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25one seated on the horse and withhis army ."Christians Have No Part inSlaying WorkEph. 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments,against the authorities, againstthe world-rulers of this darkness,against the wicked spirit forcesin the heavenly places ."2 Cor. 10:3, 4 "For though wewalk in the flesh, we do not wagewarfare according to what we arein the flesh . For the weapons ofour warfare are not fleshly, butpowerful by God for overturningstrongly entrenched things ."2 Chron . 20 :15, 17 "The battleis not yours, but God's . Ye shallnot need to fight in this battle :set yourselves, stand ye still, andsee the salvation of Jehovah withyou."Rom. 12 :19 "Do not avengeyourselves, beloved, but yieldplace to the wrath ; for it iswritten : 'Vengeance is mine, Iwill repay, says Jehovah.'"Also : Rev. 2 :26, 27 ; 19 :13-15 ;Ezek . 9 :2, 4, 5 .Description of Old World'sAccomplished EndJer. 25 :29-33 "I will call for asword upon all the inhabitantsof the earth, saith Jehovah ofhosts . . . . for Jehovah hath acontroversy with the nations ; . . .And the slain of Jehovah shall beat that day from one end of theearth even unto the other end ofthe earth : they shall not be lamented,neither gathered, norburied ; they shall be dung uponthe face of the ground ."Isa . 34 :1-9 "Jehovah hath indignationagainst all the nations,and wrath against all their host :he hath utterly destroyed them,he hath delivered them to theslaughter "eph. 1:14, 17, 18 "The greatday of Jehovah is near, . themighty man crieth there bitterly .. . . their blood shall be pouredArmageddonout as dust, and their flesh asdung . Neither their silver northeir gold shall be able to deliverthem in the day of Jehovah'swrath ; but the whole land shallbe devoured by the fire of hisjealousy : for he will make anend, yea, a terrible end, of allthem that dwell in the land ."War of Supernatural Forceseph. 3 :8 "Wait ye for me,saith Jehovah, until the day thatI rise up to the prey ; for mydetermination is to gather thenations, that I may assemble thekingdoms, to pour upon themmine indignation, even all myfierce anger ; for all the earthshall be devoured with the fireof my jealousy ."Jude 14, 15 "Look! Jehovahcame with his holy myriads, toexecute judgment against all andto convict all the ungodly concerningall their ungodly deedsthat they did in an ungodly wayand concerning all the shockingthings that ungodly sinners spokeagainst him."Isa . 66:15, 16 "Behold, Jehovahwill come with fire, and hischariots shall be like the whirlwind; to render his anger withfierceness, and his rebuke withflames of fire. For by fire willJehovah execute judgment, andby his sword, upon all flesh ; andthe slain of Jehovah shall bemany ."ech. 14 :3, 12 "Then shall Jehovahgo forth, and fight againstthose nations, as when he foughtin the day of battle . And thisshall be the plague wherewithJehovah will smite all the peoplesthat have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consumeaway while they stand upon theirfeet, and their eyes shall consumeaway in their sockets, andtheir tongue shall consume awayin their mouth."Ps . 46 :1-3, 8-10 "Come, beholdthe works of Jehovah, what desolationshe hath made in the earth .He maketh wars to cease unto

