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2 6 5man, but through Jesus Christand God the Father . . . . for neitherdid I accept it from man,nor was I taught it, exceptthrough revelation by JesusChrist."No Certificate of OrdinationNecessary2 Cor . 3 :1-3 "Do we, perhaps,like some men, need letters ofrecommendation to you or fromyou? You yourselves are our letter,inscribed on our hearts andknown and being read by allmankind . For you are shown tobe a letter of Christ written byus as ministers, inscribed notwith ink but with spirit of theliving God, not on stone tablets,but on fleshly tablets, on hearts ."Theological Seminary TrainingNot NecessaryJohn 7 :15 "Therefore the Jewsfell to wondering, saying : 'Howdoes this man have a knowledgeof letters, when he has notstudied at the schools?' "Acts 4 :13 "Now when they beheldthe outspokenness of Peterand John, and perceived thatthey were men unlettered andordinary, they got to wondering .And they began to recognizeabout them that they used to bewith Jesus ."Dedication Must PrecedeOrdinationMatt. 16 :24 "Then Jesus saidto his disciples : 'If anyone wantsto come after me, let him disownhimself and pick up his torturestake and follow me continually .'"Heb . 10 :7 "Then I said, 'Look!I am come (in the roll of thebook it is written about me) todo your will, 0 God .'"Baptism a Symbol of SuchDedication to Be God'sMinisterMatt . 28 :19 "Go therefore andmake disciples of people of allMinister of Godthe nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the holy spirit ."Matt . 3 :13-17 "Then Jesus camefrom Galilee to the Jordan toJohn in order to be baptized byhim . But the latter tried to preventhim, saying : 'I am the oneneeding to be baptized by you,and are you coming to me?' Inreply Jesus said to him : 'Let itbe, this time, for in that wayit is suitable for us to carryout all that is righteous .' Thenhe quit preventing him . Afterbeing baptized Jesus immediatelycame up from the water ; and,look! the heavens were openedup, and he saw descending likea dove God's spirit coming uponhim. Look! also, there was avoice from the heavens that said :'This is my Son, the beloved,whom I have approved .'"Women May Be MinistersActs 2 :17, 18 "'And in thelast days,' God says, 'I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy andyour young men will see visionsand your old men will dreamdreams ; and even upon my menslaves and upon my women slavesI will pour out some of my spiritin those days, and they willprophesy.'"Acts 21 :9 "This man had fourdaughters, virgins, that prophesied."Rom . 16 :1 "I recommend to youPhoebe our sister, who is a ministerof the congregation whichis in Cenchreae ."Titus 2 :3 "Likewise let the agedwomen be reverent in behavior,not slanderous, neither enslavedto a lot of wine, teachers of whatis good ."Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jewnor Greek, there is neither slave

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