above attitude to you . At anyrate, to what extent we havemade progress, let us go on walkingorderly in this same routine ."Phil . 2 :5 "Keep this mentalattitude in you which was alsoin Christ Jesus."Must Get Truth into Mind andHeart, Making It One's MotivatingForce, Not Being Overburdenedwith Cares of This WorldLuke 8 :5-8, 11, 13-15 "A sowerwent out to sow his seed . Well,as he was sowing, some of it . . .landed upon the rock-mass, and,after sprouting, it dried up becauseof not having moisture .Some other fell among the thorns,and the thorns that grew upwith it choked it off. Some otherfell upon the good soil, and,after sprouting, it produced fruita hundredfold . . . . Now the illustrationmeans this : The seed isthe word of God. Those uponthe rock-mass are the ones who,when they hear it, receive theword with joy, but these have noroot ; they believe for a season,but in a season of testing theyfall away . As for that which fellamong the thorns, these are theones that have heard, but, ibeing carried away by anxietiesand wealth and pleasures of thislife, they are completely chokedand bring nothing to perfection .As for that on the right soil,these are the ones that, afterhearing the word with a rightand good heart, retain it andbear fruit with endurance ."Accurate Knowledge of God'sRequirements NecessaryCol . 3 :2, 9, 10 "Keep yourminds fixed on the things ahove,

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