Armageddonthe end of the earth ; he breakeththe bow, and cutteth the spearin sunder ; he burneth the chariotsin the fire ."Hab . 3:2, 11, 12 "O Jehovah,revive thy work in the midst ofthe years ; in the midst of theyears make it known ; in wrathremember mercy . The sun andmoon stood still in their habitation,at the light of thine arrowsas they went, at the shining ofthy glittering spear. Thou didstmarch through the land in indignation; thou didst thresh thenations in anger ."Also : Ps . 110 :5, 6 ; Matt . 24 :20,21, 35 . 36 ; Joel 3 :9-14 .Order of FallRev. 17 :12, 16 ; 19 :19-20 :3 "Andthe ten horns . . . and the wildbeast, these will hate the harlotand will make her devastated andnaked . . . . And the wild beastwas caught, and . . . the falseprophet . . . both were hurled intothe fiery lake . . . But the restwere killed off with the longsword of the one seated on thehorse . And I saw an angeland he seized . Satan,And he hurled him into theabyss."Comes Suddenly, Unexpectedly2 Pet. 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's daywill come as a thief, in whichthe heavens will pass away witha hissing noise, but the elementsbeing intensely hot will be dissolved,and earth and the worksin it will be discovered ."Isa . 28 :21 "For Jehovah willrise up as in mount Perazim, hewill be wroth as in the valley ofGibeon ; that he may do his work,his strange work, and bring topass his act, his strange act ."Luke 21 :34, 35 "Pay attentionto yourselves that your heartsnever become weighed down withovereating and heavy drinkingand anxieties of life, and suddenlythat day be instantly uponyou as a snare . For it will comein upon all those dwelling uponthe face of all the earth ."261 Thess. 5:3 "Whenever it isthat they are saying, `Peace andsecurity!' then sudden destructionis to be instantly upon themjust as the pang of distress upona pregnant woman, and they willby no means escape ."Comes After Earth-wideWarning CampaignMatt . 24:14 "This good news ofthe kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for thepurpose of a witness to all thenations, and then the accomplishedend will come."Ezek . 9 :2, 4-6 "And behold, sixmen came from the way of theupper gate, which lieth towardthe north, every man with hisslaughter weapon in his hand ;and one man in the midst ofthem clothed in linen, with awriter's inkhorn by his side . AndJehovah said unto him, Gothrough the midst of the city,and set a mark upon theforeheads of the men that sighand that cry over all the abominationsthat are done in themidst thereof . And to the othershe said . . . Go ye through thecity after him, and smite : letnot your eye spare, neither haveye pity ; slay utterly the old man,the young man and the virgin,and little children and women ;but come not near any man uponwhom is the mark ."Isa . 6 :9, 11 "And he said, Go,and tell this people, . Thensaid I, Lord, how long? And heanswered, Until cities be wastewithout inhabitant, and houseswithout man, and the land becomeutterly waste."Survivors1 Thess . 5 :4 "But you, brothers,you are not in darkness, so thatthat day should overtake you asit would thieves ."eph . 2:2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you,before the day of Jehovah's angercome upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,

Armageddonthe end of the earth ; he breakeththe bow, and cutteth the spearin sunder ; he burneth the chariotsin the fire ."Hab . 3:2, 11, 12 "O Jehovah,revive thy work in the midst ofthe years ; in the midst of theyears make it known ; in wrathremember mercy . The sun andmoon stood still in their habitation,at the light of thine arrowsas they went, at the shining ofthy glittering spear. Thou didstmarch through the land in indignation; thou didst thresh thenations in anger ."Also : Ps . 110 :5, 6 ; Matt . 24 :20,21, 35 . 36 ; Joel 3 :9-14 .Order of FallRev. 17 :12, 16 ; 19 :19-20 :3 "Andthe ten horns . . . and the wildbeast, these will hate the harlotand will make her devastated andnaked . . . . And the wild beastwas caught, and . . . the falseprophet . . . both were hurled intothe fiery lake . . . But the restwere killed off with the longsword of the one seated on thehorse . And I saw an angeland he seized . Satan,And he hurled him into theabyss."Comes Suddenly, Unexpectedly2 Pet. 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's daywill come as a thief, in whichthe heavens will pass away witha hissing noise, but the elementsbeing intensely hot will be dissolved,and earth and the worksin it will be discovered ."Isa . 28 :21 "For Jehovah willrise up as in mount Perazim, hewill be wroth as in the valley ofGibeon ; that he may do his work,his strange work, and bring topass his act, his strange act ."Luke 21 :34, 35 "Pay attentionto yourselves that your heartsnever become weighed down withovereating and heavy drinkingand anxieties of life, and suddenlythat day be instantly uponyou as a snare . For it will comein upon all those dwelling uponthe face of all the earth ."261 Thess. 5:3 "Whenever it isthat they are saying, `Peace andsecurity!' then sudden destructionis to be instantly upon themjust as the pang of distress upona pregnant woman, and they willby no means escape ."Comes After Earth-wideWarning CampaignMatt . 24:14 "This good news ofthe kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for thepurpose of a witness to all thenations, and then the accomplishedend will come."Ezek . 9 :2, 4-6 "And behold, sixmen came from the way of theupper gate, which lieth towardthe north, every man with hisslaughter weapon in his hand ;and one man in the midst ofthem clothed in linen, with awriter's inkhorn by his side . AndJehovah said unto him, Gothrough the midst of the city,and set a mark upon theforeheads of the men that sighand that cry over all the abominationsthat are done in themidst thereof . And to the othershe said . . . Go ye through thecity after him, and smite : letnot your eye spare, neither haveye pity ; slay utterly the old man,the young man and the virgin,and little children and women ;but come not near any man uponwhom is the mark ."Isa . 6 :9, 11 "And he said, Go,and tell this people, . Thensaid I, Lord, how long? And heanswered, Until cities be wastewithout inhabitant, and houseswithout man, and the land becomeutterly waste."Survivors1 Thess . 5 :4 "But you, brothers,you are not in darkness, so thatthat day should overtake you asit would thieves ."eph . 2:2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you,before the day of Jehovah's angercome upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,

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